


细节题。本题考查申请的截止日期。文章第三段首句提到“The closing date for application is February 1, 2009”,closing date和deadline是同义词,表示“截止日期”,此处应填February 1, 2009。


单选题Obtaining enough food is the first concern for every nation; in some countries food shortages have become a serious problem.A生产足够的粮食是各国的首要国策;有些国家已面临粮食减产这一重大问题。B能否获得充足的粮食关系到每个国家的生存;有些国家粮食短缺的问题日益严重。C获得足够的粮食是所有国家的头等大事;粮食短缺已成为一些国家的严重问题。

单选题The US Department of Labor statistics shows that _____.Amany college graduates find it increasingly hard to get suitable jobsBthere is an oversupply of workers and this oversupply is increasing recentlyCteachers, engineers, physicists and other specialists are extremely neededDcolleges and graduate schools have become aware of the severe situation in the labor market

单选题Your new product would not have sold so well but for a lot of advertisements we put on the television.A如果我们没在电视上作大量广告,你们的新产品就不会有很好的销路。B虽然我们未在电视上作大量广告,你们的产品依然销路很好。C若不是我们作了大量的电视广告,你们的新产品销路不会这么好。

填空题How long does the Lucky Promotion last?From January 1st to ____, 2005.


单选题_____AThe size.BThe furniture.CThe location.DThe rent.

单选题The examples given in Para.2 are used to illustrate that _____.Apeople’s handwriting would have been better without computersBartists are those who like new technology for its own sakeCtechnical improvements enable tennis players to defeat their opponentsDpeople rely too much on modern technology

单选题When people are traveling to Canada or Mexico, a passport is a must for _____.AAmerican citizens.BJapanese citizens.CMexican citizens.DCanadian citizens.

填空题What did Ms. Green complain about in her letter of yesterday?She complained about the____.

单选题The purpose of this letter is to _____.Atell the customers about the quality of their productsBexpress the company’s thanks to the customersCprove the excellent service of the companyDinform the customers of a new catalogue

单选题_____ALook for Jack.BBuy some medicine.CCall for a doctor.DSend Jack to school.

单选题_____ATwo days.BThe whole afternoon.CA whole day.DThe whole morning.



单选题What does SAL stand for in this passage?AShanghai Airport.BShanghai Airlines.CShenzhen Airport.DSouth Airlines.



单选题_____AIt will be revised.BIt will be approved.CIt has been canceled.DIt is under discussion.

填空题30 percent of the students who (interview) ____ yesterday believe they should continue with their education until they have a university degree.

单选题Ever since I arrived here, I _____ in the dormitory because it is cheaper.AlivedBwas livingChad been livingDhave been living

单选题_____AHe has got the required knowledge.BHe is satisfied with the salary offered.CHe thought he could be hired by the company.DHe wanted to have better chances for development.

单选题_____AShe was tired of reading it.BShe liked it very much.CShe didn’t think much of it.DShe wasn’t interested in it.

填空题According to the passage, what happens to those who exercise regularly?They can eat more, and still lose a large amount of ____.


单选题_____AYes, I have.BYes, it is.CI like the city.DIt’s a famous city.

填空题Before the flight takes off, all passengers are asked to (fast) ____ their seat belts.


填空题Miss Li was (luck) ____ enough to get the opportunity to work in that world-famous company.