单选题______Acreate Bconserve Charness Dreserve












单选题Who wrote “Little Women”?ACharles Dodgson.BEdwards Lear.CSamuel Clemens.DLouisa May Alcott.

单选题______Ahappy Bfamilies Cit Dup

单选题A female mantis does not hesitate to devour her own mate if she is hungry.Aignore Bfight Cconsume Dhurt

单选题The example of the pupils’ learning about Mexico shows that __________.Aa child usually learns the right things from their teachersBa teacher can correct a pupil’s wrong ideasCa teacher’s attitude can influence a child’s attitude by teachingDa child’s attitude is very changeable


单选题______AAnywhere BNowhere CWherever DWhereto

单选题The number of USA citizens who are eligible to vote continues to increase.Aencouraged Benforced Cexpected Dentitled

单选题______Ameans Bapproaches Cmodes Dmeasures

单选题A statement made or implied in the passage is that __________.Aattitudes can be based on the learning of falsehoodsBa child can develop in the classroom an attitude about the importance of brushing his teethCattitudes cannot easily be changed by rewards and lecturesDthe attitudes of elementary school-aged children are influenced primarily by their teachers

单选题What is the best title for this passage?AGlobalization of the WorldBRapid Development of High-tech Communication Equipment and Overseas MarketCSecret of Success for Modern BusinessDKey Factors for Business and Business People in Modern World

单选题The combined evidence of history and ecology seems to support one general deduction : the less violent the man made changes, the greater the probability of successful readjustment in the biotic pyramid.Ainference Binduction Chypothesis Dspeculation

单选题Lack government support, they had to approach sponsors, organizers, and musicians on their own — at first, she claims, in her country.ALacksBLackedCLackingDA lack of

问答题Globalization  What exactly does globalization mean? Concepts related to globalization include “internationalization”, “multidomestic marketing”, and “multinational or transnational marketing”, suggesting that the basic criterion is transactions across national boundaries. In the marketing and strategic management literature, globalization is conceptualized as a means to gain competitive advantage by locating different stages of production in different geographic regions according to the particular region’s comparative advantage. This conceptualization focuses only on the economic aspects of globalization; social, cultural and political factors are only considered in the context of achieving economic advantage. Thus, being “culturally sensitive” in global markets is being able to sell one’s product with enough ingenuity to avoid possible pitfalls arising from the seller’s ignorance of local customs. International marketing textbooks discuss such cultural pitfalls in great detail; however, the cultural contest of globalization is always framed by the economy.  Broader conceptualization of globalization can be found in other disciplines such as sociology and anthropology. Waters defined globalization as “a social process in which the constraints of geography on social and cultural arrangements recede and in which people become increasingly aware that they are receding.” This conceptualization with its much broader scope, allows for the examination of a number of consequences of globalization, not jut economic but social, cultural and political ones.  While there are a few different conceptualizations of globalization, researchers seem to be in agreement that there are at least three dimensions of globalization: economic, political and cultural. The economic aspects of globalization stem from the spread of the capitalist world economy and the resulting expansion of goods and services. The need for cheap raw materials, cheap labor and new markets saw the expansion of the capitalist world economy from one that was primarily Eurocentric to one that encompassed the entire world. This process was achieved by various means and often involved overcoming political resistances in the new markets. The political aspects of globalization involved establishing control over markets and raw materials through either the use of direct military power or the establishment of international institutions that control such markets. The rise of the nation-state is an example of the political aspect of globalization, although it is argued that advances in telecommunications and information systems and the resulting constructions of institutions that transience territorial boundaries are making the nation-state obsolete.  If the economic and political aspects of globalization involve material and power exchanges, the cultural of globalization involves the expression of symbols that represents facts, meanings, beliefs, preferences, tastes and values. In fact, these symbolic exchanges are increasingly displacing economic and political exchanges in the spread of global mass culture. Traditional barriers of language pose no problems to modem means of cultural production such as satellite television and film. However, the new “global culture”, despite its manifestations through consumption of global products and symbols in different part of the globe, is essentially the culture of dominant groups centered in the West.

问答题农民工月收入不到1000元  农田面积的不断缩小造成农民工队伍的日趋壮大,同时也带来很多社会问题。我国农民工大多是从农村进城打工的贫困农民,数量已超过1亿。目前,我国城市外来农民工的月工资平均为966元,远高于普通农民的月收入,但与城市居民相比仍处于较低水平。我国农民的平均月收入只有城市居民的四分之一左右。  据国家统计局的一项最新调查显示,我国一半农民工的人均月收入低于800元,19.67%的农民工月收入低于500元。在参加调查的29,425名农民工中,10%的人月收入达到1,500元。调查显示,我国东部地区的农民工最“富”,月平均收入达到1,090元,而中、西部地区农民工的月收入则分别为880元和835元。  我国农民工的月花销平均为463元,其中,住宿72元,饮食235元,休闲47元。为了提高专业技能,有一半的受调查农民工接受过职业培训,24.1%的人是自学“成才”。在5,065名携子女入城的农民工中,只有1.05%的人的子女辍学,而49.2%的农民工除向学校缴纳学费外,还要缴纳“登记费”,平均1,226元。


单选题______AHaving BWith CIn DOn


问答题中美经贸合作  解决美中贸易逆差扩大的现实的办法是,美国进一步扩大对中国的出口。为此,我们已经以最大的诚意和最大的努力,大幅度增加了对美国农产品和机电产品的进口,并将进一步扩大我所需商品的采购。同时,我们也希望美国承认中国市场经济国家地位,解除对中国高新技术的出口限制。在这方面,我们真诚地希望,美国有关方面把那些陈旧观念和做法抛到太平洋去,来一个大胆的与时俱进。  我们对中美经贸合作的前景充满信心。也许道路是不平坦的,但前途一定是光明的。纵观国际形势,中美两国经贸合作正面临一个难得的重要战略机遇期。中美在经贸领域相互依存、互利共赢、你中有我、我中有你的格局已经初步形成。美国的经济已开始复苏。同时,中国的经济将在今后相当长一个时期内保持良好的发展势头。

单选题Latin America, with its many diverse musical cultures, is a case in point.Aanimated Belevated Cvaried Ddignified

问答题中国的环保  我们高度重视资源节约和环境保护,把节能和减排(emission-reduction)作为国家的目标。近两年,又提出并实施节能减排综合性工作方案,建立节能减排指标体系、监测体系、考核体系和目标责任制(a system of accountabifity for reaching the targets),颁布了应对气候变化国家方案。依法淘汰一大批落后生产能力,关停小型火力发电厂产能(thermal power plants with a total capacity of)2157万千瓦、小煤矿1.12万处,淘汰落后炼铁设施(iron- smelting facilities)产能4659万吨、炼钢产能3747万吨、水泥产能8700万吨。启动十大重点节能工程。中央政府投资支持重点流域水污染防治项目691个。继续推进天然林保护、京津风沙源治理(control the factors causing sandstorms in Beijing and Tianjin)等生态建设,五年累计退耕还林3191万公顷,退牧还草3460万公顷。我们还加强土地和水资源保护。经过各方面努力,节能减排取得积极进展,去年单位国内生产总值能耗(energy consumption per unit of GDP)比上年下降3.27%,化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand)、二氧化硫(emission of sulfur dioxide)排放总量近年来首次出现双下降,比上年分别下降3.14%和4.66%。节约资源和保护环境从认识到实践都发生了重要转变。

单选题______AOn the contraryBOn the averageCOn the wholeDOn the other hand

单选题When he fails his final examination, he is sure of a university place.AIfBIn caseCEven whenDEven if

单选题The phrase “call-outs” in the passage is used to____________.Acancelled NHSBemergent visits to his patients at any timeCnight visits to the home of his patientsDnight walks out of his home

单选题______Ato Bin Cout Doff

单选题______Avillages Bareas Ctowns Dhouses


