单选题Ever since the Smiths moved to the lake area a year ago, they _____ better health.Acould have enjoyedBhad enjoyedChave been enjoyingDare enjoying

Ever since the Smiths moved to the lake area a year ago, they _____ better health.

could have enjoyed


had enjoyed


have been enjoying


are enjoying




Fed up of city life ,the young couple moved out to live in the suburbs a month ago.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

We haven't seen such a beautiful film(). A、since four yearsB、for the past four yearsC、four years ago

Ever since the Smiths moved to the lake area a year ago, they ______ better health. A.could have enjoyedB.had enjoyedC.have been enjoyingD.are enjoying

The old lady has never ______the house since she moved in.A. been awayB. leftC. livedD. stayed at

I started my teaching career at the school. That was more than twenty years ago, and I _____ there ever since.A. wasB. had beenC. will beD. have been

The house ______in bad repair since he moved out.A、wasB、has beenC、had beenD、was being

It s been a(n) ___________ tradition ever since. People celebrate it every year. A、annualB、deliciousC、crowded

Ever since 1990, the Greens________(live) a peaceful life in this village.

—When did he go to America?—Oh, he ______ there since half a year ago.A wentB has beenC has goneD was

If someone ever shed a tear _______ your drinking, then you are an alcoholic.A: because ofB: becauseC: asD: since

The boy have grown two inches or more since I ________ him a year ago. A. seeB. sawC. have seenD. am seeing

The boy has been taking piano lessons from my neighbor ( ) he was 12. A、ever sinceB、ever whenC、from whenD、from since

Some of these shoals have been disproved and are not charted. Nevertheless mariners should ________ with particular caution in this area.A.goB.proceedC.moveD.remove

I simply gave in to him,and I've felt regretted it ever since.A: sorryB:disappointedC:shamefulD:disheartened

Little help seems to_____ the disaster-hit area since the explosion took place 3 hours ago.A.offerB.have been offeredC.be offeredD.have offered

She teaches in a remote area, where______ a lake.A.lies B.laysC.does lie D.does lay

When did you move to America?()AThree years ago.BAbout three years.CNext year.DThis year

When did you move to America?()A、Three years ago.B、About three years.C、Next year.D、This year

单选题Since 1960, the fast-growing town of Hotstone, Arizona, has drawn water from the Gray River, which feeds Lake Mudfish. If the town’s water use continues to grow at its present rate, in about 20 years the water level of Lake Mudfish will inevitably decrease to the point that it can no longer support its biologically fragile population of fish.  The prediction above is based on which of the following assumptions?AAs the town’s water requirements grow, it will not be able to meet those requirements by drawing on water sources other than the Gray River.BSince 1960, the lake’s population of fish has become more biologically fragile.CThe amount of water that the lake loses to evaporation each year will increase over the next two decades.DThere are multiple sources of water besides the Gray River that feed into Lake Mudfish.EThe town of Hotstone will be able to reverse its trend of increasing water use if it implements an aggressive water conservation program.

单选题He has learned to use chopsticks since his family ______ to China.AmoveBmovedChas moved

单选题Ever since the Smiths moved to the lake area a year ago, they ______ better health.Acould have enjoyedBhad enjoyedChave been enjoyingDare enjoying

单选题Hannah finished building her new all-purpose projects room last year, and she has been working in the room ever since.Aand she has been working in the room ever sinceBand since that time she has worked thereCwhere always since she worksDshe has been working in that room ever sinceEand since then is working there

问答题Not so long ago, people talked about global warming in apocalyptic terms—imagining the Statue of Liberty up to its chin in water or an onslaught of tropical diseases in Oslo. Recently, however, advances in our understanding of climate have moved global warming from a subject for a summer disaster movie to a serious but manageable scientific and policy issue. The greenhouse effect is nothing new; it has been operating ever since the earth formed. Without it, the surface of the globe would be a frigid –20 ℃ (–4 °F), the oceans would have frozen, and no life would have developed.

单选题Have you ever visited the Summer Palace, _____ there are many beautiful halls, ridges and a huge lake?AwhichBthatCwhereDwhen

单选题We parted twenty years ago and I have been _____ with him ever since.Ain touchBout of touchCwithout touchDbeyond touch

单选题Frank moved to California last summer and _____ there since then.Ahas stayedBstayedCis stayingDstays

单选题When did you move to America?()AThree years ago.BAbout three years.CNext year.DThis year

单选题Ever since the Smiths moved to the lake area a year ago, they____ better health.Acould have enjoyedBhad enjoyedChave been enjoyingDare enjoying