单选题Waste oil from the lube oil sumps of machinery may NOT be ().Adrained into the vessels bilgesBreclaimed for other usesCheld in a slop tankDpurified and then reused

Waste oil from the lube oil sumps of machinery may NOT be ().

drained into the vessels bilges


reclaimed for other uses


held in a slop tank


purified and then reused


解析: 暂无解析


A dirty diesel engine oil filter element can best be detected by ______.A.visual inspection of the elementsB.the pressure drop across the filterC.high lube oil sump temperatureD.decrease in oil viscosity from the filter

Sludge may be formed in the oil in the crankcase of a reciprocating air conditioning compressor as a result of ______.A.refrigerant bubbles in the lube oilB.refrigerant reducing the lube oil viscosityC.oxidation(氧化) of the lube oil from overheatingD.reducing the floc or cloud point of the oil

Waste oil from the lube oil sumps of machinery may NOT be ______.A.drained into the vessel's bilgesB.reclaimed(回收的) for other usesC.held in a slop tankD.purified and then reused

单选题A dirty lube oil strainer can result in()AcrankcaseBlow lube oil temperatureCexcessive oil consumptionDlow bearing oil pressure

单选题A dirty diesel engine oil filter element can best be detected by ().Avisual inspection of the elementsBthe pressure drop across the filterChigh lube oil sump temperatureDdecrease in oil viscosity from the filter

单选题The lube oil cooler is located after the lube oil filter in order for ()Athe filter to operate more efficientlyBthe lube oil cooler to be bypassedCpositive lube oil pump suction to be assuredDgalvanic action in the cooler to be minimized

单选题A lube oil filter can be used to remove most contaminants from lube oilA contaminant which will remain in the lube oil after filtering is ().AacidBfuel oilCsedimentDwater

单选题Excessive lubricating oil consumption in a running diesel engine can be caused by ()Aclogged lube oil pipingBexcessive valve-guide clearanceChigh lube oil viscosityDlow lube oil temperature

单选题In a bypass type lubrication system for a diesel engine, the dirty oil line to the centrifuge should be taken from the ().Alube oil pump suction lineBlube oil pump discharge lineCbottom of the lube oil sumpDoutlet from the lube oil header

单选题Fuel oil contamination of an auxiliary diesel engine lube oil can result in()Aan increased flash pointBhigher lube oil pressuresCan increased viscosityDlower lube oil pressures

单选题It is necessary for us () after having served for a certain period.Ato change the lube oilBhave the lube oil purifiedChave the lube oil burntDto analyze the lube oil

单选题Which of the following conditions can cause excessive lube oil consumption in a diesel engine?()ALow lube oil temperatureBDirty lube oil strainerCLow lube oil pressureDHigh lube oil temperature

单选题Which of the following conditions indicates the dilution of diesel engine lube oil by fuel oil?()AWater discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifierBFuel oil discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifierCLube oil discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifierDA change in the lube oil viscosity

单选题A lube oil sample taken from the main engine lube oil system has dark yellow opaque color.This is the result of ()Awater contaminationBmixing oils of two widely different viscositiesCoverheatingDaeration

单选题Machinery driving fuel oil transfer and fuel oil service pumps must be fitted with a remote means of stopping the machinery from ().Awithin the space concernedBoutside the space concernedCthe throttle stationDwithin the fire room

单选题Which of the following problems will occur if a disk-type centrifugal lube oil purifier is not properly primed prior to admitting oil flow to the bowl?()AContamination of the lube oil by emulsification will resultBThe lube oil will not be subjected to the proper centrifugal forceCThe lube oil will overheat and flashDOil will discharge from the heavy phase discharge port and be wasted

单选题Demulsibility of a lube oil is defined as ().Athe ability of oil to separate from waterBthe temperature at which oil flows rapidlyCa measure of the water in a lube oil systemDan emulsion of different grades of oil

单选题Setting a sealing equipment astern on the tailshaft can’t ()Aprevent the seawater from intergratingBprevent the lube oil from running out of the outside aboardCstrengthen the intencity of the sterntubeDprevent the mud and sand from entering the lube oil system

单选题Sludge may form in the lubricating oil crankcase of a reciprocating air conditioning compressor as a result of ().Awax precipitation in the lube oilBcontamination by dust, scale, or moistureCrefrigerant bubbles in the lube oilDrefrigerant reducing the lube oil viscosity

单选题Lube oil in the fresh water cooling system of a diesel engine may result from a ()Acamshaft seizureBlube oil pump failureClube oil cooler failureDlube oil pump overflow

单选题Sludge formation in a diesel engine lube oil system is caused by()Acarbonization of oils from the combustion chambersBemulsions of lube oil and waterCcoagulation of unburned fuel below the piston ringsDall of the above

单选题High lube oil temperatures developing in a diesel engine can result from()Ahigh oil pressureBexcessive bearing end playCplugged oil control ringsDengine overload

单选题Main propulsion engine lube oil sumps should be constructed ()Aso as to never be integral lubeBwith a sloped bottomConly of nonferrous, noncorrosive metalsDwith drain/return lines terminating just above or at the designed normal level

单选题Excessive piston ring wear in a diesel engine will cause()Ahigh lube oil viscosityBincreased lube oil consumptionClow lube oil temperaturesDhigh firing pressures

单选题Sludge may be formed in the oil in the crankcase of a reciprocating air conditioning compressor as a result of ()Arefrigerant bubbles in the lube oilBrefrigerant reducing the lube oil viscosityCoxidation of the lube oil from overheatingDreducing the floc or cloud point of the oil

单选题Waste oil from the lube oil sumps of machinery may NOT be ().Adrained into the vessels bilgesBreclaimed for other usesCheld in a slop tankDpurified and then reused

单选题Which harmful consequence may be the result of lube oil sludge accumulation? ()AClogged oil pump suction screensBIncreased oil operating temperaturesCSticking piston ringsDAll of the above

单选题Which of the following faults would allow lube oil to enter the cooling system of a diesel engine?()AExcessive valve train lubricationBLeaking standby oil cooler coreCExcessive lube oil pressureDExcessive lube oil in the system