




单选题Why he did it will remain a()for ever.AstrangeBpassCpublicDpuzzle



单选题This kind of material expands()the temperature increasing.AtoBforCwithDat

单选题It is believed that if a book is(),it will surely()the reader.Ainterested… interestBinteresting… be interestedCinterested… be interestingDinteresting… interest

问答题Practice 3  We all know talented people who never seem to reach their potential. These people often have great early success, then seem to fade into averages.  Those who lack persistence start out with the best intentions, but they eventually drift.  This trait is quite characteristic, for example, of people who are constantly changing careers. They become enthusiastic about their new job and feed off this momentum for a while to perform well. But when this newness wears off and they realize they aren’t incredibly committed to sticking with that job in the long term, their success begins to wane and they start to fail.

单选题I heard your motorcar was stolen.()AI‘m sorry to hear that.BIt doesn‘t matter.CEverybody knew it except you.DMine wasn‘t but Bill‘s was.

单选题____Aon her ownBin personCto her benefitDon foot

单选题Thank you for your great dinner. I really enjoyed it.()you enjoyed it.AI'm so gladBI'm sorryCWhat a pityDSurprisingly

单选题May I use your bike for a moment?()AIt's well.BIt doesn't matter.CBy all means.DI have no idea.

单选题What is the train()to Birmingham?AfeeBtipCfareDcost

单选题We are planning an outing.() Sure.AWhere are you going?BWhen will you leave?CHow is everything?DDo you want to join us?

单选题Many of the local residents left homes to ward off the danger of flooding.AovercomeBencloseCencounterDavoid

单选题He seemed in such an inconsolable state that I didn’t know whether to leave or stay.AdistractedBenragedCoverjoyedDbrokenhearted

单选题He is() at doing this kind of job.AimefficientBnonefficientCunefficientDinefficient


单选题Madam, do all the buses go downtown?()AWow, you got the idea.BNo, never mind.CPretty well, I guess.DSorry, I'm new here

单选题Please stop().It cannot help the situation.Ato shoutBshoutingCto speakDspeaking

单选题The football match was called()because of the snowAoffBupCforDin

单选题While waiting to cross a busy street, you should _____.Await a few seconds until the fumes reduceBstay away from the traffic as far as possibleChold your breath until you get to the other side of the streetDcount down for the light to change

单选题Smoking is bad for your health. So, please()Agive it upBgive it inCgive it outDgive it away

单选题Although it"s tough finding a job these days, Henry got a () in a famous company.AplaceBpositionCpostDpatch

单选题Professor White contributed a lot to our community,()Ateaching, writing, and lecturingBteaching, writing, and a lecturerCa teacher, a writer, and lecturingDteaching, lecturing, and a writer


单选题This is the student()I know will pass the TOEFL test.AwhoBwhomCwhoseDwhat

单选题What will be the population of our country by the end of()Atwentyone centuryBthe twentyone centuryCthe twentyfirst centuryDtwentyfirst century

单选题It’s true that sometimes a teacher _____ his students intelligence by the points they made on the examinations.AbeatsBgaugesCmoderatesDprevails

单选题This is the sort of case in which judges must exercise the arbitrary power described a moment ago.AavailBuseChaveDdisplay