单选题Why he did it will remain a()for ever.AstrangeBpassCpublicDpuzzle

Why he did it will remain a()for ever.









解析: 暂无解析


Why did they call Red ” Red”?() A.Because he comes from RedB.Because it is his nicknameC.Because his skin is red, he is an IrishD.Because the cigar he smokes is Red.

He did not fear new ideas,_________ fear the future. A. nor he didB. or did heC. nor he couldD. nor did he

Why did David decide to leave school and start working?A. He received lots of job offers.B. He was eager to help his mother.C. He lost interest in school studies. D. He wanted to earn his own living.

(b) Explain why Oliver might legitimately feel he has a grievance against his manager and identify which aspectsof the formal disciplinary procedure David Morgan did not follow or allow in this case. (9 marks)

Why did David decide to leave school and start working?A.He received lots of job offers.B.He was eager to help his mother.C.He lost interest in school studies.D.He wanted to earn his own living.

What____to her will probably remain a secret for ever. A、took placeB、was taken placeC、happenedD、was happened

Why did David call John() A. He wanted to meet an old friend.B. He wanted to ask for compensation.C. He wanted to talk about a new contract.

Why did John pay a visit to Miller() A. He wanted to buy a set of equipment.B. He planned to sign an agreement.C.He’d like to talk about the trademark transfer.

What Mr. Smith did was important , but ______. A. more important the way of he did things wasB. the way of he did things was more importantC. more important was the way he did thingsD. more important the way were he did things

Not only _______ a promise, but he also kept it.A、did he madeB、he madeC、did he makeD、he makes

下面哪些句子正确表达"你为什么辞去上一份工作?"() A、Why did you quit your last job?B、Why did you do your last job? C.Why did you resign from your last job?D、Why did you give up your last job?

Why did the author shout at the telephone?A. He was mad at the telephoneB. He was angry with his agentC. He was anxious about his wifeD. He was impatient with the secretary

25. Why didn’t Michael go to the island for picruc?A. He had to go to school.B. He did not like the island.C. Something was wrong with his foot.D. The weather was bad that day.

Why did the driver stop his car suddenly and jump out of it? __________A.Because he supposed something must have gone wrong with his carB.Because he was moved by the pretty voice of Mrs.JanesC.Because he wondered what had happened to Mrs.JanesD.Because he was frightened by the terrible voice of Mrs.Janes

Why he did it will remain a()for ever.AstrangeBpassCpublicDpuzzle

David injured his leg playing football yesterday. Really?()A、Who did that?B、What's wrong with him?C、How did that happen?D、Why was he so careless?

Miss Wang wanted to know()for the film.A、why was he lateB、why is he lateC、why he is lateD、why he was late

单选题_____ turn up late at the meeting, he _____ forgot his relevant documents.ANot only did he; alsoBNo sooner did he; thanCAs soon as he did;DAs long as he did; never

单选题Why did she want Michael Jackson’s manager to be her manager too?AShe knew he was associated with many record producers.BShe was impressed by what he had done for Michael Jackson.CShe wanted to be more famous than Michael Jackson.

单选题______ turn up late at the meeting, he ______ forgot his relevant documents.ANot only did he; also BNo sooner did he; thanCAs soon as he did;DAs long as he did; never

单选题Why did Nathan give up his job as a lawyer?ABecause he made little money out of a lawyer.BBecause he wanted to make toys for the children.CBecause he decided to become an artist of toy bricks.DBecause he was going to work in the museum instead.

问答题Why did the author spend a lot of time practicing writing even when he was a boy?

单选题Why did Mr. Wilson write the memo?ATo apply for a vacation during NovemberBTo ask for an extension on the project deadlineCTo get approval for a new research proposalDTo explain why he will not attend a meeting

单选题Why did the man want to smoke cigarettes?ABecause he was sure he was to be killed.BBecause he wanted to ease his nervousness.CBecause he wanted to talk to the guard.DBecause he was used to smoking cigarettes.

单选题Why he did it will remain a()for ever.AstrangeBpassCpublicDpuzzle

单选题Why did Federal agents arrest a Florida man?ABecause he registered an illegal Internet domain name.BBecause he registered a pornographic website.CBecause he lured kids to web porn.DBecause the Internet domain names are misspelled.

单选题Why did Tom pretend not to see Ben?ABecause he wanted Ben to believe that he was enjoying the work.BBecause he would like to try his best to attract Ben’s attention.CBecause he did not want Ben to see the fact that he had to work.DBecause he was afraid that Ben might laugh at him if he saw him.

单选题Why did the Italian take off his watch and give it to the Frenchman?ABecause he had taken the watch from the Frenchman.BBecause he had picked up the watch on his way from work.CBecause he was afraid of the Frenchman.