单选题An activity has an early start date-of the lOth and a late start date of the 19th. The activity also has a duration of 4 days. There are no nonworkdays. From the information given, ()what can be concluded about the activity?ATotal float for the activity is 9 days.BThe early finish date ofthe activity is the end ofthe day on the 14th.CThe late finish date is the 25th.DThe activity can be completed in 2 days ifthe resources devoted to it are doubled.

An activity has an early start date-of the lOth and a late start date of the 19th. The activity also has a duration of 4 days. There are no nonworkdays. From the information given, ()what can be concluded about the activity?

Total float for the activity is 9 days.


The early finish date ofthe activity is the end ofthe day on the 14th.


The late finish date is the 25th.


The activity can be completed in 2 days ifthe resources devoted to it are doubled.


解析: 暂无解析


Which of the following is indicative of negative float?A.The late start date is earlier than the early start date.B.The critical path supports the imposed end date.C.The early finish date is equal to the late finish date.D.When leads are employed in the schedule.E.The project is sinking.

Free float is the amount of time that an activity may be delayed with out affecting the _____.A.Early start of the succeeding activities.B.Late start of the succeeding activities.C.Project finish.D.Cost of the project.E.None of the above.

A non-critical path activity is completed in half the time. Then,A.The critical path is also reduced.B.The slack in the path containing this activity will increase.C.The total cost for this activity has decreased.D.Manpower from this activity can be assigned to other activities.E.All of the above.

The logical relationship that communicates a delay between the start/finish of one activity and the start/finish of another activity is referred to as:A.SlackB.Free float.C.Restricted float.D.Level float.E.Lag

Using the figure in the Special window, Activity "D" has a latest start time of _____ weeks and a latest finish time of _____ weeks.A . 2, 10B . 4, 12C . 6, 14D . 7, 15E . 9, 17

Using the figure in the Special window, Activity "L" has an early start time of _____ weeks and an early finish time of _____ weeks.A . 11, 13B . 12, 14C . 13, 15D . 14, 16E . 15, 17

22 The logical relationship that communicates a delay between the start/finish of one activity and the start/finish of another activity is referred to as:A. SlackB. Free float.C. Restricted float.D. Level float.E. Lag

An activity has an early start date-of the lOth and a late start date of the 19th. The activity also has a duration of 4 days. There are no nonworkdays. From the information given, ()what can be concluded about the activity?A.Total float for the activity is 9 days.B.The early finish date ofthe activity is the end ofthe day on the 14th.C.The late finish date is the 25th.D.The activity can be completed in 2 days ifthe resources devoted to it are doubled.

PDM includes four types of dependencies or precedence relationships:().The completion ofthe successor activity depends upon the initiation of the predecessor activity. A.Finish-to-StartB.Finish-to-FinishC.Start-to-StartD.Start-to-Finish

117 Using the figure in the Special window, Activity "L" has an early start time of _____ weeks and an early finish time of _____ weeks.A. 11, 13B. 12, 14C. 13, 15D. 14, 16E. 15, 17

PDM includes four types of dependencies or precedence relationships: (). The completion of the successor activity depends upon the initiation of the predecessor activity. A.Finish-to-StartB.Finish-to-FinishC.Start-to-StartD.Start-to-Finish

● Which of the following is indicative of negative float?A The late start date is earlier than the early start date.B The critical path supports the imposed end date.C The early finish date is equal to the late finish date.D When leads are employed in the schedule.E The project is sinking.

● Free float is the amount of time that an activity may be delayed with out affecting the _____.A Early start of the succeeding activities.B Late start of the succeeding activities.C Project finish.D Cost of the project.E None of the above.

● A non-critical path activity is completed in half the time. Then,A The critical path is also reduced.B The slack in the path containing this activity will increase.C The total cost for this activity has decreased.D Manpower from this activity can be assigned to other activities.E All of the above.

● Project schedule management is made up of six management processes including: activity definition, activity sequencing, ( 71) , and schedule control by order.(71)A.activity duration estimating, schedule developing, activity resource estimatingB . activity resource estimating, activity duration estimating, schedule developmentC.schedule developing, activity resource estimating, activity duration estimatingD.activity resource estimating, schedule developing, activity duration estimating

PDM includes four types of dependencies or precedence relationships.( ),the initiation of the successor activity,depends upon the initiation ofthe predecessor activity. A.Start-to-Start B.Finish-to-Finish C.Start-to-Finish D.Finish-to—Start

Each box is an activity; the number it contains is the duration of the activity in days. The duration of the critical path is(75)A.16daysB.14daysC.19daysD.20days

● Each box is an activity; the number it contains is the duration of the activity in days. The duration of the critical path is (75) .(75)A.16 daysB.14 daysC.19 daysD.20 days

● Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM) is a method used in activity sequencing. There are four types of dependencies or precedence relationships in PDM. The initiation of the successor activity depends upon the completion of the predecessor activity is called __(75)__.(75)A.Finish-to-StartB.Finish-to-FinishC.Start-to-StartD.Start-to-Finish

Project schedule management is made up of six management processes including: activity definition, activity sequencing, ( ) , and schedule control by order. A.activity duration estimating, schedule developing, activity resource estimating B.activity resource estimating, activity duration estimating, schedule development C.schedule developing, activity resource estimating, activity duration estimating D.activity resource estimating, schedule developing, activity duration estimating

Precedence Diagramming Method(PDM) is a method used in activity sequencing. There are four types of dependencies or precedence relationships in PDM. The initiation of the successor activity depends upon the completion of the predecessor activity is called ( ). A.Finish-to-Start B.Finish-to-Finish C.Start-to-Start D.Start-to-Finish

Project schedule management is made up of six management processes including: activity definition, activity sequencing, ( ) , and schedule control by order. A.activity duration estimating, schedule developing, activity resource estimatingB.activity resource estimating, activity duration estimating, schedule developmentC.schedule developing, activity resource estimating, activity duration estimatingD.activity resource estimating, schedule developing, activity duration estimating

PDM includes four types of dependencies or precedence relationships: (). The completion of the successor activity depends upon the initiation of the predecessor activity.A、Finish-to-StartB、Finish-to-FinishC、Start-to-StartD、Start-to-Finish

Project schedule management is made up of six management processes including: activity definition, activity sequencing()and schedule control by order.A、activity duration estimating, schedule developing, activity resource estimatingB、activity resource estimating, activity duration estimating, schedule developmentC、schedule developing, activity resource estimating, activity duration estimatingD、activity resource estimating, schedule developing, activity duration estimating

PDM includes four types of dependencies or precedence relationships:().The completion ofthe successor activity depends upon the initiation of the predecessor activity.A、Finish-to-StartB、Finish-to-FinishC、Start-to-StartD、Start-to-Finish

如果INMS系统收到如下航行通告:(A0897/99NOTAMCA0896/99A)PAFA错误提示为()。A、Q-CODE Absent.B、Activity start date(field B)substituted with arrival date.C、Activity start date(field B)is missing.

单选题Project schedule management is made up of six management processes including: activity definition, activity sequencing()and schedule control by order.Aactivity duration estimating, schedule developing, activity resource estimatingBactivity resource estimating, activity duration estimating, schedule developmentCschedule developing, activity resource estimating, activity duration estimatingDactivity resource estimating, schedule developing, activity duration estimating

单选题An activity has an early start date-of the lOth and a late start date of the 19th. The activity also has a duration of 4 days. There are no nonworkdays. From the information given, ()what can be concluded about the activity?ATotal float for the activity is 9 days.BThe early finish date ofthe activity is the end ofthe day on the 14th.CThe late finish date is the 25th.DThe activity can be completed in 2 days ifthe resources devoted to it are doubled.