









[考点]细节题。录音提到“Many blacks are too bitter against white culture to feel American.”可知许多黑人与白人文化苦苦抗争,也就是说他们并不认同白人文化。D项正确。
  Is the United States a melting pot? In other words, have immigrants to the USA merged with the Native Americans and ceased to be Germans, Poles, Irish, etc.? It has been suggested that [24] a “pot of stew” might be a more suitable word than “melting pot”, for in a stew the meat and vegetables keep their own characteristics, a distinctive flavor of its own.
  [24] The implications of “melting pot” disturb American social workers and language teachers, many of whom feel that racial and national groups should be encouraged to preserve their customs, traditions and languages. At the same time it is agreed that all Americans, whatever their origins, must learn to speak English clearly and fluently, and that they must learn to adapt themselves to the American way of life.
  However, there are ethnic groups who still stick together, who speak their own languages and have preserved many of their old customs. [24] There are Hispanic communities, most of whom still speak Spanish as their first language. There are American Indians and various Asian groups, all of whom speak their own languages. [24] Many descendants of European Immigrants have also stayed together in groups. With the exception of the Anglo Saxons, the Germans are the largest ethnic group in the US
  A. They have made a considerable contribution to their adopted land and have helped to enrich a distinctive American English language. [25] The commanders-in-chief in both world wars were of German ancestry. [26] Many blacks are too bitter against white culture to feel American. They are beginning to trace their roots back to the African tribes from which their ancestors were torn in the days of slavery, and some of them are identifying themselves more and more with Africa.
Questions 23 to 26 are based on the passage you have just heard.
23. What is the main idea of the passage?
24. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?
25. Which is the contribution that Americans of German ancestry have made to the USA?
26. What is the attitude of many blacks to the white culture?


已知某国国际收支平衡表中,经常项目差额160亿美元,资本和金融项目差额为-100亿美元,误差与遗漏为1o亿美元,则该国储备资产增减额为(  )。A.70亿元B.-70亿美元C.+60亿美元D.+270亿美元