在TEMS3.2测试软件中,应在()窗口中操作导入小区数据库。A、Cell Definition WindowB、General WindowC、Event Definition WindowD、Port Configuation Window


  • A、Cell Definition Window  
  • B、General Window  
  • C、Event Definition Window  
  • D、Port Configuation Window


在PowerBuilder应用程序中,对数据库数据的操作是通过下列哪一个对象进行的?A.Data WindowB.WindowC.ApplicationD.User Object

Any negative tradition or behavior. that is generally regarded as harmful to social welfare and forbidden within a cultural or social group. A、The definition for tabooB、The definition for cultureC、The definition for customsD、The definition for an individual style

You completed your workflow definition. You want to save a copy of the definition to the file system for source control purposes. How does Oracle Workflow Builder save that file?() A. as a flat fileB. as a BPEL-compiled definitionC. as an XML file with an associated document type definition (DTD)D. as an XML file without an associated document type definition (DTD)

You have been tasked with creating Business Events for an E-Business Suite workflow project. Whatwould you use to create your Business Events?() A. Oracle Workflow BuilderB. Oracle Workflow Definition LoaderC. Oracle Business Event Definition LoaderD. Workflow Administrator Web page in E-Business Suite

AsanalternativetosettingtheVisiblepropertytoNofortheORDERS_WINDOW,whichbuilt-incouldyouusetoachievethesameresult?() A.HIDE_WINDOWB.CLOSE_WINDOWC.REPLACE_CONTENT_VIEWD.GET_WINDOW_PROPERTY

Youdevelopingaformmodule,andyouwouldliketomakeanindicatedwindowvisibleinanewdisplayposition.Whichbuilt-incanyouusetoaccomplishthistask?() A.SHOW_WINDOWB.RESIZE_WINDOWC.DISPLAY_WINDOWD.MOVE_WINDOW_X_YE.WINDOW_VISIBLE_X_Y

在PowerBuilder应用程序中,对数据库数据的操作是通过下列( )对象进行的。A.Data Window B.WindowC.Application D.User Object

鼎利软件MAP窗口中,除了小区扇区图层,还能显示什么图层() A.SITE NAMEB.CELL NAMEC.以上都能显示

cel文件导入到TEMS软件中的流程() A.MAP窗口中OpenMap选择CELL文件位置,打开文件CELL文件B.菜单Configuration--General选项--CellfileLoad选项--Add选项,找到Cel文件存放的位置--双击Cel文件--确定C.在Logfile菜单中选择ExportLogfile,点击addorder选项,导入CEL文件D.在Logfile菜单中选择Openlogfile选项,找到cel文件,并打开

摩托罗拉General参数中,“cell_reselect_hysteresis”的参数名称是() A.小区接入禁止B.小区禁止限制C.小区重选滞后D.小区重选偏置

为保证直放站覆盖区域的正常呼叫,施主基站应优化()参数。 A.Active Set Search WindowB.Cell Search WindowC.Sector SizeD.Access Preamble Length

The deliverable from this phase also includes the ( ) for the proposed system. A.hardware and software specification B.system performance specification C.formal requirements definition D.general problem statement



Pilot Premier软件的小区数据库维护窗口Cell Maintenance中,用户不能修改或输入的内容是()。A、Cell Information数据B、Antenna Information数据C、网络结构数据(OMCR、MSC、BSC)D、以上均可修改


X Window就是在()操作系统中提供图形化用户界面(GUI)支持的视窗系统(Window System),也称作X。A、WindowB、UNIX/LinuxC、NOVELLD、DOS


为保证直放站覆盖区域的正常呼叫,施主基站应优化()参数。A、Active Set Search WindowB、Cell Search WindowC、Sector SizeD、Access Preamble Length


鼎利软件MAP窗口中,除了小区扇区图层,还能显示什么图层()A、SITE NAMEB、CELL NAMEC、以上都能显示

cel文件导入到TEMS软件中的流程() A、MAP窗口中OpenMap选择CELL文件位置,打开文件CELL文件B、菜单Configuration--General选项--CellfileLoad选项--Add选项,找到Cel文件存放的位置--双击Cel文件--确定C、在Logfile菜单中选择ExportLogfile,点击addorder选项,导入CEL文件D、在Logfile菜单中选择Openlogfile选项,找到cel文件,并打开

When does the Online Planning Worksheet tool run a validation?()A、When loading and activating a definition file into an inactive clusterB、When exporting a definition to a cluster node or saving a definition fileC、When importing a definition from an active cluster or saving a definition fileD、When loading a definition into an active cluster or synchronizing a definition file

Given the following interface definition, which definitions are valid?()   interface I {   void setValue(int val);   int getValue();   }    DEFINITION a:   (a) class a extends I {  int value;   void setValue(int val) { value = val;  }   int getValue() {  return value;  }   }   DEFINITION b:   (b) interface b extends I {   void increment();   }   DEFINITION c:   (c) abstract class c implements I {   int getValue() {  return 0;  }  abstract void increment();   }   DEFINITION d:   (d) interface d implements I {  void increment();  }   DEFINITION e:   (e) class e implements I {  int value;   public void setValue(int val) { value = val; }  }  A、Definition a.B、Definition b.C、Definition c.D、Definition d.E、Definition e.

You have been tasked with creating Business Events for an E-Business Suite workflow project. Whatwould you use to create your Business Events?()A、Oracle Workflow BuilderB、Oracle Workflow Definition LoaderC、Oracle Business Event Definition LoaderD、Workflow Administrator Web page in E-Business Suite

You completed your workflow definition. You want to save a copy of the definition to the file system for source control purposes. How does Oracle Workflow Builder save that file?()A、as a flat fileB、as a BPEL-compiled definitionC、as an XML file with an associated document type definition (DTD)D、as an XML file without an associated document type definition (DTD)
