You completed your workflow definition. You want to save a copy of the definition to the file system for source control purposes. How does Oracle Workflow Builder save that file?() A. as a flat fileB. as a BPEL-compiled definitionC. as an XML file with an associated document type definition (DTD)D. as an XML file without an associated document type definition (DTD)
You completed your workflow definition. You want to save a copy of the definition to the file system for source control purposes. How does Oracle Workflow Builder save that file?()
A. as a flat file
B. as a BPEL-compiled definition
C. as an XML file with an associated document type definition (DTD)
D. as an XML file without an associated document type definition (DTD)
要将一个“Symbol”保存下来在其它软件中使用,必须选中“Symbol”后对文档进行什么操作()。 A、“File-Save”存储文档B、“File-Close”关闭文档C、曲“File-Print”打印文档D、“File-Export”导出文档
窗体上有文本框Text1和一个菜单,菜单标题、名称见表,结构见图。要求程序执行时单击“保存”菜单项,则把其标题显示在Text1文本框中。下面可实现此功能的事件过程是( )。A.Private Sub save Click( ) End SubB.Private Sub save Click( ) Text1.Text=save.Caption End SubC.Private Sub file Click( ) End SubD.Private Sub file Click( ) Text1.Text=save.Caption End Sub
窗体上有文本框Text1和一个菜单,菜单标题、名称如表,结构见图。要求程序执行时单击“保存”菜单项,则把其标题显示在Text1文本框中。下面可实现此功能的事件过程是。A.Private Sub save_Click B.Private Sub save_Click Textl.Text=save.Caption End Sub End Sub C.Private Sub file_Click D.Private Sub file_Click Textl.Text=save.Caption End Sub End Sub