你要操纵Oracle数据,下列哪个不是SQL命令?()A、select*from dual;B、set defineC、update emp set ename=6543where ename=‘SMITHERS’;D、create table employees(empid varchar2(10)primary key);
- A、select*from dual;
- B、set define
- C、update emp set ename=6543where ename=‘SMITHERS’;
- D、create table employees(empid varchar2(10)primary key);
下列哪个语句查出雇员表(employees)里的雇员名字(ename)是‘SMITH’的信息,并且给雇员名字(ename)列定义一个别名Name()。 A.select employeesno,ename Name,job from employees where ename=‘SMITH’B.select employeesno,ename ‘Name’,job from employees where ename=SMITHC.select employeesno,ename “Name”,job from employees where ename=‘SMITH’D.select employeesno,ename ‘Name’,job frome mployees wheree name=‘SMITH’
Examine the following commands and their output:SQL SELECT ename, sal FROM emp WHERE ename=‘JAMES‘; ENAME SAL JAMES 1050QL UPDATE emp SET sal=sal+sal*1.2 WHERE ename=‘JAMES‘;1 row updated.SQL SELECT ename, sal FROM emp WHERE ename=‘JAMES‘; ENAME SAL JAMES 2310View the exhibit and examine the Flashback Version Query that was executed after the preceding commands.What could be the possible cause for the query not displaying any row?()A. Flashback logging is not enabled for the database.B. The changes made to the table are not committed.C. Supplemental logging is not enabled for the database.D. The database is not configured in ARCHIVELOG mode.
The EMP table has these columns:ENAME VARCHAR2(35)SALARY NUMBER(8,2)HIRE_DATE DATEManagement wants a list of names of employees who have been with the company for more than five years. Which SQL statement displays the required results? ()A. SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE SYSDATE-HIRE_DATE 5;B. SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE HIRE_DATE-SYSDATE 5;C. SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE (SYSDATE_HIRE_DATE)/365 5;D. SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE (SYSDATE_HIRE_DATE)*/365 5;
Which SQL statement defines the FOREIGN KEY constraint on the DEPTNO column of the EMP table? () A. CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCNAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk FOREIGN KEY deptno REFERENCES dept deptno);B. CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCNAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno));C. CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4) ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno) FOREIGN KEY (deptno));D. CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCNAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT emp deptno fk REFERENCES dept (deptno));
下列哪个语句查出雇员表(employees)里的雇员名字(ename)是‘SMITH’的信息,并且给雇员名字(ename)列定义一个别名Name()。A、select employeesno,ename Name,job from employees where ename=‘SMITH’B、select employeesno,ename ‘Name’,job from employees where ename=SMITHC、select employeesno,ename “Name”,job from employees where ename=‘SMITH’D、select employeesno,ename ‘Name’,job frome mployees wheree name=‘SMITH’
Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER Primary Key FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) HIRE_DATE DATE You issue these statements: CREATE table new_emp ( employee_id NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(30)); INSERT INTO new_emp SELECT employee_id , last_name from employees; Savepoint s1; UPDATE new_emp set name = UPPER(name); Savepoint s2; Delete from new_emp; Rollback to s2; Delete from new_emp where employee_id =180; UPDATE new_emp set name = 'James'; Rollback to s2; UPDATE new_emp set name = 'James' WHERE employee_id =180; Rollback; At the end of this transaction, what is true?()A、You have no rows in the table.B、You have an employee with the name of James.C、You cannot roll back to the same savepoint more than once.D、Your last update fails to update any rows because employee ID 180 was already deleted.
Which SQL statement defines the FOREIGN KEY constraint on the DEPTNO column of the EMP table?()A、CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCNAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk FOREIGN KEY deptno REFERENCES dept deptno);B、CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCNAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno));C、CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4) ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno) FOREIGN KEY (deptno));D、CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCNAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT emp deptno fk REFERENCES dept (deptno));
Which SQL statement generates the alias Annual Salary for the calculated column SALARY*12?()A、SELECT ename, salary*12 'Annual Salary' FROM employees;B、SELECT ename, salary*12 "Annual Salary" FROM employees;C、SELECT ename, salary*12 AS Annual Salary FROM employees;D、SELECT ename, salary*12 AS INITCAP("ANNUAL SALARY") FROM employees
The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER(4) ENAME VARCHAR2 (25) JOB_ID VARCHAR2(10) Which SQL statement will return the ENAME, length of the ENAME, and the numeric position of the letter "a" in the ENAME column, for those employees whose ENAME ends with a the letter "n"?()A、SELECT ENAME, LENGTH(ENAME), INSTR(ENAME, 'a') FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE SUBSTR (ENAME, -1,1) = 'n';B、SELECT ENAME, LENGTH(ENAME), INSTR(ENAME, ,-1,1) FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE SUBSTR (ENAME, -1,1) = 'n';C、SELECT ENAME, LENGTH(ENAME), SUBSTR(ENAME, -1,1) FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE INSTR (ENAME, 1,1) = 'n';D、SELECT ENAME, LENGTH(ENAME), SUBSTR(ENAME, -1,1) FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE INSTR (ENAME, -1,1) = 'n';
Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL EMP_NAME VARCHAR2(30) JOB_ID VARCHAR2(20) SAL NUMBER MGR_ID NUMBER DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER You want to create a SQL script file that contains an INSERT statement. When the script is run, the INSERT statement should insert a row with the specified values into the EMPLOYEES table. The INSERT statement should pass values to the table columns as specified below: EMPLOYEE_ID: Next value from the sequence EMP_ID_SEQ EMP_NAME and JOB_ID: As specified by the user during run time, throughsubstitution variables SAL: 2000 MGR_ID: No value DEPARTMENT_ID: Supplied by the user during run time through substitution variable. The INSERT statement should fail if the user supplies a value other than 20 or 50. Which INSERT statement meets the above requirements?()A、INSERT INTO employees VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, 'ename', 'jobid', 2000, NULL, did);B、INSERT INTO employees VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, 'ename', 'jobid', 2000, NULL, did IN (20,50));C、INSERT INTO (SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id IN (20,50)) VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, 'ename', 'jobid', 2000, NULL, did);D、INSERT INTO (SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id IN (20,50) WITH CHECK OPTION) VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, 'ename', 'jobid', 2000, NULL, did);E、INSERT INTO (SELECT * FROM employees WHERE (department_id = 20 AND department_id = 50) WITH CHECK OPTION ) VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, 'ename', 'jobid', 2000, NULL, did);
The EMP table has these columns: ENAME VARCHAR2(35) SALARY NUMBER(8,2) HIRE_DATE DATE Management wants a list of names of employees who have been with the company for more than five years. Which SQL statement displays the required results? ()A、SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE SYSDATE-HIRE_DATE 5;B、SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE HIRE_DATE-SYSDATE 5;C、SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE (SYSDATE_HIRE_DATE)/365 5;D、SELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE (SYSDATE_HIRE_DATE)*/365 5;
User SCOTT executes the following command on the EMP table but has not issued COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or any data definition language (DDL) command: SQL SELECT ename FROM emp 2 WHERE job=’CLERK’ FOR UPDATE OF empno; SCOTT has opened another session to work with the database instance. Which three operations wouldwait when issued in SCOTT’s second session()A、LOCK TABLE emp IN SHARE MODE;B、LOCK TABLE emp IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;C、UPDATE emp SET sal=sal*1.2 WHERE job=MANAGER;D、INSERT INTO emp(empno,ename) VALUES (1289,’Harry’);E、SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE job=’CLERK’ FOR UPDATE OF empno;
Which SQL statement defines a FOREIGN KEY constraint on the DEPTNO column of the EMP table?()A、CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk FOREIGN KEY deptno REFERENCES dept deptno);B、CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno));C、CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno) FOREIGN KEY (deptno));D、CREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno));
User SCOTT executes the following command on the EMP table but has not issued COMMIT, ROLLBACK, orany data definition language (DDL) command: SQL SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE job=’CLERK’ FOR UPDATE OF empno; SCOTT has opened another session to work with the database instance. Which three operations would waitwhen issued in SCOTT’s second session()A、LOCK TABLE emp IN SHARE MODE;B、LOCK TABLE emp IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;C、UPDATE emp SET sal=sal*1.2 WHERE job=ANAGER?UPDATE emp SET sal=sal*1.2 WHERE job=?ANAGER?D、INSERT INTO emp(empno,ename) VALUES (1289,’Harry’);E、SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE job=’CLERK’ FOR UPDATE OF empno
The EMP table exists in your schema. You want to execute the following query: SELECT ename, sal FROM emp AS OF TIMESTAMP (SYSTIMESTAMP - INTERVAL ’6’ MINUTE) WHERE ename = ’ALLEN’; What are the minimum requirements for the statement to execute successfully?()A、 ARCHIVELOG mode must be enabledB、 Row Movement must be enabled for the tableC、 FLASHBACK must be set to ON for the databaseD、 The UNDO_MANAGEMENT parameter must be set to AUTOE、 The UNDO_RETENTION parameter must be set appropriately
Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER Primary Key FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) HIRE_DATE DATE You issue these statements: CREATE table new_emp ( employe_id NUMBER, name VARCGAR2(30)); INSERT INTO new_emp SELECT employee_id, last_name from employees; Savepoint s1; UPDATE new_emp set name = UPPER(name); Savepoint s2; Delete from new_emp; Rollback to s2; Delete from new_emp where employee_id=180; UPDATE new_emp set name = 'James'; Rollback to s2; UPDATE new_emp sey name = 'James' Where employee_id=180; Rollback; At the end of this transaction, what is true?()A、You have no rows in the table.B、You have an employee with the name of James.C、You cannot roll back to the same savepoint more than once.D、Your last update fails to update any rows because employee ID 180 was already deleted.
Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL EMP_NAME VARCHAR2(30) JOB_ID VARCHAR2(20) SAL NUMBER MGR_ID NUMBER DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER You want to create a SQL script file that contains an INSERT statement. When the script is run, the INSERT statement should insert a row with the specified values into the EMPLOYEES table. The INSERT statement should pass values to the table columns as specified below: EMPLOYEE_ID: Next value from the sequence EMP_ID_SEQEMP_NAME and JOB_ID: As specified by the user during run time, through substitution variables SAL: 2000 MGR_ID: No value DEPARTMENT_ID: Supplied by the user during run time through substitution variable. The INSERT statement should fail if the user supplies a value other than 20 or 50. Which INSERT statement meets the above requirements?()A、INSERT INTO employees VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, ename','jobid', 2000, NULL, did);B、INSERT INTO employees VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, 'ename', 'jobid', 2000, NULL, did IN (20,50));C、INSERT INTO (SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id IN (20,50)) VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, ename','jobid', 2000, NULL, did);D、INSERT INTO (SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id IN (20,50) WITH CHECK OPTION) VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, ename','jobid', 2000, NULL, did);E、INSERT INTO (SELECT * FROM employees WHERE (department_id = 20 AND department_id = 50) WITH CHECK OPTION ) VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, ename','jobid', 2000, NULL, did);
单选题Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER Primary Key FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) HIRE_DATE DATE You issue these statements: CREATE table new_emp ( employee_id NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(30)); INSERT INTO new_emp SELECT employee_id , last_name from employees; Savepoint s1; UPDATE new_emp set name = UPPER(name); Savepoint s2; Delete from new_emp; Rollback to s2; Delete from new_emp where employee_id =180; UPDATE new_emp set name = 'James'; Rollback to s2; UPDATE new_emp set name = 'James' WHERE employee_id =180; Rollback; At the end of this transaction, what is true?()AYou have no rows in the table.BYou have an employee with the name of James.CYou cannot roll back to the same savepoint more than once.DYour last update fails to update any rows because employee ID 180 was already deleted.
单选题Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL EMP_NAME VARCHAR2(30) JOB_ID VARCHAR2(20) SAL NUMBER MGR_ID NUMBER DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER You want to create a SQL script file that contains an INSERT statement. When the script is run, the INSERT statement should insert a row with the specified values into the EMPLOYEES table. The INSERT statement should pass values to the table columns as specified below: EMPLOYEE_ID: Next value from the sequence EMP_ID_SEQEMP_NAME and JOB_ID: As specified by the user during run time, through substitution variables SAL: 2000 MGR_ID: No value DEPARTMENT_ID: Supplied by the user during run time through substitution variable. The INSERT statement should fail if the user supplies a value other than 20 or 50. Which INSERT statement meets the above requirements?()AINSERT INTO employees VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, ename','jobid', 2000, NULL, did);BINSERT INTO employees VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, 'ename', 'jobid', 2000, NULL, did IN (20,50));CINSERT INTO (SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id IN (20,50)) VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, ename','jobid', 2000, NULL, did);DINSERT INTO (SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id IN (20,50) WITH CHECK OPTION) VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, ename','jobid', 2000, NULL, did);EINSERT INTO (SELECT * FROM employees WHERE (department_id = 20 AND department_id = 50) WITH CHECK OPTION ) VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, ename','jobid', 2000, NULL, did);
单选题Which SQL statement defines a FOREIGN KEY constraint on the DEPTNO column of the EMP table?()ACREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk FOREIGN KEY deptno REFERENCES dept deptno);BCREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno));CCREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno) FOREIGN KEY (deptno));DCREATE TABLE EMP (empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(35), deptno NUMBER(7,2) FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT emp_deptno_fk REFERENCES dept (deptno));
单选题The EMP table has these columns: ENAME VARCHAR2(35) SALARY NUMBER(8,2) HIRE_DATE DATE Management wants a list of names of employees who have been with the company for more than five years. Which SQL statement displays the required results? ()ASELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE SYSDATE-HIRE_DATE 5;BSELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE HIRE_DATE-SYSDATE 5;CSELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE (SYSDATE_HIRE_DATE)/365 5;DSELECT ENAME FROM EMP WHERE (SYSDATE_HIRE_DATE)*/365 5;
单选题Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL EMP_NAME VARCHAR2(30) JOB_ID VARCHAR2(20) SAL NUMBER MGR_ID NUMBER DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER You want to create a SQL script file that contains an INSERT statement. When the script is run, the INSERT statement should insert a row with the specified values into the EMPLOYEES table. The INSERT statement should pass values to the table columns as specified below: EMPLOYEE_ID: Next value from the sequence EMP_ID_SEQ EMP_NAME and JOB_ID: As specified by the user during run time, throughsubstitution variables SAL: 2000 MGR_ID: No value DEPARTMENT_ID: Supplied by the user during run time through substitution variable. The INSERT statement should fail if the user supplies a value other than 20 or 50. Which INSERT statement meets the above requirements?()AINSERT INTO employees VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, 'ename', 'jobid', 2000, NULL, did);BINSERT INTO employees VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, 'ename', 'jobid', 2000, NULL, did IN (20,50));CINSERT INTO (SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id IN (20,50)) VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, 'ename', 'jobid', 2000, NULL, did);DINSERT INTO (SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id IN (20,50) WITH CHECK OPTION) VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, 'ename', 'jobid', 2000, NULL, did);EINSERT INTO (SELECT * FROM employees WHERE (department_id = 20 AND department_id = 50) WITH CHECK OPTION ) VALUES (emp_id_seq.NEXTVAL, 'ename', 'jobid', 2000, NULL, did);
多选题User SCOTT executes the following command on the EMP table but has not issued COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or any data definition language (DDL) command: SQL SELECT ename FROM emp 2 WHERE job=’CLERK’ FOR UPDATE OF empno; SCOTT has opened another session to work with the database instance. Which three operations wouldwait when issued in SCOTT’s second session()ALOCK TABLE emp IN SHARE MODE;BLOCK TABLE emp IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;CUPDATE emp SET sal=sal*1.2 WHERE job=MANAGER;DINSERT INTO emp(empno,ename) VALUES (1289,’Harry’);ESELECT ename FROM emp WHERE job=’CLERK’ FOR UPDATE OF empno;
多选题User SCOTT executes the following command on the EMP table but has not issued COMMIT, ROLLBACK, orany data definition language (DDL) command: SQL SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE job=’CLERK’ FOR UPDATE OF empno; SCOTT has opened another session to work with the database instance. Which three operations would waitwhen issued in SCOTT’s second session()ALOCK TABLE emp IN SHARE MODE;BLOCK TABLE emp IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;CUPDATE emp SET sal=sal*1.2 WHERE job=ANAGER?UPDATE emp SET sal=sal*1.2 WHERE job=?ANAGER?DINSERT INTO emp(empno,ename) VALUES (1289,’Harry’);ESELECT ename FROM emp WHERE job=’CLERK’ FOR UPDATE OF empno
单选题The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER(4) ENAME VARCHAR2 (25) JOB_ID VARCHAR2(10) Which SQL statement will return the ENAME, length of the ENAME, and the numeric position of the letter "a" in the ENAME column, for those employees whose ENAME ends with a the letter "n"?()ASELECT ENAME, LENGTH(ENAME), INSTR(ENAME, 'a') FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE SUBSTR (ENAME, -1,1) = 'n';BSELECT ENAME, LENGTH(ENAME), INSTR(ENAME, ,-1,1) FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE SUBSTR (ENAME, -1,1) = 'n';CSELECT ENAME, LENGTH(ENAME), SUBSTR(ENAME, -1,1) FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE INSTR (ENAME, 1,1) = 'n';DSELECT ENAME, LENGTH(ENAME), SUBSTR(ENAME, -1,1) FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE INSTR (ENAME, -1,1) = 'n';