Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER Primary Key FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) HIRE_DATE DATE You issue these statements: CREATE table new_emp ( employe_id NUMBER, name VARCGAR2(30)); INSERT INTO new_emp SELECT employee_id, last_name from employees; Savepoint s1; UPDATE new_emp set name = UPPER(name); Savepoint s2; Delete from new_emp; Rollback to s2; Delete from new_emp where employee_id=180; UPDATE new_emp set name = 'James'; Rollback to s2; UPDATE new_emp sey name = 'James' Where employee_id=180; Rollback; At the end of this transaction, what is true?()A、You have no rows in the table.B、You have an employee with the name of James.C、You cannot roll back to the same savepoint more than once.D、Your last update fails to update any rows because employee ID 180 was already deleted.

Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER Primary Key FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) HIRE_DATE DATE You issue these statements: CREATE table new_emp ( employe_id NUMBER, name VARCGAR2(30)); INSERT INTO new_emp SELECT employee_id, last_name from employees; Savepoint s1; UPDATE new_emp set name = UPPER(name); Savepoint s2; Delete from new_emp; Rollback to s2; Delete from new_emp where employee_id=180; UPDATE new_emp set name = 'James'; Rollback to s2; UPDATE new_emp sey name = 'James' Where employee_id=180; Rollback; At the end of this transaction, what is true?()

  • A、You have no rows in the table.
  • B、You have an employee with the name of James.
  • C、You cannot roll back to the same savepoint more than once.
  • D、Your last update fails to update any rows because employee ID 180 was already deleted.


M.Jackson suggested the data structure oriented software design method.Which of the following structure can be introduced by using input data structure?A.algorithm structureB.procedure structureC.code structureD.program structure

合法的电子邮件地址是( )。A.Wang.em.hxing.com.cnB.em.hxing.com.cn.wangC.em.hxing.com.on@wangD.wang@em.hxig.com.cn

S7-200PLC有哪几种扩展模块?() A、数字量扩展模块:EM 221、EM222、EM223B、模拟量扩展模块:EM 231、EM232、EM235C、通信模块:EM227D、现场设备扩展模块:CP243;

Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table:You need to update the records of employees 103 and 115. The UPDATE statement you specify should update the rows with the values specified below:Which UPDATE statement meets the requirements?()A.B.C.D.E.

Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table:What is the correct syntax for an inline view?() A.B.C.D.

Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table:You issue these statements:At the end of this transaction, what is true?() A. You have no rows in the table.B. You have an employee with the name of James.C. You cannot roll back to the same savepoint more than once.D. Your last update fails to update any rows because employee ID 180 was already eleted.

Examine the structure if the EMPLOYEES and NEW EMPLOYEES tables:Which MERGE statement is valid?() A.B.C.D.

Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES, DEPARTMENTS, and LOCATIONS tables.Which two SQL statements produce the name, department name, and the city of all the employees who earn more then 10000?() A.B.C.D.

Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES and NEW_EMPLOYEES tables:Which UPDATE statement is valid?() A.B.C.D.

Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables:Evaluate this SQL statement:Which SQL statement is equivalent to the above SQL statement?() A.B.C.D.

当()时,货币贬值使该国国际收支状况恶化。A:|ex+em|>1B:|ex+em|=1C:|ex+em| 当()时,货币贬值使该国国际收支状况恶化。A:|ex+em|>1B:|ex+em|=1C:|ex+em|D:|ex+em|≤1


哈伯格条件的数学表达形式为 ( )A.Ex+Em>1B.Ex+Em<1C.Ex+Em>1+mD.Ex+Em<1+m

对劣质商品需求的收入弹性(Em)是()。A、Em 1B、Em =0C、Em0D、Em0




$(“div”).find(“em”;)与下面哪句功能一致?()A、$("divem")B、$("div em")C、$("div").has("em")D、$("div").children().is("em")







单选题View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the ORDERS table. Which task would require subqueries?  ()A  displaying the total order value for sales representatives 161 and 163B  displaying the order total for sales representative 161 in the year 1999C  displaying the number of orders that have order mode online and order date in 1999D  displaying the number of orders whose order total is more than the average order total for all online orders


单选题A data manipulation language statement ().Acompletes a transaction on a tableBmodifies the structure and data in a tableCmodifies the data but not the structure of a tableDmodifies the structure but not the data of a table

单选题$(“div”).find(“em”;)与下面哪句功能一致?()A$(divem)B$(div em)C$(div).has(em)D$(div).children().is(em)