Tom _____the music when Mary entered the room.A. listened toB. was listeningC. was listening to

Tom _____the music when Mary entered the room.

A. listened to

B. was listening

C. was listening to




Thegirl’sanswer______goodenough. A.soundedB.noisedC.heardD.listened

查询对象信息命令有( )。 A、TimeB、AreaC、DistD、ListE、Massprop

_____the hall, he found all the people_______ there. A.Entered; seatB.Entering; seatedC.To enter; sittingD.Entering; seating

4.I __________my teacher carefully,but l __________nothing.A. listened,listenedB. heard,listened toC.listened to,heardD. listened to,listened

The music that Americans are used to ______ to might sound strange to someone from another culture.A、listenB、be listenedC、listeningD、listened

下列代码的输出结果是(_____)。 name1=['tom','jack','mary'] name2=[name.upper() for name in name1] print(name2[2][0])A.JB.JackC.MD.MARY

上个月咖啡的价格急剧上升,而销售量没变。5个人中的每个人都提出了一种解释: Tom:需求增加了,但供给完全无弹性 Dick:需求增加了,但供给同时减少 Harry:需求增加了,但供给同时减少 Larry:供给减少了,但需求是单位弹性 Mary:供给减少了,但需求是完全无弹性。 谁可能是正确的?A.Tom, Dick和HarryB.Tom, Dick和MaryC.Tom, Harry和MaryD.Dick, Harry和LarryE.Dick, Harry和Mary

关于以下代码说法正确的是(_____)。 class Student: def language(self): print ("All the students like Python") class Mary(Student): def work(self): print("Mary is programming") class Tom(Student): def language(self): print("Tom likes JAVA") mary = Mary() tom = Tom()A.mary.language()会打印出All the students like PythonB.tom.language()会打印出All the students like会打印出Tom is programmingD.tom.language()会打印出Tom likes JAVA