You can()some bottles of wine, or some chocolates, or a bunch of flowers.A. bring upB. bring alongC. bring down

You can()some bottles of wine, or some chocolates, or a bunch of flowers.

A. bring up

B. bring along

C. bring down


We still have( )sugar. We don't need ____________ sugar now. A. some. . . anyB. any. . . someC. a... someD. some. . . a

8.I don't have ________erasers. I think Ann has ________ .A. any; anyB. some ;anyC. some; someD. any; some

Based on the description of a lahar deposit, how do clasts and matrix particles differ in size?A.Any clast is larger than the largest matrix particle.B.Any clast is smaller than the smallest matrix particle.C.Some, but not all, clasts are smaller than the largest matrix particle.D.Some, but not all, matrix particles are larger than the smallest clast.

Are you sure you don‘t have ___ advice to give me?I really need ___. A.any, anyB.some, anyC.any, someD.some, some

Do you have ______ shrimps? ---Here they ______ .A、any,areB、some,isC、any,beD、some,are

I don't need ()mineral water, but l' d like()tea,thanks. A.any , anyB.any , someC.some , some

There are ______ books in your bag. But there aren’t ______ pens in it. A、some, someB、any ,someC、some, anyD、any,any

I don't need ( )mineral water, but I'd like ( )_tea, thanks.A. some,anyB. any,anyC. any,some

A: I’d like ________ information about the school. B: You could have ________ word with the schoolmaster. A.some / / someC.some / some

( )Are you sure you don‘t have_______advice to give me I really need_______.A.any;anyB.some;anyC.any;someD.some;some