the 1944 education act made entry to secondary schools and universities“meritocratic”. ()

the 1944 education act made entry to secondary schools and universities“meritocratic”. ()


She _ the doctor a list of the medical items she needed. A.made … write outB.makes … writes outC.made … wroteD.had made … written

[A] alternative [B] secondary [C] intermediate[D] fundamental

I ()supper when I()someone knocking at the door.A、made . . . HeardB、made . . .was heardC、was making . . . was hearingD、was making . . . heard

在体外循环CABG中,ACT的转机指征 A、ACT>480 sB、ACT>300 sC、ACT<400 sD、ACT>400 sE、ACT<300 s

Provision of medical care is classified into primary, secondary, and ______ care categories.A.thirdB.threeC.tertiaryD.the third

18、下列的HTML中哪个可以产生超链接:A.<a url=""></a>B.<a></a>C.<a href="">W3Schools</a>D.<a></a>

题示代码的功能为:循环遍历输出Map当中的每一个元素。《插入代码》处应填入的代码是()Map map=new HashMap(); map.put(“jessica”,100); map.put(“tom”,200); map.put(“den”,300); Set《插入代码1》 set =《插入代码2》; for (《插入代码3》 per : set) { System.out.println(per.getKey() + ":" + per.getValue()); }A.<Entry> map.keySet() Entry#B.<Entry> map.entrySet() Entry#C.<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> map.keySet() Map.Entry<String, Integer>#D.<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> map.entrySet() Map.Entry<String, Integer>

13、‎下列的HTML中哪个可以产生超链接A.<a></a>B.<a href="">W3Schools</a>C.<a></a>D.<a url=""></a>

19、下列的HTML中哪个可以产生超链接?()A.<a url=""></a>B.<a></a>C.<a href="">W3Schools</a>D.<a></a>