“绿茶”的英文是()A.Green teaB.Black teaC.Oolong teaD.Yellow tea


A.Green tea

B.Black tea

C.Oolong tea

D.Yellow tea


根据杀青方式和最终干燥方式的不同,绿茶可分为()等。 A、烘青绿茶、蒸青绿茶B、炒青绿茶、蒸青绿茶C、炒青绿茶、烘青绿茶D、炒青绿茶、烘青绿茶、蒸青绿茶

We're going to _____ with _____ today, aren't we?A. the tea…the SmithsB. tea…those SmithsC. a tea…a SmithD. tea…the Smiths

下列哪一个是sigma值的计算公式() A.Sigma=SD/XB.Sigma=(TEa-Bias)/CV%C.Sigma=(TEa-CV%)/BiasD.Sigma=TEa+CV%+Bias

允许总误差的缩写是() A.CV%B.SDC.XD.Tea

狭义的名优绿茶是有别于大宗绿茶的特种绿茶。( ) 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Tea__________ (bring) to the western world until 1610.

“糖果”的英文是( )。A.chocolateB.candy sweetsC.coffeeD.tea


请判断如下的代码输出结果: spices = {'Coffee':50, 'Tea':20, 'Sugar':20} print(spices.get('Juice', 'Sorry, only Coffee, Tea, Sugar in spices.'))A.0B.报错C.'Sorry, only Coffee, Tea, Sugar in spices.'D.20