The frightened children( ) a sound.A. dare not makeB. dare not to makeC. not dare makeD.not dare to make

The frightened children( ) a sound.

A. dare not make

B. dare not to make

C. not dare make

D.not dare to make


Cochrane图书馆包含的子库有() A、Cochrane系统评价数据库( CDSR)B、疗效评价文摘数据库( DARE)C、Cochrane临床对照试验中心注册数据库( CENTRAL)D、Cochrane方法学评价数据库E、Cochrane方法学注册资料数据库F、卫生技术评估数据库G、英国国家卫生服务部卫生经济评价数据库

The little girl _____ sing before so many people, _____ she?A. doesn’t dare to; dareB. dares not; dareC. daren’t; doesD. daren’t; dare

单词dare和chair所包含的元音相同。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

______________________________________________________________________Specialized dictionaries provide in-depth information about a certain field. For example, there are dictionaries for the specialized vocabularies of law, computer technology, and medicine. In addition, there are dictionaries of synonyms, clichés, slang, and even regional expressions, such as the Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE). There are also dictionaries of foreign languages, famous people’s names, literary characters’ names and place names.A. Varieties of college dictionariesB. Accessing dictionaries electronicallyC. Elements under a word itemD. Complete editions of dictionariesE. Using dictionaries for particular fieldsF. Features of college dictionaries

He came back home,weary and fatigued.A:scaredB: worriedC: exhaustedD: frightened

Guests were scared when the bomb exploded.A:killedB:endangeredC:rescuedD:frightened

Don't beafraid .I am not going to hurt you.A: fearB:astonished C: shockedD: frightened



请同学们从发音口型、发音舌位和声带是否振动三个方面认真对比以下两个单词,找出能区分它们的发音要点。 dare, there 答题范例: 区分proof 和prove的发音要点在于声带是否振动: 1.proof 中的 f 为清辅音/f/,发音时声带不振动; 2.prove 中的 ve 为浊辅音/v/,发音时声带要振动。