Liquid semiconductor is used to _________.A. get rid of the radioactive wasteB. test the power of nuclear batteries.C. decrease the size of nuclear batteriesD. reduce the damage to lattice structure.

Liquid semiconductor is used to _________.

A. get rid of the radioactive waste

B. test the power of nuclear batteries.

C. decrease the size of nuclear batteries

D. reduce the damage to lattice structure.


-------He says that my new car is a ____________ of money.-------Don’t you think those words are just sour grapes?A. lack B. load C. question D. waste

在SQL SERVER中,下列哪些语句属于给局部变量赋值的语句() A.DECLAREB.SETC.USED.GET

—Were you busy last weekend? —Very. Rather than () time playing cards as usual, I devote every effort to () an advertisement. A、wasting, makingB、waste, makeC、to waste, makeD、a waste of, making

[A] wreck[B] ruin[C] relic[D] waste

The husband’s () on her made Helen finally decide to get a divorce.A、fightB、betrayalC、goD、waste


要找出对同一部电影评论次数在3次及以上的评论者姓名,下列语句不能实现该功能的是—— name from reviewer,rating where reviewer.rid=rating.rid group by reviewer.rid having count(stars)> name from reviewer A where (select count(stars) from rating B where A.rid=B.rid group by rid)> name from reviewer where (select count(stars) from rating where reviewer.rid=rating.rid)> name from review,rating where reviewer.rid=rating.rid and count(stars)>=3 group by revie

巨大的浪费: __________ waste

