● Every valid character in a computer that uses even (71) must always have an even number of1bits.(71)A. parity B. check C. test D. compare● The maximum number of data that can be expressed by 8 bits is (72) .(72)A. 64 B. 128 C. 255 D. 256● Integration (73) is the process of verifying that the components of a system work together as described in the program design and system design specifications.(73)A. trying B. checking C. testing D. coding● GIF files are limited to a maximum of 8 bits/pixel, it simply means that no more than 256 colors are allowed in (74) .(74)A. an image B. a file C. a window D. a page● Computer (75) is a complex consisting of two or more connected computing units, it is used for the purpose of data communication and resource sharing.(75)A. storage B. device C. network D. processor

● Every valid character in a computer that uses even (71) must always have an even number of1bits.

(71)A. parity B. check C. test D. compare

● The maximum number of data that can be expressed by 8 bits is (72) .

(72)A. 64 B. 128 C. 255 D. 256

● Integration (73) is the process of verifying that the components of a system work together as described in the program design and system design specifications.

(73)A. trying B. checking C. testing D. coding

● GIF files are limited to a maximum of 8 bits/pixel, it simply means that no more than 256 colors are allowed in (74) .

(74)A. an image B. a file C. a window D. a page

● Computer (75) is a complex consisting of two or more connected computing units, it is used for the purpose of data communication and resource sharing.

(75)A. storage B. device C. network D. processor


() a thorough investigation, no trace of her husband has been found. A、AlthoughB、ThoughC、DespiteD、Even

_________[A] Only [B] So [C] Even [D] Hence

____________[A] Hence[B] But[C] Even[D] Only

9. _______you _______ stay at home today?A. Do ; have toB. Must; have toC. Have; toD. Do ; must

publicvoidtest(intx){intodd=x%2;if(odd){System.out.println(odd);}else{System.out.println(even”);}}Whichstatementistrue?() A.Compilationfails.B.“odd”willalwaysbeoutput.C.“even”willalwaysbeoutput.D.“odd”willbeoutputforoddvaluesofx,and“even”forevenvalues.E.“even”willbeoutputforaddvaluesofx,and“odd”forevenvalues.

A) hardlyB) entirelyC) onlyD) even

完成以下PL/SQL块,功能是:显示2 到50的25个偶数。 BEGIN FOR________ IN _________ LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(even_number*2); END LOOP END;

__________he comes,we won't be able to go.A.ExceptB.UnlessC.WithoutD.Even

24、分析将布尔值赋给变量even的以下代码片段。 代码 1: if number % 2 == 0: even = True else: even = False 代码 2: even = True if number % 2 == 0 else False 代码 3: even = number % 2 == 0A.代码2有语法错误,因为条件表达式中不能有True和False文本。B.代码3有语法错误,因为您试图将number赋值给evenC.代码1有语法错误,因为不能把True 和False 赋值给evenD.所有三个都是正确的

12、分析以下代码,说法正确的是? 代码1: if number % 2 == 0: even = True else: even = False 代码 2: even = number % 2 == 0A.代码1有编译错误。B.代码2有编译错误。C.代码1和代码2都有编译错误。D.代码1和代码2都正确,但代码2更好。