11 The following information is available for Orset, a sole trader who does not keep full accounting records:$Inventory 1 July 2004 138,60030 June 2005 149,100Purchases for year ended 30 June 2005 716,100Orset makes a standard gross profit of 30 per cent on sales.Based on these figures, what is Orset’s sales figure for the year ended 30 June 2005?A $2,352,000B $1,038,000C $917,280D $1,008,000

11 The following information is available for Orset, a sole trader who does not keep full accounting records:


Inventory 1 July 2004 138,600

30 June 2005 149,100

Purchases for year ended 30 June 2005 716,100

Orset makes a standard gross profit of 30 per cent on sales.

Based on these figures, what is Orset’s sales figure for the year ended 30 June 2005?

A $2,352,000

B $1,038,000

C $917,280

D $1,008,000


12 At 1 July 2004 a company had prepaid insurance of $8,200. On 1 January 2005 the company paid $38,000 forinsurance for the year to 30 September 2005.What figures should appear for insurance in the company’s financial statements for the year ended 30 June2005?Income statement Balance sheetA $27,200 Prepayment $19,000B $39,300 Prepayment $9,500C $36,700 Prepayment $9,500D $55,700 Prepayment $9,500

17 A company sublets part of its office accommodation. In the year ended 30 June 2005 cash received from tenantswas $83,700.Details of rent in arrears and in advance at the beginning and end of the year were:In arrears In advance$ $30 June 2004 3,800 2,40030 June 2005 4,700 3,000All arrears of rent were subsequently received.What figure for rental income should be included in the company’s income statement for the year ended 30 June2005?A $84,000B $83,400C $80,600D $85,800

19 At 30 June 2004 a company’s allowance for receivables was $39,000. At 30 June 2005 trade receivables totalled $517,000. It was decided to write off debts totalling $37,000 and to adjust the allowance for receivables to the equivalent of 5 per cent of the trade receivables based on past events.What figure should appear in the income statement for these items?A $61,000B $22,000C $24,000D $23,850

23 The capital structure of a company at 30 June 2005 is as follows:$mOrdinary share capital 100Share premium account 40Retained earnings 6010% Loan notes 40The company’s income statement for the year ended 30 June 2005 showed:$mOperating profit 44Loan note interest (4)___Profit for year 40____What is the company’s return on capital employed?A 40/240 = 162/3 per centB 40/100 = 40 per centC 44/240 = 181/3 per centD 44/200 = 22 per cent

24 Sigma’s bank statement shows an overdrawn balance of $38,600 at 30 June 2005. A check against the company’s cash book revealed the following differences:1 Bank charges of $200 have not been entered in the cash book.2 Lodgements recorded on 30 June 2005 but credited by the bank on 2 July $14,700.3 Cheque payments entered in cash book but not presented for payment at 30 June 2005 $27,800.4 A cheque payment to a supplier of $4,200 charged to the account in June 2005 recorded in the cash book as a receipt.Based on this information, what was the cash book balance BEFORE any adjustments?A $43,100 overdrawnB $16,900 overdrawnC $60,300 overdrawnD $34,100 overdrawn

4 Ryder, a public limited company, is reviewing certain events which have occurred since its year end of 31 October2005. The financial statements were authorised on 12 December 2005. The following events are relevant to thefinancial statements for the year ended 31 October 2005:(i) Ryder has a good record of ordinary dividend payments and has adopted a recent strategy of increasing itsdividend per share annually. For the last three years the dividend per share has increased by 5% per annum.On 20 November 2005, the board of directors proposed a dividend of 10c per share for the year ended31 October 2005. The shareholders are expected to approve it at a meeting on 10 January 2006, and adividend amount of $20 million will be paid on 20 February 2006 having been provided for in the financialstatements at 31 October 2005. The directors feel that a provision should be made because a ‘valid expectation’has been created through the company’s dividend record. (3 marks)(ii) Ryder disposed of a wholly owned subsidiary, Krup, a public limited company, on 10 December 2005 and madea loss of $9 million on the transaction in the group financial statements. As at 31 October 2005, Ryder had nointention of selling the subsidiary which was material to the group. The directors of Ryder have stated that therewere no significant events which have occurred since 31 October 2005 which could have resulted in a reductionin the value of Krup. The carrying value of the net assets and purchased goodwill of Krup at 31 October 2005were $20 million and $12 million respectively. Krup had made a loss of $2 million in the period 1 November2005 to 10 December 2005. (5 marks)(iii) Ryder acquired a wholly owned subsidiary, Metalic, a public limited company, on 21 January 2004. Theconsideration payable in respect of the acquisition of Metalic was 2 million ordinary shares of $1 of Ryder plusa further 300,000 ordinary shares if the profit of Metalic exceeded $6 million for the year ended 31 October2005. The profit for the year of Metalic was $7 million and the ordinary shares were issued on 12 November2005. The annual profits of Metalic had averaged $7 million over the last few years and, therefore, Ryder hadincluded an estimate of the contingent consideration in the cost of the acquisition at 21 January 2004. The fairvalue used for the ordinary shares of Ryder at this date including the contingent consideration was $10 per share.The fair value of the ordinary shares on 12 November 2005 was $11 per share. Ryder also made a one for fourbonus issue on 13 November 2005 which was applicable to the contingent shares issued. The directors areunsure of the impact of the above on earnings per share and the accounting for the acquisition. (7 marks)(iv) The company acquired a property on 1 November 2004 which it intended to sell. The property was obtainedas a result of a default on a loan agreement by a third party and was valued at $20 million on that date foraccounting purposes which exactly offset the defaulted loan. The property is in a state of disrepair and Ryderintends to complete the repairs before it sells the property. The repairs were completed on 30 November 2005.The property was sold after costs for $27 million on 9 December 2005. The property was classified as ‘held forsale’ at the year end under IFRS5 ‘Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations’ but shown atthe net sale proceeds of $27 million. Property is depreciated at 5% per annum on the straight-line basis and nodepreciation has been charged in the year. (5 marks)(v) The company granted share appreciation rights (SARs) to its employees on 1 November 2003 based on tenmillion shares. The SARs provide employees at the date the rights are exercised with the right to receive cashequal to the appreciation in the company’s share price since the grant date. The rights vested on 31 October2005 and payment was made on schedule on 1 December 2005. The fair value of the SARs per share at31 October 2004 was $6, at 31 October 2005 was $8 and at 1 December 2005 was $9. The company hasrecognised a liability for the SARs as at 31 October 2004 based upon IFRS2 ‘Share-based Payment’ but theliability was stated at the same amount at 31 October 2005. (5 marks)Required:Discuss the accounting treatment of the above events in the financial statements of the Ryder Group for the yearended 31 October 2005, taking into account the implications of events occurring after the balance sheet date.(The mark allocations are set out after each paragraph above.)(25 marks)

(b) Ambush loaned $200,000 to Bromwich on 1 December 2003. The effective and stated interest rate for thisloan was 8 per cent. Interest is payable by Bromwich at the end of each year and the loan is repayable on30 November 2007. At 30 November 2005, the directors of Ambush have heard that Bromwich is in financialdifficulties and is undergoing a financial reorganisation. The directors feel that it is likely that they will onlyreceive $100,000 on 30 November 2007 and no future interest payment. Interest for the year ended30 November 2005 had been received. The financial year end of Ambush is 30 November 2005.Required:(i) Outline the requirements of IAS 39 as regards the impairment of financial assets. (6 marks)

(ii) Explain the accounting treatment under IAS39 of the loan to Bromwich in the financial statements ofAmbush for the year ended 30 November 2005. (4 marks)

(c) Wader is reviewing the accounting treatment of its buildings. The company uses the ‘revaluation model’ for itsbuildings. The buildings had originally cost $10 million on 1 June 2005 and had a useful economic life of20 years. They are being depreciated on a straight line basis to a nil residual value. The buildings were revalueddownwards on 31 May 2006 to $8 million which was the buildings’ recoverable amount. At 31 May 2007 thevalue of the buildings had risen to $11 million which is to be included in the financial statements. The companyis unsure how to treat the above events. (7 marks)Required:Discuss the accounting treatments of the above items in the financial statements for the year ended 31 May2007.Note: a discount rate of 5% should be used where necessary. Candidates should show suitable calculations wherenecessary.

8 P and Q are in partnership, sharing profits in the ratio 2:1. On 1 July 2004 they admitted P’s son R as a partner. Pguaranteed that R’s profit share would not be less than $25,000 for the six months to 31 December 2004. The profitsharingarrangements after R’s admission were P 50%, Q 30%, R 20%. The profit for the year ended 31 December2004 is $240,000, accruing evenly over the year.What should P’s final profit share be for the year ended 31 December 2004?A $140,000B $139,000C $114,000D $139,375

17 A business income statement for the year ended 31 December 2004 showed a net profit of $83,600. It was laterfound that $18,000 paid for the purchase of a motor van had been debited to motor expenses account. It is thecompany’s policy to depreciate motor vans at 25 per cent per year, with a full year’s charge in the year of acquisition.What would the net profit be after adjusting for this error?A $106,100B $70,100C $97,100D $101,600

2 The draft financial statements of Choctaw, a limited liability company, for the year ended 31 December 2004 showeda profit of $86,400. The trial balance did not balance, and a suspense account with a credit balance of $3,310 wasincluded in the balance sheet.In subsequent checking the following errors were found:(a) Depreciation of motor vehicles at 25 per cent was calculated for the year ended 31 December 2004 on thereducing balance basis, and should have been calculated on the straight-line basis at 25 per cent.Relevant figures:Cost of motor vehicles $120,000, net book value at 1 January 2004, $88,000(b) Rent received from subletting part of the office accommodation $1,200 had been put into the petty cash box.No receivable balance had been recognised when the rent fell due and no entries had been made in the pettycash book or elsewhere for it. The petty cash float in the trial balance is the amount according to the records,which is $1,200 less than the actual balance in the box.(c) Bad debts totalling $8,400 are to be written off.(d) The opening accrual on the motor repairs account of $3,400, representing repair bills due but not paid at31 December 2003, had not been brought down at 1 January 2004.(e) The cash discount totals for December 2004 had not been posted to the discount accounts in the nominal ledger.The figures were:$Discount allowed 380Discount received 290After the necessary entries, the suspense account balanced.Required:Prepare journal entries, with narratives, to correct the errors found, and prepare a statement showing thenecessary adjustments to the profit.(10 marks)

2 The draft financial statements of Rampion, a limited liability company, for the year ended 31 December 2005included the following figures:$Profit 684,000Closing inventory 116,800Trade receivables 248,000Allowance for receivables 10,000No adjustments have yet been made for the following matters:(1) The company’s inventory count was carried out on 3 January 2006 leading to the figure shown above. Salesbetween the close of business on 31 December 2005 and the inventory count totalled $36,000. There were nodeliveries from suppliers in that period. The company fixes selling prices to produce a 40% gross profit on sales.The $36,000 sales were included in the sales records in January 2006.(2) $10,000 of goods supplied on sale or return terms in December 2005 have been included as sales andreceivables. They had cost $6,000. On 10 January 2006 the customer returned the goods in good condition.(3) Goods included in inventory at cost $18,000 were sold in January 2006 for $13,500. Selling expenses were$500.(4) $8,000 of trade receivables are to be written off.(5) The allowance for receivables is to be adjusted to the equivalent of 5% of the trade receivables after allowing forthe above matters, based on past experience.Required:(a) Prepare a statement showing the effect of the adjustments on the company’s net profit for the year ended31 December 2005. (5 marks)

(b) Comment (with relevant calculations) on the performance of the business of Quicklink Ltd and CelerTransport during the year ended 31 May 2005 and, insofar as the information permits, its projectedperformance for the year ending 31 May 2006. Your answer should specifically consider:(i) Revenue generation per vehicle(ii) Vehicle utilisation and delivery mix(iii) Service quality. (14 marks)

(b) The marketing director of CTC has suggested the introduction of a new toy ‘Nellie the Elephant’ for which thefollowing estimated information is available:1. Sales volumes and selling prices per unitYear ending, 31 May 2009 2010 2011Sales units (000) 80 180 100Selling price per unit ($) 50 50 502. Nellie will generate a contribution to sales ratio of 50% throughout the three year period.3. Product specific fixed overheads during the year ending 31 May 2009 are estimated to be $1·6 million. Itis anticipated that these fixed overheads would decrease by 10% per annum during each of the years ending31 May 2010 and 31 May 2011.4. Capital investment amounting to $3·9 million would be required in June 2008. The investment would haveno residual value at 31 May 2011.5. Additional working capital of $500,000 would be required in June 2008. A further $200,000 would berequired on 31 May 2009. These amounts would be recovered in full at the end of the three year period.6. The cost of capital is expected to be 12% per annum.Assume all cash flows (other than where stated) arise at the end of the year.Required:(i) Determine whether the new product is viable purely on financial grounds. (4 marks)

(ii) Illustrate the benefit of revising the corporate structure by calculating the corporation tax (CT) payablefor the year ended 31 March 2006, on the assumptions that:(1) no action is taken; and(2) an amended structure as recommended in (i) above is implemented from 1 June 2005. (3 marks)

3 You are the manager responsible for the audit of Albreda Co, a limited liability company, and its subsidiaries. Thegroup mainly operates a chain of national restaurants and provides vending and other catering services to corporateclients. All restaurants offer ‘eat-in’, ‘take-away’ and ‘home delivery’ services. The draft consolidated financialstatements for the year ended 30 September 2005 show revenue of $42·2 million (2004 – $41·8 million), profitbefore taxation of $1·8 million (2004 – $2·2 million) and total assets of $30·7 million (2004 – $23·4 million).The following issues arising during the final audit have been noted on a schedule of points for your attention:(a) In September 2005 the management board announced plans to cease offering ‘home delivery’ services from theend of the month. These sales amounted to $0·6 million for the year to 30 September 2005 (2004 – $0·8million). A provision of $0·2 million has been made as at 30 September 2005 for the compensation of redundantemployees (mainly drivers). Delivery vehicles have been classified as non-current assets held for sale as at 30September 2005 and measured at fair value less costs to sell, $0·8 million (carrying amount,$0·5 million). (8 marks)Required:For each of the above issues:(i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and(ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Albreda Co for the year ended30 September 2005.NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

(b) You are the audit manager of Jinack Co, a private limited liability company. You are currently reviewing twomatters that have been left for your attention on the audit working paper file for the year ended 30 September2005:(i) Jinack holds an extensive range of inventory and keeps perpetual inventory records. There was no fullphysical inventory count at 30 September 2005 as a system of continuous stock checking is operated bywarehouse personnel under the supervision of an internal audit department.A major systems failure in October 2005 caused the perpetual inventory records to be corrupted before theyear-end inventory position was determined. As data recovery procedures were found to be inadequate,Jinack is reconstructing the year-end quantities through a physical count and ‘rollback’. The reconstructionexercise is expected to be completed in January 2006. (6 marks)Required:Identify and comment on the implications of the above matters for the auditor’s report on the financialstatements of Jinack Co for the year ended 30 September 2005 and, where appropriate, the year ending30 September 2006.NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the matters.

5 You are an audit manager in Dedza, a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants. Recently, you have been assignedspecific responsibility for undertaking annual reviews of existing clients. The following situations have arisen inconnection with three client companies:(a) Dedza was appointed auditor and tax advisor to Kora Co, a limited liability company, last year and has recentlyissued an unmodified opinion on the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2005. To your surprise,the tax authority has just launched an investigation into the affairs of Kora on suspicion of underdeclaring income.(7 marks)Required:Identify and comment on the ethical and other professional issues raised by each of these matters and state whataction, if any, Dedza should now take.NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three situations.

3 You are the manager responsible for the audit of Volcan, a long-established limited liability company. Volcan operatesa national supermarket chain of 23 stores, five of which are in the capital city, Urvina. All the stores are managed inthe same way with purchases being made through Volcan’s central buying department and product pricing, marketing,advertising and human resources policies being decided centrally. The draft financial statements for the year ended31 March 2005 show revenue of $303 million (2004 – $282 million), profit before taxation of $9·5 million (2004– $7·3 million) and total assets of $178 million (2004 – $173 million).The following issues arising during the final audit have been noted on a schedule of points for your attention:(a) On 1 May 2005, Volcan announced its intention to downsize one of the stores in Urvina from a supermarket toa ‘City Metro’ in response to a significant decline in the demand for supermarket-style. shopping in the capital.The store will be closed throughout June, re-opening on 1 July 2005. Goodwill of $5·5 million was recognisedthree years ago when this store, together with two others, was bought from a national competitor. It is Volcan’spolicy to write off goodwill over five years. (7 marks)Required:For each of the above issues:(i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and(ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Volcan for the year ended31 March 2005.NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

(b) You are the audit manager of Johnston Co, a private company. The draft consolidated financial statements forthe year ended 31 March 2006 show profit before taxation of $10·5 million (2005 – $9·4 million) and totalassets of $55·2 million (2005 – $50·7 million).Your firm was appointed auditor of Tiltman Co when Johnston Co acquired all the shares of Tiltman Co in March2006. Tiltman’s draft financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2006 show profit before taxation of$0·7 million (2005 – $1·7 million) and total assets of $16·1 million (2005 – $16·6 million). The auditor’sreport on the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2005 was unmodified.You are currently reviewing two matters that have been left for your attention on the audit working paper files forthe year ended 31 March 2006:(i) In December 2004 Tiltman installed a new computer system that properly quantified an overvaluation ofinventory amounting to $2·7 million. This is being written off over three years.(ii) In May 2006, Tiltman’s head office was relocated to Johnston’s premises as part of a restructuring.Provisions for the resulting redundancies and non-cancellable lease payments amounting to $2·3 millionhave been made in the financial statements of Tiltman for the year ended 31 March 2006.Required:Identify and comment on the implications of these two matters for your auditor’s reports on the financialstatements of Johnston Co and Tiltman Co for the year ended 31 March 2006. (10 marks)

3 You are the manager responsible for the audit of Seymour Co. The company offers information, proprietary foods andmedical innovations designed to improve the quality of life. (Proprietary foods are marketed under and protected byregistered names.) The draft consolidated financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2006 show revenueof $74·4 million (2005 – $69·2 million), profit before taxation of $13·2 million (2005 – $15·8 million) and totalassets of $53·3 million (2005 – $40·5 million).The following issues arising during the final audit have been noted on a schedule of points for your attention:(a) In 2001, Seymour had been awarded a 20-year patent on a new drug, Tournose, that was also approved forfood use. The drug had been developed at a cost of $4 million which is being amortised over the life of thepatent. The patent cost $11,600. In September 2006 a competitor announced the successful completion ofpreliminary trials on an alternative drug with the same beneficial properties as Tournose. The alternative drug isexpected to be readily available in two years time. (7 marks)Required:For each of the above issues:(i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and(ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Seymour Co for the year ended30 September 2006.NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

(b) You are an audit manager in a firm of Chartered Certified Accountants currently assigned to the audit of CleevesCo for the year ended 30 September 2006. During the year Cleeves acquired a 100% interest in Howard Co.Howard is material to Cleeves and audited by another firm, Parr Co. You have just received Parr’s draftauditor’s report for the year ended 30 September 2006. The wording is that of an unmodified report except forthe opinion paragraph which is as follows:Audit opinionAs more fully explained in notes 11 and 15 impairment losses on non-current assets have not beenrecognised in profit or loss as the directors are unable to quantify the amounts.In our opinion, provision should be made for these as required by International Accounting Standard 36(Impairment). If the provision had been so recognised the effect would have been to increase the loss beforeand after tax for the year and to reduce the value of tangible and intangible non-current assets. However,as the directors are unable to quantify the amounts we are unable to indicate the financial effect of suchomissions.In view of the failure to provide for the impairments referred to above, in our opinion the financial statementsdo not present fairly in all material respects the financial position of Howard Co as of 30 September 2006and of its loss and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial ReportingStandards.Your review of the prior year auditor’s report shows that the 2005 audit opinion was worded identically.Required:(i) Critically appraise the appropriateness of the audit opinion given by Parr Co on the financialstatements of Howard Co, for the years ended 30 September 2006 and 2005. (7 marks)

We learn from the passage that the date of sowing cotton is usually______.A) on June 15thB) on July 15thC) on July 1stD) on July 20th

The following trial balance relates to Sandown at 30 September 2009:The following notes are relevant:(i) Sandown’s revenue includes $16 million for goods sold to Pending on 1 October 2008. The terms of the sale are that Sandown will incur ongoing service and support costs of $1·2 million per annum for three years after the sale. Sandown normally makes a gross profit of 40% on such servicing and support work. Ignore the time value of money.(ii) Administrative expenses include an equity dividend of 4·8 cents per share paid during the year.(iii) The 5% convertible loan note was issued for proceeds of $20 million on 1 October 2007. It has an effective interest rate of 8% due to the value of its conversion option.(iv) During the year Sandown sold an available-for-sale investment for $11 million. At the date of sale it had acarrying amount of $8·8 million and had originally cost $7 million. Sandown has recorded the disposal of theinvestment. The remaining available-for-sale investments (the $26·5 million in the trial balance) have a fair value of $29 million at 30 September 2009. The other reserve in the trial balance represents the net increase in the value of the available-for-sale investments as at 1 October 2008. Ignore deferred tax on these transactions.(v) The balance on current tax represents the under/over provision of the tax liability for the year ended 30 September 2008. The directors have estimated the provision for income tax for the year ended 30 September 2009 at $16·2 million. At 30 September 2009 the carrying amounts of Sandown’s net assets were $13 million in excess of their tax base. The income tax rate of Sandown is 30%.(vi) Non-current assets:The freehold property has a land element of $13 million. The building element is being depreciated on astraight-line basis.Plant and equipment is depreciated at 40% per annum using the reducing balance method.Sandown’s brand in the trial balance relates to a product line that received bad publicity during the year which led to falling sales revenues. An impairment review was conducted on 1 April 2009 which concluded that, based on estimated future sales, the brand had a value in use of $12 million and a remaining life of only three years.However, on the same date as the impairment review, Sandown received an offer to purchase the brand for$15 million. Prior to the impairment review, it was being depreciated using the straight-line method over a10-year life.No depreciation/amortisation has yet been charged on any non-current asset for the year ended 30 September2009. Depreciation, amortisation and impairment charges are all charged to cost of sales.Required:(a) Prepare the statement of comprehensive income for Sandown for the year ended 30 September 2009.(13 marks)(b) Prepare the statement of financial position of Sandown as at 30 September 2009. (12 marks)Notes to the financial statements are not required.A statement of changes in equity is not required.

(a) The following figures have been calculated from the financial statements (including comparatives) of Barstead forthe year ended 30 September 2009:increase in profit after taxation 80%increase in (basic) earnings per share 5%increase in diluted earnings per share 2%Required:Explain why the three measures of earnings (profit) growth for the same company over the same period cangive apparently differing impressions. (4 marks)(b) The profit after tax for Barstead for the year ended 30 September 2009 was $15 million. At 1 October 2008 the company had in issue 36 million equity shares and a $10 million 8% convertible loan note. The loan note will mature in 2010 and will be redeemed at par or converted to equity shares on the basis of 25 shares for each $100 of loan note at the loan-note holders’ option. On 1 January 2009 Barstead made a fully subscribed rights issue of one new share for every four shares held at a price of $2·80 each. The market price of the equity shares of Barstead immediately before the issue was $3·80. The earnings per share (EPS) reported for the year ended 30 September 2008 was 35 cents.Barstead’s income tax rate is 25%.Required:Calculate the (basic) EPS figure for Barstead (including comparatives) and the diluted EPS (comparatives not required) that would be disclosed for the year ended 30 September 2009. (6 marks)

The Jewish New Year most probably comes between ______.A. July and SeptemberB. October and DecemberC. January and MarchD. April and June