






与客户端/服务器(Client/Server)架构相比,浏览器服务器(Browser/Server)架构的最大优点是()。 A.具有强大的数据操作和事务处理能力,模型思想简单,易于人们理解和接受B.部署和维护方便、易于扩展C.适用于分布式系统,支持多层应用架构D.将应用一分为二,允许网络分布操作

与客户机/服务器(Client/Server,C/S)架构相比,浏览器/服务器(Browser/Server,B/S)架构的最大优点是(5)。 A.具有强大的数据操作和事务处理能力 B.部署和维护方便、易于扩展 C.适用于分布式系统,支持多层应用架构 D.将应用一分为二,允许网络分布操作


基本的客户机/服务器(Client/Server,C/S) 结构是由客户机、服务器和______三部分组成。


Internet主要使用的服务模式是()。 A.客户机/服务器(Client/Server)B.终端/服务器(Terminal/Server)C.客户机/终端(Client/Terminal)D.浏览器/服务器(Brower/Server)

The architecture design specifies the overall architecture and the placement of software and hardware that will be used. Architecture design is a very complex process that is often left to experienced architecture designers and consultants. The first step is to refine the () into more detailed requirements that are then employed to help select the architecture to be used and the software components to be placed on each device. In a ( ), one also has to decide whether to use a two-tier, three-tier, or n-tier architecture. Then the requirements and the architecturedesign are used to develop the hardware and software specification. There are four primary types of nonfunctional requirements that can be important in designing the architecture. () specify the operating environment(s) in which the system must perform and how those may change over time. () focus on the nonfunctional requirements issues such as response time, capacity, and reliability. () are the abilities to protect the information system from disruption and data loss, whether caused by an intentional act. Cultural and political requirements are specific to the countries in which the system will be used. A. client-based architecture基于客户端的架构B. server-based architecture基于服务器的体系结构C. network architecture网络体系结构D. client-server architecture客户机服务器体系结构

主从式架构或客户端-服务器(Client/Server)结构简称C/S结构,把客户端 (Client) 与服务器 (Server) 区分开来。
