2 Graeme, aged 57, is married to Catherine, aged 58. They work as medical consultants, and both are higher ratetaxpayers. Barry, their son, is aged 32. Graeme, Catherine and Barry are all UK resident, ordinarily resident anddomiciled. Graeme has come to you for some tax advice.Graeme has invested in shares for some time, in particular shares in Thistle Dubh Limited. He informs you of thefollowing transactions in Thistle Dubh Limited shares:(i) In December 1986, on the death of his grandmother, he inherited 10,000 £1 ordinary shares in Thistle DubhLimited, an unquoted UK trading company providing food supplies for sporting events. The probate value of theshares was 360p per share.(ii) In March 1992, he took up a rights issue, buying one share for every two held. The price paid for the rightsshares was £10 per share.(iii) In October 1999, the company underwent a reorganisation, and the ordinary shares were split into two newclasses of ordinary share – ‘T’ shares and ‘D’ shares, each with differing rights. Graeme received two ‘T’ and three‘D’ shares for each original Thistle Dubh Limited share held. The market values for the ‘T’ shares and the ‘D’shares on the date of reorganisation were 135p and 405p per share respectively.(iv) On 1 May 2005, Graeme sold 12,000 ‘T’ shares. The market values for the ‘T’ shares and the ‘D’ shares on thatday were 300p and 600p per share respectively.(v) In October 2005, Graeme sold all of his ‘D’ shares for £85,000.(vi) The current market value of ‘T’ shares is 384p per share. The shares remain unquoted.Graeme and Catherine have owned a holiday cottage in a remote part of the UK for many years. In recent years, theyhave used the property infrequently, as they have taken their holidays abroad and the cottage has been let out asfurnished holiday accommodation.Graeme and Catherine are now considering selling the UK country cottage and purchasing a holiday villa abroad.Initially they plan to let this villa out on a furnished basis, but following their anticipated retirement, would expect tooccupy the property for a significant part of the year themselves, possibly moving to live in the villa permanently.Required:(a) Calculate the total chargeable gains arising on Graeme’s disposals of ‘T’ and ‘D’ ordinary shares in May andOctober 2005 respectively. (7 marks)
2 Graeme, aged 57, is married to Catherine, aged 58. They work as medical consultants, and both are higher rate
taxpayers. Barry, their son, is aged 32. Graeme, Catherine and Barry are all UK resident, ordinarily resident and
domiciled. Graeme has come to you for some tax advice.
Graeme has invested in shares for some time, in particular shares in Thistle Dubh Limited. He informs you of the
following transactions in Thistle Dubh Limited shares:
(i) In December 1986, on the death of his grandmother, he inherited 10,000 £1 ordinary shares in Thistle Dubh
Limited, an unquoted UK trading company providing food supplies for sporting events. The probate value of the
shares was 360p per share.
(ii) In March 1992, he took up a rights issue, buying one share for every two held. The price paid for the rights
shares was £10 per share.
(iii) In October 1999, the company underwent a reorganisation, and the ordinary shares were split into two new
classes of ordinary share – ‘T’ shares and ‘D’ shares, each with differing rights. Graeme received two ‘T’ and three
‘D’ shares for each original Thistle Dubh Limited share held. The market values for the ‘T’ shares and the ‘D’
shares on the date of reorganisation were 135p and 405p per share respectively.
(iv) On 1 May 2005, Graeme sold 12,000 ‘T’ shares. The market values for the ‘T’ shares and the ‘D’ shares on that
day were 300p and 600p per share respectively.
(v) In October 2005, Graeme sold all of his ‘D’ shares for £85,000.
(vi) The current market value of ‘T’ shares is 384p per share. The shares remain unquoted.
Graeme and Catherine have owned a holiday cottage in a remote part of the UK for many years. In recent years, they
have used the property infrequently, as they have taken their holidays abroad and the cottage has been let out as
furnished holiday accommodation.
Graeme and Catherine are now considering selling the UK country cottage and purchasing a holiday villa abroad.
Initially they plan to let this villa out on a furnished basis, but following their anticipated retirement, would expect to
occupy the property for a significant part of the year themselves, possibly moving to live in the villa permanently.
(a) Calculate the total chargeable gains arising on Graeme’s disposals of ‘T’ and ‘D’ ordinary shares in May and
October 2005 respectively. (7 marks)