44_________A. containingB. hidingC. sharingD. keeping


A. containing

B. hiding

C. sharing

D. keeping


Parts were ordered only as needed, keeping () and overhead low. A、inventoryB、sacrificeC、drippingD、clear-cut

What shall I do to ________ this _________ getting dirty? A.from,keepingB.keep,fromC.keeping,fromD.keep,on

Excuse me for () you with such a small matter. A. questioningB. troublingC. interruptingD. keeping

[A] Keeping [B] Disapproving[C] Supporting [D] Forgetting

It is difficult ______a world record and even more difficult to ______it.A. keeping, setB. keep, setC. set, keepD. to set, keep

()eye contact is very important in western culture. A.KeepB.KeptC.Keeping


Howcantheadministratorusefile’a’containing’-Elsys0’toviewtheattributesofadevice()? A.lsdev-fvaB.lsattr-faC.lsattr`cata`D.lsdev-Cccata

( ) is an important concept since it allows reuse of a class definition without requiring major code changes.A.InheritanceB.PolymorphismC.EncapsulationD.DatA.hiding