the british media play an important role in shaping a national culture. ()

the british media play an important role in shaping a national culture. ()


CAR针对Ingress方向的业务流,Shaping则针对Egress方向的业务流。CAR主要用于限制接入的某个业务流的流量,Shaping主要用于使某个业务流(或端口流)以较为平均的流量转发出去。Shaping存在缓冲区,因此Shaping可能会增加业务的时延,CAR则不会。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

which of the following activities is most appealing to children? () A. Reciting texts.B. Formal grammar instruction.C. Cross-word puzzle.D. Role-play.

what type of speaking tasks does the following activity belong to ? t: she reads english every morning. t: go to school. ss: she goes to school every morning. t: drive to work. ss: she drives to work every morning.():A. Controlled activity.B. Semi-controlled activity.C. Role-play.D. Information-gap activity.


Which of the following activities is most appealing to student’s characteristics?A.Cross-word puzzle.B.grammar instruction.C.Reciting texts.D.Role-play.

2、英语教学活动“Role-play”能够照顾以人际关系智能(Interpersonal Intelligence)为优势智能的学习者。

下面关于CSS样式优先级,正确的是A.!important > id > class >> !important > class > tagC.!important > tag > class > idD.tag> id > class > !important

提升选择器样式重要性的代码正确的是(){ color:green!important; }{ !important color:green; }!important{ color:green!important; }{ color:green; }!important;

2. 要管理好一所学校,校长起着很重要的作用。(play...role...)

CSS优先级说法正确的是?A.!important > id > class > tagB.!important < id < class < tagC.!important>class>id>tagD.!important>tag>id>class