What does the cancellation of the 16-day flight mean?A.The scientists on the ground are pursuing only their most important experiments.B.The shuttle team will be disappointed at the curtailment of the science mission.C.The science will complete the experiments on a later shuttle flight.D.The remaining generators are sufficient.

What does the cancellation of the 16-day flight mean?

A.The scientists on the ground are pursuing only their most important experiments.

B.The shuttle team will be disappointed at the curtailment of the science mission.

C.The science will complete the experiments on a later shuttle flight.

D.The remaining generators are sufficient.


What makes a person a scientist? Does he have ways or tools of learning that are different from those of others? The answer is “no”. It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses these tools that makes him a scientist. You will probably agree that knowing how to use a power is important to a carpenter. You will probably agree, too, that knowing how to investigate, how to discover information, is important to everyone. The scientist, however, goes one step further, he must be sure that he has a reasonable answer to his questions and that his answer can be confirmed by other persons. He also works to fit the answers he gets to many questions into a large set of ideas about how the world works.The scientist’s knowledge must be exact. There is no room for half right or right just half the time. He must be as nearly right as the conditions permit. What works under one set of conditions at one time must work under the same must be explained by the changes in the conditions. This is one reason that investigations are important in science. Albert Einstein, who developed the Theory of Relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics. The accuracy of his mathematics was later tested through investigations, and Einstein’s ideas were shown to be correct. A scientist uses many tools for measurements. Then the measurements are used to make mathematical calculations that may test his investigations.11.What makes a scientist according to the passage? ________A.The tools he uses.B.The way he uses his tools.C.His ways of learning.D.The various tools he uses.12.The underlined part in the passage shows_______.A.the importance of informationB.the importance of thinkingC.the difference between scientists and ordinary peopleD.the difference between carpenters and people with other jobs13.A sound scientific theory should be one that _________.A.works not only under one set of conditions at one time, but also under the same conditions at other timesB.does not allow any changes even under different conditionsC.can be used for many purposesD.leaves no room for improvement14.The author quotes the case of Albert Einstein to illustrate __________.A.that measurements are keys to success in scienceB.that accuracy of mathematicsC.that investigations are important in scienceD.that the mathematical calculations may test his investigations15.What is the main idea of the passage? ________A.The theory of relativity.B.Exactness is the core of science.C.Scientists are different from ordinary people.D.Exactness and ways of using tools are the keys to the making of a scientist.

What can we conclude from the recent study?A. People think highly of science.B. People hold mixed opinions about science.C. Science is getting dangerously out of control.D. Science is used for both good and bad purposes.

According to the passage, what will happen if we hold that science is getting beyond control?A. The development of science will hopelessly slow down.B. Businesses will have even greater influence on science.C. The public will lose faith in bringing about a bright future.D. People will work more actively to put science under control.

What is the main idea of the passage?A. Science and its applications bring us many dangers.B. The development of science mostly lies in people’s attitudes.C. Mankind can largely take control of science with their efforts.D. The future of science will be influenced by the dangerous ideas.

SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.听力原文: The cancellation of the 16-day flight means that the crew and scientists on the ground are pursuing only their most important experiments in the few remaining hours left before the shuttle laboratory is closed. The US sapce agency NASA decided Sunday to bring the orbiter home 12 days early because of fears of weakened power generator could explode. The generator has been turned off, leaving the shuttle with only two thirds of its normal power supply. To conserve electricity for the experiments the crew is working in dimmer lighting than normal and has turned off all unessential equipment. NASA says the two remaining generators are sufficient for Tuesday's landing, but had nevertheless ordered the astronauts to study emergency procedures in case another fails. The shuttle team has expressed its disappointment at the curtailment of the science mission, and says enough data have already been collected in the materials, combustion and biological experiments to push science further ahead. The scientist' goal is to complete the experiments on a later shuttle flight. David Batlery, VOA news, Washington.Why did NASA decide to bring the shuttle home earlier?A.The laboratory was closed.B.The generator was turned off.C.The power generator might explode.D.Electricity was going to run out.

The text is most probably a ________.A. science news reportB. book reviewC. newspaper adD. science fiction story

Meeting foreign language requirements for the PhD_________A. is the most frequent reason for dropping outB. is more difficult for the science candidate than for the humanities candidateC. is an essential part of many PhD programsD. does not vary in difficulty among universities

What does the phrase “the wake-up call”in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?A.a new diseaseB.a clear warningC.a dangerous animalD.a morning call

Before signing the delivery note, you should check that the consignment is complete. What does "delivery note" mean in Chinese?A、交货单B、便条C、存款单D、资信证明

What is a logical data mapping and what does it mean to the ETL team?什么是逻辑数据映射?它对ETL项目组的作用是什么?

We need to know something about the structure and operation of science because ( ).A. it is not easy to understand the things that excite and frustrate scientistsB. science affects almost every aspect of our lifeC.scientists live in a specific subcultureD.it is easier to understand general characteristics of science

Professor Taylor's talk has indicated that science has a very strong influence on the everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientists.A: motivationB: perspectiveC: impressionD: impact

共用题干第三篇Scientific AttitudeWe all know that science plays an important role in our society.However,many people believe that our progress depends on two different aspects of science.The first aspect is the application of the machines,products and systems of knowledge that scientists and technologists develop.The second is the application of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work.What are these special methods of thinking and acting? First of all,it seems that a successful scientist is curious一he wants to find out how and why the universe works.He usually pays attention to problems which he notices have no satisfying explanation,and looks for relationships even if the data available seem to be unconnected.Moreover,he thinks he can improve the existing conditions and enjoys trying to solve the problems which this involves.He is a good observer, accurate, patient and objective(客观的)and uses the facts he observes to the fullest. For example,trained observers obtain a very large amount of information about a star mainly from the accurate analysis of the simple lines that appear in a spectrum(光谱).He does not accept statements which are not based on the most complete evidence available.He rejects authority as the only basis for truth.Scientists always check statements and make experiments carefully and objectively.Furthermore,he does not readily accept his own idea,since he knows that man is the least reliable of scientific instmments and that a number of factors tend to disturb objective investigation.Lastly,he 15 full of imagination since he often has to look for relationships in data which are not only complex but also frequently incomplete.Furthermore,he needs imagination if he wants to guess how processes work and how events take place.These seem to be some of the ways in which a successful scientist or technologist thinks and acts.What does the passage mainly discuss?A:Application of technology.B:Progress in modem society.C:Scientists,ways of thinking and acting.D:How to become a successful scientist.

共用题干Science and TechnologyThere is a difference between science and technology.______(46)Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships between observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serve to organize these facts and relationships;technology has to do with tools, techniques,and procedures for applying the findings of science.______(47)Progress in science excludes the human factor. Scientists,who seek to understand the universe and know the truth within the highest degree of accuracy and certainty,cannot pay attention to their own or other peoples likes or dislikes or to popular ideas about the fitness of things.______(48)But even an unpleasant truth is more than likely to be useful;besides,we have the choice of refusing to believe it!But hardly so with technology;we do not have the choice of refusing to hear the sound produced by a supersonic(超音速的)aircraft flying overhead ; we cannot refuse to breathe polluted air.______(49)The purpose of technology is to serve peo- pie-people in general,not merely some people;and future generations,not merely those who presently wish to gain advantage for themselves.______(50)Many people blame technology itself for widespread pollution,resource depletion(枯竭)and even social decay in generalso much so that the promise of technology is "obscured".That promise is a cleaner and healthier world.If wise applications of science and technology do not lead to a better world,what else will?______(47)A: Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progress in each.B: Unlike science,progress in technology must be measured in terms of the human factor.C: What scientists discover may shock or anger people-as did Darwin's theory of evolution.D: Science and technology are different.E: We are all familiar with the improper use of technology.F: Science is a method of answering theoretical questions;technology is a method of solving practical problems.

共用题干第三篇Scientific AttitudeWe all know that science plays an important role in our society.However,many people believe that our progress depends on two different aspects of science.The first aspect is the application of the machines,products and systems of knowledge that scientists and technologists develop.The second is the application of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work.What are these special methods of thinking and acting? First of all,it seems that a successful scientist is curious一he wants to find out how and why the universe works.He usually pays attention to problems which he notices have no satisfying explanation,and looks for relationships even if the data available seem to be unconnected.Moreover,he thinks he can improve the existing conditions and enjoys trying to solve the problems which this involves.He is a good observer, accurate, patient and objective(客观的)and uses the facts he observes to the fullest. For example,trained observers obtain a very large amount of information about a star mainly from the accurate analysis of the simple lines that appear in a spectrum(光谱).He does not accept statements which are not based on the most complete evidence available.He rejects authority as the only basis for truth.Scientists always check statements and make experiments carefully and objectively.Furthermore,he does not readily accept his own idea,since he knows that man is the least reliable of scientific instmments and that a number of factors tend to disturb objective investigation.Lastly,he 15 full of imagination since he often has to look for relationships in data which are not only complex but also frequently incomplete.Furthermore,he needs imagination if he wants to guess how processes work and how events take place.These seem to be some of the ways in which a successful scientist or technologist thinks and acts.Which word can be used to describe the data that a good scientist uses?A:completeB:objectiveC:complicatedD:accurate

共用题干第三篇Scientific AttitudeWe all know that science plays an important role in our society.However,many people believe that our progress depends on two different aspects of science.The first aspect is the application of the machines,products and systems of knowledge that scientists and technologists develop.The second is the application of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work.What are these special methods of thinking and acting? First of all,it seems that a successful scientist is curious一he wants to find out how and why the universe works.He usually pays attention to problems which he notices have no satisfying explanation,and looks for relationships even if the data available seem to be unconnected.Moreover,he thinks he can improve the existing conditions and enjoys trying to solve the problems which this involves.He is a good observer, accurate, patient and objective(客观的)and uses the facts he observes to the fullest. For example,trained observers obtain a very large amount of information about a star mainly from the accurate analysis of the simple lines that appear in a spectrum(光谱).He does not accept statements which are not based on the most complete evidence available.He rejects authority as the only basis for truth.Scientists always check statements and make experiments carefully and objectively.Furthermore,he does not readily accept his own idea,since he knows that man is the least reliable of scientific instmments and that a number of factors tend to disturb objective investigation.Lastly,he 15 full of imagination since he often has to look for relationships in data which are not only complex but also frequently incomplete.Furthermore,he needs imagination if he wants to guess how processes work and how events take place.These seem to be some of the ways in which a successful scientist or technologist thinks and acts.Many people believe that science helps society to progress through________.A:knowledge onlyB:more than one aspectC:technologyD:the use of machines

共用题干第三篇Scientific AttitudeWe all know that science plays an important role in our society.However,many people believe that our progress depends on two different aspects of science.The first aspect is the application of the machines,products and systems of knowledge that scientists and technologists develop.The second is the application of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work.What are these special methods of thinking and acting? First of all,it seems that a successful scientist is curious一he wants to find out how and why the universe works.He usually pays attention to problems which he notices have no satisfying explanation,and looks for relationships even if the data available seem to be unconnected.Moreover,he thinks he can improve the existing conditions and enjoys trying to solve the problems which this involves.He is a good observer, accurate, patient and objective(客观的)and uses the facts he observes to the fullest. For example,trained observers obtain a very large amount of information about a star mainly from the accurate analysis of the simple lines that appear in a spectrum(光谱).He does not accept statements which are not based on the most complete evidence available.He rejects authority as the only basis for truth.Scientists always check statements and make experiments carefully and objectively.Furthermore,he does not readily accept his own idea,since he knows that man is the least reliable of scientific instmments and that a number of factors tend to disturb objective investigation.Lastly,he 15 full of imagination since he often has to look for relationships in data which are not only complex but also frequently incomplete.Furthermore,he needs imagination if he wants to guess how processes work and how events take place.These seem to be some of the ways in which a successful scientist or technologist thinks and acts.According to the passage,a successful scientist would NOT_________.A:easily believe in unchecked statementsB:easily criticize others,research workC:always use his imagination in workD:always use evidence from observation

The mere fact ______ most people believenuclear war would be mad does not mean that it will not occur.A.that B.which C.what D.whose

What does the writer mean by saying“it is a maxim more often repeated than observed”in Line 3 to 4,Paragraph 1?( ) A.The maxim functions well in all cases B.The maxim does not function at all C.The maxim functions more at surface value D.The maxim does not work much in reality

What does the writer mean by saying“it is a maxim more often repeated than observed”in Line 3 to 4,Paragraph 1?( ) A.The maxim functions well in all cases. B.The maxim does not function at all. C.The maxim functions more at surface value. D.The maxim does not work much in reality.

单选题The sentence “But this has rarely been a one-way street.” in the last paragraph means that _____.Acontemporary art has been nourished by modern scienceBmodern science has been nourished by artCartists can become scientists and scientists can become artistsDthe impacts of modern art and science are actually mutual

问答题Why does the author dwell upon the concept of science in this article?

问答题The education of humanists cannot be regarded as complete, or even adequate, without exposure in some depth to where things stand in the various branches of science, particularly, in the areas of our ignorance. Physics professors, most of them, look with revulsion on assignments to teach their subjects to poets. The liberal arts faculties, for their parts, will continue to view the scientists with suspicion and apprehension. But maybe, a new set of courses dealing systematically with ignorance in science will take hold. The scientists might discover in it a new and subversive technique for catching the attention of students driven by curiosity, delighted and surprised to learn that science is exactly as some scientists described it: an “less frontier.” The humanists, for their part, might take considerable satisfaction in watching their scientific colleagues confess openly to not knowing everything about everyone. And the poets, on whose shoulders the future rests, might, late nights, thinking things over, begin to see some meanings that elude the rest of us.

问答题What is the danger of the confusion in the meaning of science?

问答题In one day at a library, 64 people borrowed books. Twice as many people borrowed only a thriller as borrowed only a science fiction book. Three people borrowed a biography only and 11 people borrowed both science fiction and a thriller, but not a biography. The same number borrowed a biography and a thriller but no science fiction as borrowed one of each of the three types. Twenty-one people did not borrow a thriller. One more person borrowed a science fiction book and a biography book than borrowed a biography only.  How many people borrowed a thriller only?

单选题Why does the author dwell upon the concept of science in this article?AHe wants to get the name right for scientists who are not in the field of exact science.BHe wants to show that scientists can be wrong.CHe just wants to show the tight concept to the confused people.DHe wants to make the concept clear so that people can have the right education.

问答题What does the incoherence in Britain’s science education policy reveal?