Even though current technologies make the ultimate segmented network impractical, new technologies and products hold the promise of making the concept a reality. Most important of all these new technologies are (66) . The ultimate switched LAN, which is technically possible, now, exhibits the following characteristics:1. High-speed yet cost-effective switching devices can be implemented on a wide scale, providing dedicated connections for individual users and supporting the aggregate (67) of all networked users.2. The ability to deploy switching capabilities incrementally into the (68) base. Switching implementations support switching of individual users or groups so that existing users of shared media modules can continue to use the existing equipment until they can justify moving to dedicate switched LAN connections.3. Support and enhancement of existing routed environments. Switching (69) routint, but rather can be introduced into the network without making any changes to the existing routing equipment or configuration.(70) play a critical role in the integration of switching into existing networks.A.switch-based LANsB.WANsC.user servicesD.LAN-BY-PHONE

Even though current technologies make the ultimate segmented network impractical, new technologies and products hold the promise of making the concept a reality. Most important of all these new technologies are (66) . The ultimate switched LAN, which is technically possible, now, exhibits the following characteristics:

1. High-speed yet cost-effective switching devices can be implemented on a wide scale, providing dedicated connections for individual users and supporting the aggregate (67) of all networked users.

2. The ability to deploy switching capabilities incrementally into the (68) base. Switching implementations support switching of individual users or groups so that existing users of shared media modules can continue to use the existing equipment until they can justify moving to dedicate switched LAN connections.

3. Support and enhancement of existing routed environments. Switching (69) routint, but rather can be introduced into the network without making any changes to the existing routing equipment or configuration.(70) play a critical role in the integration of switching into existing networks.

A.switch-based LANs


C.user services



What() you() he’ s the murderer? A. make, thinkB. makes, thinkC. makes, to thinkD. make, thinking

A self-hosted Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service uses a secure HTTP binding with a custom principal permission mode. The binding requires users to provide their Windows logon credentials. You need to retrieve the identity of the caller.What are two possible properties you can use to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution Choose two)()A. Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.NameB. HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.NameC. ServiceSecurityContext.Current.PrimaryIdentity.NameD. OperationContext.Current.ServiceSecurityContext.PrimaryIdentity.Name


publicvoidtest(intx){intodd=x%2;if(odd){System.out.println(odd);}else{System.out.println(even”);}}Whichstatementistrue?() A.Compilationfails.B.“odd”willalwaysbeoutput.C.“even”willalwaysbeoutput.D.“odd”willbeoutputforoddvaluesofx,and“even”forevenvalues.E.“even”willbeoutputforaddvaluesofx,and“odd”forevenvalues.



Cer-tech.comhasasingleActiveDirectorydomain&ensp Cer-tech.comhasasingleActiveDirectorydomaincalledcer-tech.com.AllserversinthedomainrunWindowsServer2008.Therearetwodomaincontrollersinthenetwork:ED1andED2andtheDNS serviceisinstalledonthedomaincontrollers.BothDNSservershostActiveDirectoryintegratedzonesthatareconfiguredtoallowthemostsecuredupdates.ED1hasaKeyManagementServices(KMS)installedandactivated.Duringmaintenance,youfindthattheservicelocaterrecordsfromthecer-tech.comzonehostedonServer02andServer02aremissing.YouhavetoforceregistrationoftheKMSservicelocatorrecordsintheCer-tech.comzone.Whatshouldyoudotocorrectthisproblem?()

Cer-tech.comhasfourbranchoffices.Todeploytheimages,youinstallMicrosoftWindowsDeployment Services(WDS)onthenetwork.Cer-tech.comcreates4imagesforeachbranchoffice.Thereareatotalof16imagesforCer-tech.com.YoudeploytheseimagesthroughWDS.AproblemoccursinonebranchofficewheretheadministratorreportsthatwhenhebootstheWDSclientcomputer,someoftheimagesforhisregionalofficedoesnotshowupinthebootmenu.Whatshouldyoudotoensurethateveryadministratorcanviewalltheimagesforhisbranchoffice?()

The scientists have conducted a series of experiments.A:actions B:testsC:effects D:technologies
