“ when i arrived at the station, the train had already____.“ A. deprivedB. departedC. depressedD. deposited

“ when i arrived at the station, the train had already____.“

A. deprived

B. departed

C. depressed

D. deposited


【C程序】#includestdio.h/*此处为栈类型及其基本操作的定义,省略*/int main(){STACK station;int state[1000];int n; /*车厢数*/int begin, i, j, maxNo; /*maxNo为A端正待入栈的车厢编号*/printf("请输入车厢数:");scanf("%d",n);printf(“请输入需要判断的车厢编号序列(以空格分隔):”);if(n<1)return-1;for (i=0; in; i++) /*读入需要驶出的车厢编号序列,存入数组state[]*/scanf("%d",state[i]);(1) ; /*初始化栈*/maxNo=1;for(i=0; i<n; ){ /*检查输出序列中的每个车厢号state[i]是否能从栈中获取*/if( (2) ){ /*当栈不为空时*/if (state[i]=Top(station)) { /*栈顶车厢号等于被检查车厢号*/printf("%d",Top(station));Pop(station);i++;}elseif ( (3) ) {printf(“error\n”);return 1;}else{begin= (4) ;for(j=begin+l;j =state [i];j++){Push(station, j);}}}else{ /*当栈为空时*/begin=maxNo;for(j=begin; j=state[i];j++) {Push(station, j);}maxNo= (5) ;}}printf("OK");return 0;}

Susan: When's the meeting?Harry: I'm driving into London tomorrow morning. The meeting (60) .

I _____my breakfast at 8, but_____ I lunch yet. .A. had, haven't hadB. had, didn't haveC. have had, didn't have

I’d like to know what time we can get the container ()it is in the port. A、whereB、whyC、when

I _______ him study hard until he passes the exam. A.askB.madeC.letD.had

—Why didn't you go to the cinema yesterday?—I______, but my daughter returned from America the moment I was leaving.A. didB. wouldC. was going toD. had

The earthquake broke out on a day _______ my father left for America, a day _______I’ll never forget.A.that; whenB.when; whenC.that; whichD.when; that

The earthquake broke out on a day______ my father left for America, a day _______ I’ll never forget.A.that; when B.when; whenC.that: which D.when; that

I′ll never forget the day__________I became a doctor.A.thatB.whichC.whereD.when
