The door was ( ) shut, but we could still hear their heated discussion loud and ( ). A、closely/ clearlyB、closely/ clearC、close/ clearlyD、close/ clear

The door was ( ) shut, but we could still hear their heated discussion loud and ( ).

A、closely/ clearly

B、closely/ clear

C、close/ clearly

D、close/ clear


Self-confidence ensures the doctor that the decision he is going to make is____________. A. soundB. aliveC. sensitiveD. loud

Students are holding a ( ) discussion on how to protect the global ecological system. A.warmB.hotC.heatD.heated


We _____ rather talk about football or the weather or what we had for lunch.A: willB: shouldC: wouldD: could


Our boss told me my plan was still ______discussion.A. inB. underC. ofD. with

I__________have been there,but I__________not find the time.A.should;wouldB.should;couldC.might;couldD.could;could

18、4. 既清新又响亮,既简洁又抢眼的主题能吸引与会者、参展者和赞助商。A.A fresh, loud, concise and eye-catching theme can attract attendees, exhibitors and sponsors.B.A new, loud, simple and showy theme can attract attendees, exhibitors and sponsors.C.A fresh, loud, concise and eye-catching theme can attract exhibitors, attendees, and sponsors.D.A new, loud, simple and showy theme can attract exhibitors, attendees, and sponsors.

对下面的代码,哪段描述是错误的?() public class Door{ } public class House{ public House(){ Door door = new Door();}}A.Door是一个类。B.House是一个从Door继承的类。C.House的构造函数中声明了一个名为door的变量。D.door是一个对象。