The longer they listen to him, the (little) ( ) they like him.

The longer they listen to him, the (little) ( ) they like him.


—Mark speaks English well, but you??____________ him.—Thank you. .A. speak as badly as B. speak worse thanC. don’t speak so badly as D. speak much better than

Listen!Judy is singing___________in her room.


Saul's brother left the matter entirely up to ______ and ______.A. I, heB. him, IC. me, heD. him, me

Where's the boy? We can’t ________c找到) him.

“所有家住北京的姓王的人”的查询信则表达式是( )A.姓名Like“王*”OR住址Like“北京”B.姓名Like“王*”AND住址Like“北京”C.姓名Like“王?”AND住址Like“北京”D.姓名Like“王?”OR住址Like“北京”

Listen! The baby()in the next room.A. criesB. criedC. is crying

There is a ( ) of 1020Kgs in this shipment.A. short B. shortageC. long D. longer

Listen! Who()in the next room? The voice is so beautiful.AsingsBsangChas sungDis singing
