What can we infer from the first three paragraphs?A In both East and West, names are essential to success.B The alphabet is to blame for the failure of Zo Zysman.C Customers often pay a lot of attention to companies’ names.D Some form. of discrimination is too subtle to recognize.
What can we infer from the first three paragraphs?
A In both East and West, names are essential to success.
B The alphabet is to blame for the failure of Zoë Zysman.
C Customers often pay a lot of attention to companies’ names.
D Some form. of discrimination is too subtle to recognize.
The ability to tolerate pain varies ______ person ______ person. (A) between … and(B) both … and(C) from … to(D) of … to
18.1 can _________ swim _________skate. Will you teach me how to swim and skate?A. not only,but alsoB. both,andC. either,orD. neither,nor
In Trial 9, the electrical force exerted by Sphere Y on Sphere X and the electrical force exerted by Sphere X on Sphere Y were exerted in which direction(s)?A.east; eastB.east; westC.west; westD.west; east
定义枚举如下:publicenumDirection{EAST,SOUTH,WEST,NORTH}下列正确使用该枚举类型的语句是哪项?() A.DirectionDirection=EAST;B.Directiondirection=Direction.WEST;C.inta-Direction.NORTH;D.Directiondirection=2;
YouaredesigningaDNSnamingstrategyfortheproposedActiveDirectoryenvironment.Whichdomainnameornamesshouldyouuse?() A.wideworldimporters.comB.newyork.wideworldimporters.comC.sanfrancisco.wideworldimporters.comD.east.wideworldimporters.comE.west.wideworldimporters.comF.seattle.wideworldimporters.com
WhichuniquecharacteristicsoftheDataCenterAggregationlayermustbeconsideredbyan EnterpriseCampusdesigner?() A.Layer3routingbetweentheAccessandAggregationlayersfacilitiestheabilitytospanVLANsacrossmultipleaccessswitches,whichisarequirementformanyservervirtualizationandclusteringtechnologies.B.“East-west”server-to-servertrafficcantravelbetweenaggregationmodulesbywayofthecore,butbackupandreplicationtraffictypicallyremainswithinanaggregationmodule.C.Loadbalancing,firewallservice,andothernetworkservicearecommonlyintegratedbytheuseofservicemodulesthatareinsertedintheaggregationswitched.D.VirtualizationtoolsallowacosteffectiveapproachforredundancyinthenetworkdesignbyusingtwoorfourVDCsfromthesamephysicalswitch.
27.If we travel by car ,we_________.A. can't travel fifty or one hundred miles a dayB. can-t stop at a hotel to spend the nightC. can make our own timetable 'D. can travel to a very far place in several minutes
当Frame改变大小时,放在其中的按钮大小不变,则使用的layout为()。A.FlowLayoutB.CardLayoutC.BorderLayout 的North和SouthD.BorderLayout 的East 和West
表达“东西南北”四个方位时,英语的习惯一般是______?A.north, east, south and westB.east, west, north and southC.north, south, east and westD.east, south, west and north