下列句子中,上下句在意义上形成鲜明对比的是()。 A、皇天之不纯命兮,何百姓之震愆B、去故乡而就远兮,遵江夏以流亡C、哀州土之平乐兮,悲江介之遗风D、众踥蹀而日进兮,美超远而逾迈







以下句子中,哪个“launch”表示“发射”的意思?A.NASA plans to launch a satellite to study cosmic rays.B.The country decided to launch a war of aggression to the small countries around.C.China has launched its latest Shenzhou manned space mission.D.The project will not be launched until next spring.

以下句子中,“敏以求之者也”的最恰当翻译是()。A.earnest in seeking it there.B.diligently seek knowledge from them.C.quick in thought and studies them diligently.D.I am quick to seek it.

1、判断以下句子的意图,填空后朗读句子。 提出自己的想法 填1 表示“实际上” 填2 说明时间 填3 发起句子 填4 表示条件 填5 Personally, I prefer to visits the gallery next week. ()

2、判断以下句子的意图,填空后朗读句子。 提出自己的想法 填1 表示“实际上” 填2 说明时间 填3 发起句子 填4 表示条件 填5 Tomorrow, we will drive to New York. ()

在以下句子中,哪些词需要重读,即要读得清晰、响亮、音调高、而且音长长? Can you repeat what you said?A.CanB.repeatC.whatD.said

指出以下句子中的excellent哪个是定语哪个是补语。 She is an excellent student. I find you excellent. 2. 指出以下句子中的定语部分。 The boy standing by the window, is his son. Evidence from scientific report shows that the left half of brain controls language.


1. 指出以下句子中的excellent哪个是定语哪个是补语。 She is an excellent student. I find you excellent. 2. 指出以下句子中的定语部分。 The boy standing by the window, is his son. Evidence from scientific report shows that the left half of brain controls language.

指出以下句子中的定语部分。 1) The boy standing by the window, is his son. 2) Evidence from scientific report shows that the left half of brain controls language.