


Linux操作系统不可以与MS-DOS、Windows等其它操作系统共存于同一台机器上。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

以下软件中:①WPS Office 2003;②Windows 2000;③财务管理软件;④UNIX;⑤学籍管理系统;⑥MS-DOS;⑦Linux。属于应用软件的有( )。A.①②③B.①③⑤C.①③⑤⑦D.②④⑥⑦

在所列的软件中: ①WPSOffice 2003; ②windows 2000; ③财务管理软件; ④UNIX; ⑤学籍管理系统; ⑥MS-DOS; ⑦Linux。 属于应用软件的有 ( )。A.①②③B.①③⑤C.①③⑤⑦D.②④⑥⑦

在所列的软件中: ①WPS Office 2003;②Windows 2000;③财务管理软件; ④UNIX;⑤学籍管理系统;⑥MS-DOS;⑦Linux。 属于应用软件的有A.①②③B.①③⑤C.①③⑤⑦D.②④⑥⑦

Windows XP中文版的MS-DOS方式提供了与MS-DOS 6.22兼容的中文环境。( )

Samba使用(54)协议通过网络连接来共享文件和打印机,支持该协议的操作系统包括Microsoft Windows、OS/2和Linux。A.SMBB.FTPC.NetBIOSD.TFTP


All computers need some sort of(71)(OS). Tile majority of modem home computers use some form. of Microsofts OS. The original Microsoft OS was called DOS though most computers use Windows. Windows comes in various versions beginning with(72)x then 95, 98, ME and currently XP. A few computers use IBMs O/SApples Mac uses their own OS beginning with OS I though most modem Macs use version x or x. Apples latest version is OS 10.x. In the past large companies and institutions would have an OS design exclusively for them but as the Commercial OS become more sophisticated the benefits of this practice is becoming less apparent. Some computer professionals,(73)(ISP)and(74)computer users use an OS such as UNIX(or a variant such as Linux), Windows NT or 2000(Win2k)or one of the other network or(75)based OS.A.Operated SystemB.Operated SystemC.Operating SystemD.Operation System

ORACLE9i数据库服务器不能在下列哪个OS平台上安装运行() A.Windows NTB.Windows 2000C.Windows 98D.SCO UNIXE.Redhat Linux

对iNode客户端,以下说法正确的有()A、iNode客户端支持Windows、Linux、Mac OS操作系统B、iNode客户端支持主流操作系统(Windows、Linux、Mac OS)的防代理功能C、iNode客户端支持主流操作系统(Windows、Linux、Mac OS)的防病毒、补丁自动升级功能D、iNode客户端支持主流操作系统(Windows、Linux、Mac OS)的终端运行进程、服务检查功能

Cisco wcs is supported on which two of the following operating systems?()A、mac os xB、windows 2000 sp4C、solaris 10D、windows server 2003E、debian linux



Adobe Premiere Pro A.5可以在哪些操作平台下运行?()A、Windows XP ProfessionalB、Windows XP Home Edition或Windows XP MediaEditionC、Mac OS XD、Linux





某单位要在大型服务器上安装一种多用户、多任务一GPL操作系统,最适合的操-作系统是()。A、LinuxB、Windows ServerC、Windows XPD、OS/2

An administrator is attempting to start a server from a bootable Linux disk but instead the server boots into Windows. Which of the following is the MOST likely reason for this?()A、The system needs to boot to Windows first, prior to booting into Linux.B、The OS settings are not set properly for Linux support.C、The boot order is set incorrectly in the BIOS.D、The Linux disk is not supported in a Windows environment.

ORACLE9i数据库服务器不能在下列哪个OS平台上安装运行()A、Windows NTB、Windows 2000C、Windows 98D、SCO UNIXE、Redhat Linux

Linux 不可以与MS-DOS、OS/2、Windows等其他操作系统共存于同一台机器上。

单选题An administrator is attempting to start a server from a bootable Linux disk but instead the serverboots into Windows. Which of the following is the MOST likely reason for this?()A The system needs to boot to Windows first, prior to booting into Linux.B The OS settings are not set properly for Linux support.C The boot order is set incorrectly in the BIOS.D The Linux disk is not supported in a Windows environment.


单选题An administrator is attempting to start a server from a bootable Linux disk but instead the server boots into Windows. Which of the following is the MOST likely reason for this?()AThe system needs to boot to Windows first, prior to booting into Linux.BThe OS settings are not set properly for Linux support.CThe boot order is set incorrectly in the BIOS.DThe Linux disk is not supported in a Windows environment.



判断题Linux 不可以与MS-DOS、OS/2、Windows等其他操作系统共存于同一台机器上。A对B错