Cycle stock is the()inventory based on the maximum needs.A、lowestB、highestC、basicD、medium

Cycle stock is the()inventory based on the maximum needs.

  • A、lowest
  • B、highest
  • C、basic
  • D、medium


In face of the current stock market, most stock-holders_____.[A] stop injecting more money into the stock market[B] react angrily to the devaluing stock[C] switch their money around in the market[D] turn a deaf ear to the warning

In the author’s opinion, employees should _____.[A] invest in company stock to show loyalty to their employer[B] get out of their own company’s stock[C] wait for some time before disposing of their stock[D] give trust to a particular company’s stock

(b) You are the audit manager of Jinack Co, a private limited liability company. You are currently reviewing twomatters that have been left for your attention on the audit working paper file for the year ended 30 September2005:(i) Jinack holds an extensive range of inventory and keeps perpetual inventory records. There was no fullphysical inventory count at 30 September 2005 as a system of continuous stock checking is operated bywarehouse personnel under the supervision of an internal audit department.A major systems failure in October 2005 caused the perpetual inventory records to be corrupted before theyear-end inventory position was determined. As data recovery procedures were found to be inadequate,Jinack is reconstructing the year-end quantities through a physical count and ‘rollback’. The reconstructionexercise is expected to be completed in January 2006. (6 marks)Required:Identify and comment on the implications of the above matters for the auditor’s report on the financialstatements of Jinack Co for the year ended 30 September 2005 and, where appropriate, the year ending30 September 2006.NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the matters.

Every so often, ________ your situation and consider what steps have to be taken next.A take inventory ofB take account ofC take charge ofD take stock of

ClicktheExhibitbutton.Assumingthetaglibraryintheexhibitisimportedwiththeprefixstock,whichcustomtaginvocationoutputsthecontentsofthevariableexposedbythequotetag?() A.;stock:quoteensp;symbol=;SUNW;ensp;/;${var}B.${var}.ensp;;stock:quoteensp;symbol=;SUNW;ensp;/;C.;stock:quoteensp;symbol=;SUNW;;.ensp;${var}.ensp;;/stock:quote;D.;stock:quoteensp;symbol=;SUNW;ensp;var=;quote;ensp;/;${quote}

执行如下SQL语句后 SELECT DISTINCT 单价 FROM stock; WHERE 单价=(SELECT min(单价)FROM stock)INTO DBF stock x 表stock x中的记录个数是______。A.1B.2C.3D.4

在当前盘当前目录下删除表stock的命令是A)DROP stock B)DELETE TABLE stockC)DROP TABLE stock D)DELETE stock

Which statement is true about item records and inventory management? ()A、 With IBM Maximo Asset Management V6.2 (IMAM), item records are created in the Item Master application, and storeroom records are created in the Storerooms application, but inventory is managed in the Inventory application.B、 With IMAM, item records are created in the Storerooms application, and storeroom records are created in the Inventory application, but inventory is managed in the Inventory application.C、 With IMAM, item records are created in the Inventory application, and storeroom records are created in the Item Master application, and inventory is managed in the Item Master application.D、 With IMAM, item records are created in the Inventory application, and storeroom records are created in the Storerooms application, but inventory is managed in the Item Master application.

One hertz is equal to one ( )A、cycle per centimeterB、cycle per meterC、cycle per secondD、cycle per eV


()is guaranteed by the full market supply and Just in time ( JIT ) . A、Zero Inventory logisticsB、Zero stockC、InventoryD、Outsourcing inventory

与“物流战略”相关的英语术语有()。A、sales package(销售包装)B、logistics strategy(物流战略)C、cycle stock(经常库存)D、logistics strategy management(物流战略管理)

与“条码”相关的英语术语有()。A、bar code(条码)B、sales package(销售包装)C、cycle stock(经常库存)D、bar code symbol(条码符号)

英译中:Inventory cycle time

Zero stock is the best way for() A、lost controlB、inventory controlC、storage cost controlD、warehouse cost control

英译中:Cycle stock

()is the method to keep the best inventory level and position with the minimum cost to satisfy the demand. A、warehouse managementB、Inventory controlC、stock managementD、storage management


Which inventory management feature of WebSphere Commerce Accelerator should a user with the Buyer (sell-side) role use to record inventory that has been ordered from a vendor, so that backorders can be allocated against this inventory?()A、Ad HocB、ExpectedC、FutureD、OrderedE、Planned

单选题Which statement is true about item records and inventory management? ()A With IBM Maximo Asset Management V6.2 (IMAM), item records are created in the Item Master application, and storeroom records are created in the Storerooms application, but inventory is managed in the Inventory application.B With IMAM, item records are created in the Storerooms application, and storeroom records are created in the Inventory application, but inventory is managed in the Inventory application.C With IMAM, item records are created in the Inventory application, and storeroom records are created in the Item Master application, and inventory is managed in the Item Master application.D With IMAM, item records are created in the Inventory application, and storeroom records are created in the Storerooms application, but inventory is managed in the Item Master application.

单选题Which inventory management feature of WebSphere Commerce Accelerator should a user with the Buyer (sell-side) role use to record inventory that has been ordered from a vendor, so that backorders can be allocated against this inventory?()AAd HocBExpectedCFutureDOrderedEPlanned

单选题The passage mainly wants to tell us ______.Ahow to buy or sell sharesBABC of stock marketsCthe stock market is like gamblingDinvesting money in the stock market is not the safest way

名词解释题英译中:Inventory cycle time

单选题She()stealing when she had no money.Amet withBtook stock ofCresorted toDtook inventory of

单选题After a physical count, additional inventory is found in the warehouse which is not recorded in WebSphere Commerce. How should a receiver use WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to record the additional inventory with a reason code that will appear in inventory reports?()AUse the Find Inventory page to search for the SKU and select Ad Hoc Receipt to record the inventory.BUse the Find Inventory page to search for the SKU and select Adjust Quantity to record the inventory.CUse the Expected Inventory page to create a new expected inventory record for the SKU. Then receive the inventory.DUse the Fulfillment Center page to select the fulfillment center. Select Manage Inventory and search for the SKU. Record the additional inventory.EUse the Product Management page to search for and select the product. Then select the Manage Inventory action to record the inventory.

名词解释题英译中:Cycle stock

单选题Click the Exhibit button. Assuming the tag library in the exhibit is imported with the prefix stock,which custom tag invocation outputsthe contents of the variable exposed by the quote tag?()A ;stock:quoteensp;symbol=";SUNW";ensp;/;${var}B ${var}.ensp;;stock:quoteensp;symbol=";SUNW";ensp;/;C ;stock:quoteensp;symbol=";SUNW";;.ensp;${var}.ensp;;/stock:quote;D ;stock:quoteensp;symbol=";SUNW";ensp;var=";quote";ensp;/;${quote}