
  • D、SALARY=1000ORSALARY=2000


删除视图salary的命令是( )。A.DROP VIEW salaryB.DROP salary VIEWC.DELETE salaryD.DELETE salary VIEW

Which clause would you use in a SELECT statement to limit the display to those employees whose salary is greater then 5000? () A. ORDER BY SALARY 5000B. GROUP BY SALARY 5000C. HAVING SALARY 5000D. WHERE SALARY 5000

Evaluate the SQL statement:What is the result of the statement?() A. The statement produces an error at line 1.B. The statement produces an error at line 3.C. The statement produces an error at line 6.D. The statement returns the employee name, salary, department ID, and maximum salary earned in the department of the employee for all departments that pay less salary then the maximum salary paid in the company.E. The statement returns the employee name, salary, department ID, and maximum salary earned in the department of the employee for all employees who earn less than the maximum salary in their department.

Examine the data in the EMPLOYEES table:LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID SALARYGetz 10 3000Davis 20 1500Bill 20 2200Davis 30 5000...Which three subqueries work? () A. SELECT * FROM employees where salary (SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department _ id);B. SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary = (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department _ id);C. SELECT distinct department_id FROM employees Where salary ANY (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department _ id);D. SELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE SALARY ALL (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department _ id);E. SELECT last_name FROM employees Where salary ANY (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department _ id);F. SELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE salary ALL (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY ANG (SALARY));

Click the Exhibit button and examine the data in the EMPLOYEES table.Which three subqueries work? () A.SELECT * FROM employees where salary (SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id);B.SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary = (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id);C.SELECT distinct department_id FROM employees WHERE salary ANY (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id);D.SELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE salary ALL (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id);E.SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE salary ANY (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id);F.SELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE salary ALL (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY AVG(SALARY));

删除视图salary的命令是 A) DROP salary VIEW B)DROP VIEW salary C)DELETE salary VIEW D)DELETE salary

● 设有职工表emp(Eno,Ename,Sex,Age)(Eno为职工号,Ename为职工姓名,Sex为性别,Age为年龄)和salary(Eno,Hour,Month,Wage)(Hour为工作时长为多少小时,Month表示几月份,Wage为薪水),建立一个视图V-Salary(Eno,Ename,Hour,Month,Wage),并按Eno升序排序的SQL语句为:(1)CREATE ( )AS SELECT emp.Eno,emp.Ename ,salary.Hour,salary.Month,salary.WageFROM emp, salaryWHERE emp.Eno=salary.EnoORDER BY ENO在此视图上查均月工资在3000以上的职工工资情况的SQL语句为:SELECT Eno,Ename,AVG(Wage)FROM V-SalaryGROUP BY ( )HAVING AVG(Wage)3000( )A. CREATE TABLE V-Salary(emp.Eno,emp.Ename,salary.Hour,salary.Month,salary.Wage)B. CREATE VIEW V-Salary(Eno,Ename,Hour,Month,Wage)C. CREATE TABLE V-Salary(Eno,Ename,Hour,Month,Wage)D. CREATE INDEX V-Salary(Eno,Ename,Hour,Month,Wage)( )A. Eno B.EnameC.Month D.Wage

SQL中,SALARYIN(1000,2000)的语义是______。A.SALARY≤2000 AND SALARY≥1000B.SALARY<2000 AND SALARY>1000C.SALARY=1000 AND SALARY=2000D.SALARY=1000 OR SALARY=2000

删除视图salary的命令是A.DROP salary VIEWB.DROP VIEW salaryC.DELETE salary VIEWD.DELETE salary


类Teacher:  class Teacher{   String name;   float salary;   Teacher(String name){   this.name = name;  }   Teacher(String name,float salary){   this.name = name;   this.salary = salary;  }  }   执行语句Teacher t = new Teacher(“Tom”,2000.0f);后,字段salary的值是哪一项?() A、 2000.0fB、 0.0fC、 null;D、 2000

如果对关系emp(eno,ename,salary)成功执行下面的SQL语句: CREATE CLUSTER INDEX name_index ON emp(salary) 对此结果的正确描述是()。A、在emp表上按salary升序创建了一个唯一索引B、在emp表上按salary降序创建了一个唯一索引C、在emp表上按salary升序创建了一个聚簇索引D、在emp表上按salary降序创建了一个聚簇索引


Which clause would you use in a SELECT statement to limit the display to those employees whose salary is greater then 5000?()A、ORDER BY SALARY 5000B、GROUP BY SALARY 5000C、HAVING SALARY 5000D、WHERE SALARY 5000

Examine the description of the EMPLOYEES table: EMP_ID NUMBER(4) NOT NULL LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(30) DEPT_ID NUMBER(2) JOB_CAT VARCHAR2(30) SALARY NUMBER(8,2) Which statement shows the department ID, minimum salary, and maximum salary paid in that department, only of the minimum salary is less then 5000 and the maximum salary is more than 15000?()A、SELECT dept_id, MIN(salary(, MAX(salary) FROM employees WHERE MIN(salary) 5000 AND MAX (salary) 15000;B、SELECT dept_id, MIN(salary), MAX(salary) FROM employees WHERE MIN(salary) 5000 AND MAX(salary) 15000 GROUP BY dept_id;C、SELECT dept_id, MIN(salary), MAX(salary) FROM employees HAVING MIN(salary) 5000 AND MAX (salary) 15000;D、SELECT dept_id, MIN(salary), MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id HAVING MIN (salary) 5000 AND MAX(salary)E、SELECT dept_id, MIN(salary), MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id, salary HAVING MIN (salary) 5000 AND MAX (salary) 15000;

Evaluate these two SQL statements: SELECT last_name, salary , hire_date FROM EMPLOYEES ORDER BY salary DESC; SELECT last_name, salary , hire_date FROM EMPLOYEES ORDER BY 2 DESC; What is true about them?()A、The two statements produce identical results.B、The second statement returns a syntax error.C、There is no need to specify DESC because the results are sorted in descending order by default.D、The two statements can be made to produce identical results by adding a column alias for the salary column in the second SQL statement.

Examine the structures of the EMPLOYEES and TAX tables. EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary Key EMP_NAME VARCHAR2 (30) JOB_ID VARCHAR2 (20) SALARY NUMBER References MGR_ID NUMBER EMPLOYEE_ID column DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER Foreign key to DEPARTMENT _ID column of the DEPARTMENT table TAX MIN_SALARY NUMBER MAX_SALARY NUMBER TAX_PERCENT NUMBER Percentage tax for given salary range You need to find the percentage tax applicable for each employee. Which SQL statement would you use?()A、SELECT employee_id, salary, tax_percent FROM employees e, tax t WHERE e.salary BETWEEN t.min _ salary AND t.max_salaryB、SELECT employee_id, salary, tax_percent FROM employees e, tax t WHERE e.salary t.min_salary, tax_percentC、SELECT employee_id, salary, tax_percent FROM employees e, tax t WHERE MIN(e.salary) = t.min_salary AND MAX(e.salary) = t.max_salaryD、You cannot find the information because there is no common column between the two tables.

Which SQL statement generates the alias Annual Salary for the calculated column SALARY*12?()A、SELECT ename, salary*12 'Annual Salary' FROM employees;B、SELECT ename, salary*12 "Annual Salary" FROM employees;C、SELECT ename, salary*12 AS Annual Salary FROM employees;D、SELECT ename, salary*12 AS INITCAP("ANNUAL SALARY") FROM employees

Click the Exhibit button and examine the data in the EMPLOYEES table. Which three subqueries work?()A、SELECT * FROM employees where salary (SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id);B、SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary = (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id);C、SELECT distinct department_id FROM employees WHERE salary ANY (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id);D、SELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE salary ALL (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id);E、SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE salary ANY (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id);F、SELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE salary ALL (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY AVG(SALARY));

Examine the data in the EMPLOYEES table: LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID SALARY Getz 10 3000 Davis 20 1500 Bill 20 2200 Davis 30 5000 ... Which three subqueries work? ()A、SELECT * FROM employees where salary (SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department _ id);B、SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary = (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department _ id);C、SELECT distinct department_id FROM employees Where salary ANY (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department _ id);D、SELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE SALARY ALL (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department _ id);E、SELECT last_name FROM employees Where salary ANY (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department _ id);F、SELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE salary ALL (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY ANG (SALARY));

Evaluate these two SQL statements:SELECT last_name, salary, hire_dateFROM EMPLOYEES ORDRE BY salary DESC; SELECT last_name, salary, hire_dateFROM EMPOLYEES ORDER BY 2 DESC; What is true about them?()A、The two statements produce identical results.B、The second statement returns a syntax error.C、There is no need to specify DESC because the results are sorted in descending order by default.D、The two statements can be made to produce identical results by adding a column alias for the salary column in the second SQL statement.

单选题类Teacher:  class Teacher{   String name;   float salary;   Teacher(String name){   this.name = name;  }   Teacher(String name,float salary){   this.name = name;   this.salary = salary;  }  }   执行语句Teacher t = new Teacher(“Tom”,2000.0f);后,字段salary的值是哪一项?()A 2000.0fB 0.0fC null;D 2000

多选题Examine the data in the EMPLOYEES table: Which three subqueries work? ()ASELECT * FROM employees where salary (SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department _ id);BSELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary = (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department _ id);CSELECT distinct department_id FROM employees Where salary ANY (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department _ id);DSELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE SALARY ALL (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department _ id);ESELECT last_name FROM employees Where salary ANY (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department _ id);FSELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE salary ALL (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY ANG (SALARY));

单选题您在公司的数据库中成功创建了名为SALARY的表。您现在要通过向引用EMPLOYEES表的匹配列的SALARY表添加FOREIGNKEY约束条件来建立EMPLOYEES表与SALARY表之间的父/子关系。尚未向SALARY表添加任何数据。应执行以下哪条语句()AALTER TABLE salary ADD CONSTRAINT fk_employee_id_01 FOREIGN KEY(employee_id)REFERENCES employees(employee_id)BALTER TABLE salary ADD CONSTRAINT fk_employee_id_ FOREIGN KEY BETWEEN salary(employee_id)AND employees(employee_id)CALTER TABLE salary FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT fk_employee_id_REFERENCES employees(employee_id)DALTER TABLE salary ADD CONSTRAINT fk_employee_id_FOREIGN KEY salary(employee_id)=employees(employee_id)


单选题删除视图salary的命令是(  )。ADROP VIEW salaryBDROP salary VIEWCDELECT salaryDDELECT salary VIEW