- A、载入JDBC驱动程序
- B、建立连接
- C、执行查询或更新
- D、关闭连接
Given a portion of a valid Java EE web application’s directory structure: MyApp | |-- File1.html | |-- Directory1 ||-- File2.html| |-- META-INF |-- File3.html You want to know whether File1.html, File2.html, and/or File3.html will be directly accessible by your webclient’s browsers. Which statement is true?()A、All three files are directly accessible.B、Only File1.html is directly accessible.C、Only File2.html is directly accessible.D、Only File3.html is directly accessible.E、Only File1.html and File2.html are directly accessible.
Which will declare a method that forces a subclass to implement it? () A、 Public double methoda();B、 Static void methoda (double d1) {}C、 Public native double methoda();D、 Abstract public void methoda();E、 Protected void methoda (double d1){}
现有: class HorseRadish { //insert code here protected HorseRadish (int x) { System.out.println ("bok choy"); } } class Wasabi extends HorseRadish { public static void main (String [] args){ Wasabi w- new Wasabi(); } } 分别插入到第2行,哪两项允许代码编译并产生”bok choy”输出结果()A、 protected HorseRadish() {this (42);}B、 protected HorseRadish() {}C、 //just a commentD、 protected HorseRadish() { new HorseRadish (42);}
Which method must be used to encode a URL passed as an argument to HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect when using URL rewriting for session tracking?()A、ServletResponse.encodeURLB、HttpServletResponse.encodeURLC、ServletResponse.encodeRedirectURLD、HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL
class TestApp{ public static void main(String[] args){ int x = 5; switch(x){ case 1: case 2: case 3: System.out.println(“一季度”); break; case 4: case 5: case 6: System.out.println(“二季度”); case 7: case 8: case 9: System.out.println(“三季度”); break; ase 10: case 11: ase 12: System.out.println(“四季度”); break; default: System.out.println(“不是有效的月份”); } } } 上述程序运行后的结果是哪项?() A、一季度B、二季度C、三季度D、四季度