单选题The remarks are favorable()you.AatBtoCforDwith

The remarks are favorable()you.









解析: 暂无解析


–()– We all make mistakes. (A) Sorry to interrupt you.(B) It’s my fault.(C) I’m sorry to hear that.(D) Please excuse me for spilling tea on you.

[A] unbiased [B] unprejudiced [C] favorable [D] favorite

见到你很高兴。________ to________ you.

40____A. questionsB. commentsC. explanationsD. remarks

55_______A. accessibleB. enjoyableC. possibleD. favorable

His stupid remarks ____ a fight. A、touched downB、touched onC、touched offD、touched up

He was elated over the favorable reviews of his novel.() A. grievousB. tremblingC. overjoyedD. lazy


Wilfred’s remarks ______ me in my opinion that he was an honorable young man.() A. confirmedB. contributedC. revolvedD. dismissed

We look forward to your()reply. A、favorB、favorablyC、favoriteD、favorable

Air by the beach is ( ) to health because it contains negative ionA.beneficialB.fashionableC.possibleD. favorable

Yesterday afternoon 2 cargo surveyors appointed by the consignee came on board for investigation. I told them the cargo was loaded between Aug. 14th. and 16th. Under favorable weather without any remarks on __________.A.log bookB.short/over-loaded cargo listC.the mate’s receiptD.manifest

All the holds and other parts of the ship in which cargo is to be stowed should be ______ for the carriage.A.comfortableB.suitableC.stableD.Favorable

In front of tens of thousands of audience,ti is normal for these youngchildren to show () of tension, but I believe they will succeed.A. marksB. signsC. anxietyD. Remarks

He made a number of rude remarks about the food.A:signs B:manners C:noises D:comments

If your prices are favorable, we would like to order 1,000 cases____ you.A、toB、withC、forD、on

The current situation of African-Americans presents()A、a favorable pictureB、a negative pictureC、a mixed pictureD、an encouraging picture

单选题Yesterday afternoon 2 cargo surveyors appointed by the consignee came on board for investigation. I told them the cargo was loaded between Aug.14th.and 16th. Under favorable weather without any remarks on().Alog bookBshort/over-loaded cargo listCthe mate's receiptDmanifest

单选题I’ve already put down the remarks deck cargo()shipper’s risk in the shipping order.AinBonCatDfor

单选题Such remarks as WITHOUT RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE OR SHORTAGE will be considered()by a court.AvaluableBinvaluableCvaluelessDpriceless

单选题To make sure of getting the full advantage of a favorable current,you should reach an entrance or strait at what time in relation to the predicted time of the favorable current?()AOne hour after the predicted timeBAt the predicted timeC30 minutes before flood,one hour after an ebbD30 minutes before the predicted time

单选题The remarks are not similar()those on the Shipping Orders.AatBtoCbyDwith

单选题Despite his remarks that triggered bitter debates, the president insisted he was telling the truth.AterminatedBdisseminatedCextinguishedDinitiated

单选题()such circumstances I usually put the remarks IN DISPUTE.AAtBOnCUnderDBelow

名词解释题溜车有利条件 favorable condition for car rolling

单选题During PSC inspection related to the ISM Code, of the Safety Management System (SMS) should be carried out if clear grounds are established()Aa less favorable inspectionBa more favorable inspectionCa less detailed inspectionDa more detailed inspection

单选题Under the provisions of applicable international conventions, ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party are subject, while in the port of a Party, to control by officers duly authorized by the Party Ships of non-parties or below convention size shall be given ().Amore favorable treatmentBless favorable treatmentCno more favorable treatmentDthe most favorable treatment