He was elated over the favorable reviews of his novel.() A. grievousB. tremblingC. overjoyedD. lazy

He was elated over the favorable reviews of his novel.()

A. grievous

B. trembling

C. overjoyed

D. lazy


[A] unbiased [B] unprejudiced [C] favorable [D] favorite

55_______A. accessibleB. enjoyableC. possibleD. favorable

在HIS上出现”OFFSCALE”信息,表示:(). A、地图超出HIS的显示范围B、TCAS超出HIS的显示范围C、气象雷达超出HIS的显示范围

I must have thrown away ( ) by mistake. A、his’B、hisC、he’sD、he

We look forward to your()reply. A、favorB、favorablyC、favoriteD、favorable

Air by the beach is ( ) to health because it contains negative ionA.beneficialB.fashionableC.possibleD. favorable

You are signing on a deck officer,who will be designated as one of the GMDSS operators,before sailing foreign.Which statement is TRUE ________.A.He/she must have an STCW certificate endorsed as“Valid for Service on Vessels Operating in the GMDSS System”B.He/she must present either an FCC-issued license or a Coast Guard-issued licenseC.You must consult the“List of Qualifications”on the reverse of his/her FCC-issued licenseD.His/her Merchant Mariners Document must have an added endorsement as “Radio Electronics Officer”

All the holds and other parts of the ship in which cargo is to be stowed should be ______ for the carriage.A.comfortableB.suitableC.stableD.Favorable

The working parent is not willing to listen to her (his) four-year-old child talking about hissandbox games because she (he) is___________.A.boringB.very tiredC.busyD.angry
