55_______A. accessibleB. enjoyableC. possibleD. favorable


A. accessible

B. enjoyable

C. possible

D. favorable


What does the author think of the tour?A. Tiring. B. Expensive. C. Enjoyable. D. Quick.


[A] unbiased [B] unprejudiced [C] favorable [D] favorite

What does the author think of the tour?A.Tiring.B.Expensive.C.Enjoyable.D.Quick.

All these worries made it (possible) ( ) for her to concentrate on her work.

We look forward to your()reply. A、favorB、favorablyC、favoriteD、favorable

Air by the beach is ( ) to health because it contains negative ionA.beneficialB.fashionableC.possibleD. favorable

IfyouCROSSCHECKthebackuppiecethatwaspreviouslymarkedasEXPIREDbutisnowavailable,whatwouldthestatusofthisbackuppiecebeintheRMANrepository?() A.EXPIREDB.AVAILABLEC.UNAVAILABLED.ACCESSIBLE

All the holds and other parts of the ship in which cargo is to be stowed should be ______ for the carriage.A.comfortableB.suitableC.stableD.Favorable