











问答题旅游的意义  旅游是一种集观光、娱乐、健身为一体的愉快而美好的活动。旅游业随着时代进步而不断发展。20世纪中叶以来,现代3旅游在世界范围迅速兴起,旅游人数不断增加,旅游产业规模持续扩大,旅游经济地位显著提升,旅游活动日益成为各国人民交流文化、增进友谊、扩大交往的重要渠道,对人类生活和社会进步产生越来越广泛的影响。  古往今来,旅游一直是人们增长知识、丰富阅历、强健体魄的美好追求。在古代,中国先哲们就提出了“观国之光”的思想,倡导“读万卷书,行万里路”,游历名山大川,承天地之灵气,接山水之精华。


问答题中国的饮食文化  俗话说“民以食为天”。饮食文化,即围绕着人们日常工作中的食物、饮料及其食用方法所形成的文化现象,亦称饮食习俗。  从新石器时代的半坡村文化遗址中发现,早在五六千年前,中国北方的黄河流域已普遍种植粟这种农作物。同样,在距今7,000年前的河姆渡文化遗址中,也发现了南方人种植水稻的痕迹。这两个发现证明:6,000年前,南方人食大米,北方人吃小米的饮食习俗已经形成。南北方的食品风格不同。以大米为主食的南方食品较为简单,而以面粉为主食的北方食品则较为复杂。明代,又从南美传入了甜薯、土豆和玉米等农作物。  筷子是人们日常生活中最常用的一种进餐工具,已有数千年的历史。一位西方人曾说过:中国的筷子充分利用了杠杆原理,必须通过全身130多块骨头和肌肉的协调动作,才能使用筷子。筷子的发明充分显示了中国人的灵巧和智慧。

单选题The example of the pupils’ learning about Mexico shows that __________.Aa child usually learns the right things from their teachersBa teacher can correct a pupil’s wrong ideasCa teacher’s attitude can influence a child’s attitude by teachingDa child’s attitude is very changeable

单选题______Aglobalization Brevolution CindustrializationDevolution

单选题These observations indicates the extreme difficulty in cultivating this precious thing called democracy.Aelaborate Btreasonable Cvaluable Ddeliberate

单选题______Astruck Btouched Cmoved Dhit

单选题Mary happened to meet her best friend in the middle school while she was in Paris on business.Aran over Bran after Cran into Dran down


单选题The Navajo people of Arizona and New Mexico build their hogans, cone-shaped dwellings made of logs and earth, during the summer.Astadiums Bresidences Cstacks Dstalls


单选题She told me that she has already gone to the United States four times before she attended that conference.Ahad already beenBhas already beenCalready wentDwas already going

问答题The On-going Debate over Healthcare Reform  It seems that the government’s so-called Blue Ribbon Commission has already decided what plan it will propose without undertaking any public consultation and is now merely engaged in a PR campaign to convince us they have the answer.  This seems a little head over heels to us. Since it is our money and our health that is in question, shouldn’t we have been consulted at the break about which way we want to go?  There are several models to achieve healthcare reform, and not all of them require us to hand more money over to keep government bureaucrats in big offices. Purely private healthcare may have big problems—but so does the socialised medicine the commission is recommending.  For example, Canada’s universal system of socialised medicine is now busily engaged in transferring costs from the public to the private sector… by reducing covered expenses, by de-insuring some expenses and so on.  Medical authorities are on record as saying that in an effort to manage costs, hospital stays are being shortened (or even dispensed with altogether).  So while we in the Bahamas are citing universal ‘free’ health care as the answer to our problems, in Canada there is an uncoordinated scramble by the public system to reduce and offload the effects of rising health care costs. And we won’t even mention the litany of complaints from users who have to wait for poor service.  But what mostly concerns us about the Blue Ribbon Commission is that they have plumped for social health insurance without determining the cost of their recommended programmer, or of the alternatives.  And they do not seem to have taken into account the impact this plan will have on the fiscal deficit or on our individual pockets. Apparently, the position is that whatever the cost, this is the plan that will be presented to parliament.  An initiative so far-reaching and so potentially damaging to our economy, should require more careful assessment of the alternatives in public. There is always more than one way to skin a cat. And we do not believe that a small group of consultants constitutes ‘the public’.

单选题______Ain Bwith Ccalled Dby

单选题______Aunderstood Benjoyed Chappy Dloving

问答题加强中非团结合作推动建设和谐世界  中华民族历来爱好和平,主张强不凌弱、富不侮贫,主张协和万邦。在近代以后的100多年中,中国人民曾经饱受列强的殖民侵略和压迫,同绝大多数非洲国家有着相似的历史遭遇和悲惨命运。正因为有着这样刻骨铭心的历史经历和奋斗过程,所以中国人民最坚决地反对一切形式的殖民、压迫、奴役活动,最真诚地同情一切为争取民族独立和人民幸福而奋斗的民族,最深切地理解这些民族的愿望和要求。新中国成立后,中国政府和人民为非洲人民争取民族解放、反对殖民主义统治的英勇斗争提供了政治上、物质上、道义上的坚定支持。中国过去不会、现在不会、将来也决不会把自己的意志以及不平等的做法强加于其他国家,更不会做任何有损于非洲国家和人民的事。中国尊重非洲人民自主选择适合自己国情的政治制度和发展道路,支持非洲国家加强民主法制建设和实施良好管理,支持非洲国家充分发挥自身优势、积极参与国际合作和竞争。


单选题______Ahappy Bfamilies Cit Dup

单选题What impact did color printing have on children’s books?ASales increased by the middle of the 19th century.BRough illustrations were now more appealing.CIllustrations told more of the story and were more appealing.DBooks became more amusing.

单选题The government is believed to be considering passed a law making it a crime to import any kind of weapons.Ato pass Bto have passed CpassingDhaving passed

单选题It was clear that they abused their power and rode roughshod over the people.Ahauled BmisusedCdeceived Dacquired

问答题人工智能  现代世界已经日益充斥着智能的装置,虽然几乎不被人察觉,但它们的普遍存在却节省了许多人类劳力。我们的工厂里轰鸣着机器人生产线的节奏;我们的金融服务完成于自动柜员机旁,它们还会机械地、有礼貌地感谢我们;我们的地铁车辆由不知疲倦的机器人驾驶着。有一些机器人系统已能够进行精确到毫米的脑部和骨髓手术,其精确性远远超过技术娴熟的医生用双手所能达到的水平。  人们希望人工智能能够模仿人脑的活动。但是最近研究人员已经开始将这个预测延后数十年,甚至数百年。  在试图建造思维模型的过程中,研究人员发现,人脑中的近l000亿个神经细胞要比以前想象的更聪明,人类的感知也比以前想象的更复杂。他们建造的机器人在严格控制的工厂环境里,能够识别仪表盘上毫米之间的误差。但是人的大脑能够扫描一个快速变化的场景,迅速排除98%的不相干的物体,立即聚焦于人群中的一张可疑的脸。地球上最先进的计算机系统也不能达到这种能力。

单选题Of course, there have been times, as a young man, when I got tired from study and devoted my time to playing.Atired ofBgot tired ofCtired upDused to tire of

单选题The pie had been in the oven for twenty minutes,with ten another pies to go,and Kasia was reading to Jim,when a knock sounded on the apartment door.Aother Bten other Canother tenDmore ten

单选题The study of law, with its great number of cases, statutes, and contracts, can be a tedious process.Acurious Btiresome Cchallenging Doverwhelming

单选题The waterfront is notorious for bringing out thievery in the human spirit, as any owner will testify.Ainfamous Barrogant Cweird Dspotted

单选题In the coming years, people will __________.Ahave more machines at their disposalBexperience starvationCnever workDhave fewer machines at their disposal

单选题______Acreate Bconserve Charness Dreserve