单选题The welding techniques _____.Acan cause a lot of changes in sculpture artsBpermit details of an object to be seen clearlyCcan superimpose multiple sides of sculptor’s designsDcan make artists adaptable to surroundings

The welding techniques _____.

can cause a lot of changes in sculpture arts


permit details of an object to be seen clearly


can superimpose multiple sides of sculptor’s designs


can make artists adaptable to surroundings


根据题意,该题是关于welding techniques(焊接技术)的,可以在第一段后半部分找到相关内容。文章第一段第三句表明塑料和轻金属的发展给雕刻艺术带来很大影响。A项符合题意。B项和C项指的是新材料的作用而不是焊接技术的作用。D项artists与文意不合。


All the techniques described below can be used to keep a meeting focused except:A Recall agenda items/purpose of meetingB Summarize discussion periodicallyC Encourage pursuit of interesting new ideasD Rephrase unclear ideas presented by group membersE All are acceptable techniques

167 All the techniques described below can be used to keep a meeting focused except:A. Recall agenda items/purpose of meetingB. Summarize discussion periodicallyC. Encourage pursuit of interesting new ideasD. Rephrase unclear ideas presented by group membersE. All are acceptable techniques

Could you tell the working parts of a gas welding gun?

( )is not the advantage of GERT(graphical evaluation and review techniques) as compared with PERT(project evaluation and review techniques)A.allowing loopingB.allowing for dummy tasksC.allowing branchingD.allowing multiple project end results

Before welding can be done in a tank that has previously carried petroleum products,a certificate must be obtained from ________ .A.the customsB.the Register Bureau of shippingC.the shipyard fire departmentD.a certified gas chemist

Before welding can be done in a tank that has carried petroleum products,a certificate must be obtained from ______.A.the customsB.the Register Bureau of shippingC.the shipyard fire departmentD.a certified gas chemist

Before welding in a tank that has carried petroleum products,the tank must be certified by ______.A.the Coast GuardB.the ABSC.the shipyard fire departmentD.a certified marine chemist

Cracks may be prevented from developing at the corners of welded plating inserts by ______.A.squaring the cornersB.rounding the cornersC.plug welding the cornersD.slot welding the corners

Sometimes it is desirable to connect a member both by riveting and welding. Which statement is TRUE concerning this procedure?A.Tearing through the member is more likely in this type connectionB.The weld may be broken by the stresses caused by rivetingC.The weld increases the tensile stress on the rivet headsD.The welding must be completed before the riveting commences

A crack in the deck plating of a vessel may be temporarily prevented from increasing in length by___________.A.cutting a square notch at each end of the crackB.drilling a hole at each end of the crackC.slot-welding the crackD.welding a doubler over the crack

Techniques to harness such energy are yet to be developed.A:convertB:utilizeC:storeD:receive

What are the main techniques used in a Grammar-Translation classroom?

( )is not the advantage of GERT (Graphical evaluation and review techniques)as compared with PERT (project evaluation and review techniques). A、Allowing loopingB、Allowing for dummy tasksC、Allowing branchingD、Allowing multiple project end results

单选题The author suggests that the “deceptive veil”(Paragraph 2) in Hughes’s poetry obscures _____.Aevidence of his use of oral techniques in his poetryBevidence of his thoughtful deliberation in composing his poemsChis scrupulous concern for representative details in his poetryDhis incorporation of Western European literary techniques in his poetry

单选题Safe welding practice requires ()Achecking the area for items that may catch fireBthat a fire watch be postedCchecking for the explosive gasesDall of the above

单选题Sometimes it is desirable to connect a member both by riveting and welding. Which statement is TRUE concerning this procedure? ()ATearing through the member is more likely in this type connectionBThe weld may be broken by the stresses caused by rivetingCThe weld increases the tensile stress on the rivet headsDThe welding must be completed before the riveting commences

单选题Fire prevention during welding or burning aboard any vessel should include ().Aposting a fire watch in the immediate areaBproviding an extinguisher which is ready for immediate useCrequiring the fire watch to remain on post for 30 minutes after the completion of welding or burningDAll of the above

单选题A crack in the deck plating of a vessel may be temporarily prevented from increasing in length by().Acutting a square notch at each end of the crackBdrilling a hole at each end of the crackCslot-welding the crackDwelding a doubler over the crack

单选题Before welding is permitted on a fuel tank, it must be certified or declared ()Asafe for becoming roundedBsafe for hot workCnot safe for personnelDnot safe for hot work

单选题The lengthening of a crack formed in the shell plating of a ship may be prevented by ().Awelding brackets across both ends of the crackBchipping out and slot welding the entire crackCdrilling a hole at each end of the crackDcutting a square notch at each end of the crack

单选题There are other techniques that might help you()your studying.AwithBatCintoDover

单选题These conventional techniques were applied over the centuries.AemployedBexploredCmanipulatedDinnovated

单选题If emergency welding repairs must be made to the upper area of a fuel tank, the tank and/or adjacent compartments may need to be ()Agas freedBinertedCfilled with waterDall of the above as necessary

单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?AThe imaging techniques not only measure nerve-cell activity but also the extra flow of blood that surges to the most active brain areas.BThe imaging techniques do not measure nerve-cell activity directly, but measure the flow of blood that surges to the most active brain areas.CThe imaging techniques measure the extra flow of blood that surges to the most active brain areas.DThe imaging techniques measure all the activities of the living brain.

单选题When welding or burning aboard a vessel, you must be certain that the space ().Ais properly ventedBcontains no explosive fumesChas no oil in the bilgesDall of the above

单选题Cracks may be prevented from developing at the corners of welded plating inserts by().Asquaring the cornersBrounding the cornersCplug welding the cornersDslot welding the corners

多选题Which two statements are true about the digital audio in a VoIP network? ()AStandard encoding techniques create an uncompressed digital data rate of 4000 bps.BStandard encoding techniques create an uncompressed digital data rate of 8000 bps.CStandard encoding techniques create an uncompressed digital data rate of 64,000 bps.DVoice quality is not a concern if compression is not used.ETwo methods of quantization are linear and logarithmic.FTwo methods of compression are u-law and a-law.