单选题A capsized small sail vessel is best righted when what part of the vessel is downwind?()ASternBBowCCenterboardDMast
A capsized small sail vessel is best righted when what part of the vessel is downwind?()
When you complete Part 1, you will be able to learn().A. to what do for specific hazardsB. what to do for specific hazardsC. what do for specific hazards
The best way to lift many small articles aboard your vessel is with a______.A.palletB.barrel hookC.spreaderD.snotter
______ can be regarded as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.A.Any aircraft designed to maneuver on the waterB.A vessel engaged in dredging,surveying or underwater operationsC.A vessel under sail provided that propelling machinery is not usedD.A small vessel sailing at night
When inspecting a tank barge to see that it has all the required fire extinguishers and other safety items aboard,which of the following is the best source for determining what is required?A.The supervisor in charge of the dock to which the barge is tied upB.Part 38 of the Rules and Regulations for Tank VesselsC.The Certificate of Inspection of the bargeD.The local fire marshal
What characterizes a Ro-Ro vessel ________.A.May carry up to 24 passengersB.High freeboard and sail areaC.Long port stays required for cargo securingD.Lightweight securing equipment trailers
Especially in adverse weather, risk of collision with an offshore supply vessel increases when the vessel is moored to what side of the unit?______.A.UpwindB.DownwindC.CrosswindD.Downcurrent
单选题Especially in adverse weather,risk of collision with an offshore supply vessel increases when the vessel is moored to what side of the unit?().AUpwindBDownwindCCrosswindDDowncurrent
单选题Generally,you can best keep a vessel under steering control when the vessel has().AHeadwayBSternwayCNo way on,with engines stoppedDNo way on,with engines full ahead
单选题How should you try to right a capsized small sailing vessel?()APosition all personnel at the stern and rock the vessel uprightBPosition all personnel around the mast and lift the vessel uprightCLock the centerboard in the down position,stand on the centerboard,and pull on a shroud or a halyardDPut the centerboard in the up position and have all personnel haul in on the line attached to the mast
单选题When considering a vessel’s stability,which spaces in a general cargo vessel are the best locations for the carriage of bulk grain? ()ADeep tanksBLower holdsCLower holds at the ends of the vesselD'Tween-decks
单选题When using an ARPA,what should you consider in order to evaluate the information displayed?()AThe target vessel's generated course and speed are based solely on radar inputsBNavigational constraints may require a target vessel to change courseCThe trial maneuver feature will automatically determine a course that will clear all targetsDYou cannot determine if a small target has been lost due to sea return
单选题The Vessel is()for heavy cargoes and can sail with alternate holds empty.AintensifiedBstrengthenedCincreasedDsolid-built
单选题What should you do to a line to prevent fraying where it passes over the side of the vessel().AWorm that part of the lineBSplice that part of the lineCCover it with chafing gearDInstall a cleat
单选题The word “capsized” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to_____.Aturned overBdelayedCdepartedDset sail
单选题The heading of a vessel is indicated by what part of the compass? ()ACardBNeedleCLubber's lineDGimbals
单选题A single towing light will be carried above a vessel’s sternlight().Aonly if she is towing asternBonly if the tow exceeds 200 metersCat any time when towingDif the towing vessel is part of a composite unit
单选题When anchoring a small sailing vessel in rough weather,the best anchor line would be composed of().Achain-wireBchain-manilaCchain-nylonDall chain
单选题A situation has occurred in which your vessel must be towed. When the towing vessel passes the towing line to you,you should secure the line().Ato the base of the foremastBto the forward-most bittsCto the forward part of the deckhouseDat the stern
单选题The best way to lift many small articles aboard your vessel is with a().ApalletBbarrel hookCspreaderDsnotter
单选题Where a charter-party specifies the estimated time of arrival of a vessel at the port of loading,there is()obligation on the shipowners to sail to there on the date on which when proceeding with all convenient speed it would normally reach the port on or about the estimated date of arrival.Aan optionalBa reasonableCan absoluteDrational
单选题A seaman has a small,gaping laceration of the arm that is not bleeding excessively. What can be done as an alternative to suturing to close the wound?()AWrap a tight bandage around the woundBApply a compression bandageCUse temporary stitches of sail twineDApply butterfly strips,then a sterile dressing
单选题The phrase “When built” in the Certificate of Vessel’s Nationality definitely means().AWhen was your vessel builtBAt what time is your vessel buildingCWhen is your vessel builtDAt what time you built your vessel
单选题Which vessel would display a cone,apex downward().AA fishing vessel with outlying gearBA vessel proceeding under sail and machineryCA vessel engaged in diving operationsDA vessel being towed
单选题When a vessel navigates in an area with a small underkeel clearance but with adequate space to take avoiding action she().Ashould not be regarded as a vessel constrained by her draughtBshould be regarded as a vessel constrained by her draughtCshall be regarded as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuverDshould be regarded as a non-displacement vessel
单选题The phrase “When built” in the Certificate of Vessel’s Nationality means().Awhen was your vessel builtBat what time is your vessel buildingCwhen is your vessel builtDat what time you built your vessel
单选题When a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed are rigidly connected in a composite unit,they shall be regarded as().Aa tugboatBa sailing vesselCa power-driven vesselDa vessel propelled by machinery and under sail
单选题A vessel when joining or leaving from the side of a traffic separation scheme shall do so at as()to the general direction of traffic flow as practicable.Asmall an angleBlarge an angleCeither small or large an angleDneither small nor large an angle