单选题The heading of a vessel is indicated by what part of the compass? ()ACardBNeedleCLubber's lineDGimbals
The heading of a vessel is indicated by what part of the compass? ()
Lubber's line
What is the major advantage of a rhumb line track?A.The vessel can steam on a constant heading (disregarding wind,current,etc)B.The rhumb line is the shortest distance between the arrival and departure pointsC.It is easily plotted on a gnomonic chart for comparison with a great circle courseD.It approximates a great circle on east-west courses in high latitudes
A vessel is heading magnetic north and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 003°. What action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment?A.Move the quadrantal spheres closer to the compassB.Raise the heeling magnet if the red end is upC.Remove some of the Flinders barD.Raise or lower the athwartship magnets
Persons who have taken part in salvage operations,notwithstanding the express and reasonable prohibition on the part of ______________,have no right to any remuneration.A.the vessel from which the services were renderedB.the vessel to which the services were renderedC.the persons whose lives were savedD.the salvors of the vessel,her cargo and accessories
Your vessel is proceeding down a channel,and you see a pair of range lights that are in line dead ahead.The chart indicates that the direction of this pair of lights is 229°T,and variation is 6°W.If the heading of your vessel at the time of the sighting is 232°per standard magnetic compass,what is the correct deviation ________.A.3°EB.9°EC.3°WD.9°W
Heeling error is defined as the change of deviation for a heel of ______.A.2° while the vessel is on an intercardinal headingB.1° while the vessel is on a compass heading of 000°C.2° and is constant on all headingsD.1° while the vessel is on a compass heading of 180°
What publications should a GMDSS Operator consult regarding the proper set-up and operation of vessel equipment ________.A.ITU PublicationsB.The manufacturers instruction manualsC.Part 90 of the FCC Rules and RegulationsD.Code of Federal Regulations,Title 47,Part 80,Subpart W
______refers to the angle between true north and the heading line of the vessel.A.True positionB.True meridianC.True courseD.True bearing
A vessel is wind rode when it is ______.A.at anchor and heading into the windB.backing into the windC.carrying lee rudderD.necessary to apply a leeway correction to the course
Flanking rudders effect a vessel’s heading because of the ______.A.effect of the propeller flow on the ruddersB.water flow due to the vessel’s movement through the waterC.tunnel affect of the water flow past opposing ruddersD.discharge current being channeled to impinge on the vessel’s deadwood
---“()” ---“Two degrees on starboard.” A、What rudder?B、How is the heading?C、How answer?D、What course?
船舶左舷的艉部叫左艉舷。()A、The forward part of a vessel on the starboard side is called starboard quarter.B、The aft part of a vessel on the starboard side is called port quarter.C、The aft part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.D、The forward part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.
单选题A vessel is wind rode when it is().Aat anchor and heading into the windBbacking into the windCcarrying lee rudderDnecessary to apply a leeway correction to the course
单选题What should you do to a line to prevent fraying where it passes over the side of the vessel().AWorm that part of the lineBSplice that part of the lineCCover it with chafing gearDInstall a cleat
单选题Flanking rudders effect a vessel’s heading because of the().Aeffect of the propeller flow on the ruddersBwater flow due to the vessel's movement through the waterCtunnel affect of the water flow past opposing ruddersDdischarge current being channeled to impinge on the vessel's deadwood
单选题The compass heading of a vessel differs from the true heading by().Acompass errorBvariationCmagnetic dipDdeviation
单选题A vessel is heading magnetic northwest and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 312°. What action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment? ()AIf the quadrantal spheres are all the way out,replace them with smaller spheresBIf the quadrantal spheres are all the way in,replace them with larger spheresCIf the quadrantal spheres are all of the way out,move the spheres inDIf the quadrantal spheres are all the way out,replace them with larger spheres.
单选题When a vessel changes course from one cardinal heading to another cardinal heading whilea djusting the compass,which action should be taken?()AThe course change should be made rapidly to prevent transient induced magnetism while passing the intercardinal headingsBAfter the new heading is reached,the vessel should steam on that course for at least two minutes before the adjustmentCDuring the course change,you should gently tap the compass to remove any error caused by friction on the pivot bearingDAfter steadying on the new heading,the compass card should be slewed by a magnet and allowed to oscillate freely to remove any gaussin error
单选题A vessel is heading magnetic north and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 003°. What action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment? ()AMove the quadrantal spheres closer to the compassBRaise the heeling magnet if the red end is upCRemove some of the Flinders barDRaise or lower the athwartship magnets
单选题A vessel is heading magnetic northwest and its magnetic compass indicates a heading of 317°. What action should be taken to remove this error during compass adjustment? ()AIf the quadrantal spheres are out as far as possible replace them with smaller spheresBIf the quadrantal spheres are in as far as possible remove one of the spheresCIf the quadrantal spheres are in as far as possible replace them with smaller spheresDIf the quadrantal spheres are out as far as possible,move the quadrantal spheres in
单选题船舶左舷的艉部叫左艉舷。()AThe forward part of a vessel on the starboard side is called starboard quarter.BThe aft part of a vessel on the starboard side is called port quarter.CThe aft part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.DThe forward part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.
单选题What publications should a GMDSS Operator consult regarding the proper set-up and operation of vessel equipment().AITU PublicationsBThe manufacturers instruction manualsCPart 90 of the FCC Rules and RegulationsDCode of Federal Regulations,Title 47,Part 80,Subpart W
单选题A capsized small sail vessel is best righted when what part of the vessel is downwind?()ASternBBowCCenterboardDMast
单选题()refers to the angle between true North and heading line of the vessel.ATrue positionBTrue meridianCTrue courseDTrue bearing
单选题If an airplane circles a vessel 3 times,crosses the vessel’s course close ahead while rocking the wings,and heads off in a certain direction,what does this indicate().AThe plane is in distress and will have to ditchBThe plane is going to drop a package and wishes the vessel to recover itCSomeone is in distress in that direction and the vessel should follow and assistDThere is danger ahead and the best course is indicated by the direction of the aircraft
单选题The phrase “When built” in the Certificate of Vessel’s Nationality definitely means().AWhen was your vessel builtBAt what time is your vessel buildingCWhen is your vessel builtDAt what time you built your vessel
单选题The maximum draft to which a vessel can legally be submerged is indicated by the ().ALoadline markBCertificate of InspectionCStation BillDTonnage mark
单选题The phrase “When built” in the Certificate of Vessel’s Nationality means().Awhen was your vessel builtBat what time is your vessel buildingCwhen is your vessel builtDat what time you built your vessel