单选题A lot of people visited the Taishan Mountian ______.A13 hours after the earthquakeBon May 18Cduring the May Day holidayDon April 16

A lot of people visited the Taishan Mountian ______.

13 hours after the earthquake


on May 18


during the May Day holiday


on April 16


细节理解题。第二则新闻中的第二句提到“Over 180000 tourists…from April 29 to May 1,during the three-day holiday. ”可知,很多人在“五一”期间去泰山旅游。


People went to Hollywood to make films becauseA. it was a beautiful placeB. they could find many film starsC. there was a lot of sunlight thereD. it was a famous place

In the West, people often __________ for mail-order goods, which can save a lot of time. A.sent outB.orderC.sendD.send away

What is the perfect setting for picking pockets according to the speaker?A.Clothing stores where people are relaxed and off guard.B.Airports where people carry a lot of luggage.C.Hotels and restaurants in southeast London.D.Theater lobbies with uniformed security guards.

A lot of houses were seriously damaged in the earthquake, so that thousands of people were left homeless.

30. Radio is used a lot because__________ _.A.it costs less than TVB.it costs more than TVC.it is not so cheap as TVD. people can't know the news on TV

In China nowadays a lot of people are getting used to sharing the cost of the meal equally between them_________,as we say。A. to buy aroundB. to foot the billC. to go to DutchD. to go Dutch

The landmark of ( ) is Nuorilang Waterfalls with a drop of more than 20 meters.A. HuanglongB. JiuzhaigouC. Taishan MountainD. Huangshan Mountain

The opportunities for people to meet outside()a lot()the weather. A、based,onB、take,toC、depend,onD、involve,in

–________________________________________.–Isn't it kind of dangerous? You could get attacked by a shark. A.I am thinking of taking up scuba diving.It is exciting.B.A lot more people get hurt walking down the street.C.A lot of people think rock climbing is exciting.

A lot of people have tried, but _______ have succeeded.A、a fewB、fewC、muchD、little

Quite a lot of people watch TV only to ______ time.A、wasteB、spendC、killD、past

A lot of people will()this party,so the cup is not().A、take part on,enoughB、take,enoughC、take part in,muchD、take part in,enough

By high degree of () of a culture, it means that few people on the top of a society hold a lot of power which is more or less accepted by others.

in china nowadays a lot of people are getting used to sharing the cost of the meal equally between them, _______, as we say. A、to foot a billB、to buy a roundC、to go DutchD、to go to Dutch

共用题干第一篇TourismPeople travel for a lot of reason.Some tourists go to see battlefields or religious shrines.Others are looking for culture,or simply want to have their picture taken in front of famous places.But most European tourists are looking for a sunny beach to lie on.Northern European are willing to pay a lot of money and put up with a lot of inconveniences for the sun because they have so little of it. Residents of cities like London,Copenhagen,and Amsterdam spend a lot of their winter in the dark because the days are so short,and much of the rest the year in the rain.This is the reason the Mediterranean has always attracted them.Every summer, more than 25 million people travel to Mediterranean resort and beaches for their vacation.They all come for the same reason:sun!The huge crowds mean lots of money for the economies of Mediterranean countries.Italy's30,000 hotels are booked solid every summer.And 13 million people camp out on French beaches, parks and roadsides.Spain's long sandy coastline attracts more people than anywhere else.37 million tourists visit yearly,or one tourist for every person living in Spain.But there are signs that the area is getting more tourism than it can hand1e; The Mediterranean is already one the most polluted seas on earth.And with increased tourism,it's getting worse.The French can't figure out what to do with all the garbage left by campers around St. Tropez.And in many places,swimming is dangerous because of pollution.None of this,however,is spoiling anyone's fun.The Mediterranean gets more popular every year with tourists.Obviously,they don't go there for clean water and solitude.They tolerate traffic jams and seem to like crowded beaches.They don't even mind the pollution.No matter how dirty the water is,the coastline still looks beautiful.And as long as the sun shines,it's still better than sitting in the cold rain in Berlin,London,or Oslo.The latter half of the last sentence in paragraph 3,"or one tourist for every person living in Spain"means______.A:all the 37 million people living in Spain are touristsB:every year almost as many tourists visit Spain as there are people living in that countryC:every person living in Spain has to take care of a touristD:every Spanish is visited by a tourist every year

单选题People always wanted ______ part. He wrote a lot, and most of them are popular.Athe nextBnextCnext toDnext time

单选题Because of lack of proper education, a lot of local people are _____; some of them can’t even write their own names.AliteraryBliterateCilliterateDliteral

单选题According to the passage, what problem does Sao Paulo have?AA lot of people don’t have jobs.BToo many people live in the city centre.CA lot of people are moving out of the city.DToo many people travel into the city every day.

单选题Why do a few governments take timid measures toward smoking?ABecause they are afraid of people.BBecause diseases cost a lot.CBecause they are afraid of reducing their revenue.DBecause they are afraid of manufacturers.

单选题Successful people suggest doing what one loves because _____.Awork makes one feel painBone tends to enjoy his workCone gives up his work easilyDit takes a lot of time to succeed

单选题The latter half of the last sentence in Paragraph 3, “or one tourist for every person living in Spain”, means _____.Aall the 37 million people living in Spain are touristsBevery year almost as many tourists visit Spain as there are people living in that countryCevery person living in Spain has to take care of a touristDevery Spanish is visited by a tourist every year

单选题I’ve visited a lot of different places and stayed in lots of different hotels, but none of them _____ this one.AmakesBbeatsCcomparesDmatches

单选题A lot of people mistake John for Bill because they _____ each other in appearance too much!AweaveButilizeCrevealDresemble

单选题ATheater lobbies with uniformed security guards.BClothing stores where people are relaxed and off guard.CAirports where people carry a lot of luggage.DHotels and restaurants in southeast London.

单选题A lot of old buildings in the town were ruined during the earthquake, but they were beautifully()soon by the local people.ArecoveredBrestoredCresumedDreturned

单选题The latter half of the last sentence in Paragraph 3, i.e.,or one tourist for every person living in Spain means_______.Aall the 37 million people living in Spain are touristsBevery year almost as many tourists visit Spain as there are people living in that countryCevery person living in Spain has to take care of a touristDevery Spaniard is visited by a tourist every year

单选题Now a lot of young people in the village, unlike his parents, choose to make a living in cities.Aa lot ofBinChisDto make a living