单选题We shall()some ports in Canada.Acall atBcall onCcall inDcall up

We shall()some ports in Canada.

call at


call on


call in


call up


解析: 暂无解析


We shall( ) you again, as soon as we resume offering. A.contact withB.contact toC.contactD.contact by

Shall we get straight ________to business? A.inB.downC.overD.for

Nothing shall _________ us from doing what we think right.ApreferBtripleCcraveDdeter

-Shall we have something to eat before we go?-Nice to meet you.A. RightB. Wrong

What()we do if the company cut down on ads?A、 couldB、 willC、 shall

We shall certainly contact you, as soon we are in a position to entertain new business in your district.()

We are offering a general agency () our textiles in Canada. How about you?A、towardsB、inC、forD、to

Default in seasonable and sufficient assurance from you shall constitute a breach of said contract and we shall no longer be obligated () said contract.A、forB、onC、underD、below

Unless we () you to the contrary, we shall assume said modification .A、hear ofB、hear outC、hear withD、hear from

–– Sophia: Hey,—————?–– Teresa: I wish I could. But I really have to stay in and finish my paper tonight.–– Sophia: Oh, maybe some other time, then.A: can I come to visit you tonightB: shall we have a barbecue some day this weekC: Lisa will leave Chicago tonight. Shall we go to see him offD: would you like to go to cinema with me tonight

— Shall we get you some drink? — __________. I am not thirsty.A、Yes, pleaseB、Here you areC、You are welcomeD、No, thanks

Where shall we stow cargo on a vessel?

—When shall we meet again? —Make it ________ day you like; it's all the same to me. A.itsB.anyC.anotherD.some

The certificate shall have effect ______ all Chinese ports.A.toB.forC.inD.on

The Certificate of pratique shall only have effect in ______.A.all ports of the issuing countryB.all ports of the worldC.all ports other than a issuing countryD.all ports of ship's arrival

All lighterage in or off ports of loading or ports of discharge shall be for the account of ______.A.the carrierB.the merchantC.the ownerD.the shipper

The vessel shall be employed in such lawful trades between safe ports and places within Northern America as the ______ or their agents shall direct.A.CharterersB.Cargo ownersC.OwnersD.The merchants

Shall we start ()now?A、scrapingB、scrapedC、scrapeD、to scrape

单选题We shall advise you ____ we are able to supply the goods again.AasBwhileCas soon asDuntil

单选题The certificate shall have effect () all Chinese ports.AtoBforCinDon

单选题Have you asked the teacher ______tomorrow morning?Aif we needed an umbrellaBwhen and where we shall meetChow shall we get thereDwhat should we take

单选题The Certificate of pratique shall only have effect in ().Aall ports of the issuing countryBall ports of the worldCall ports other than a issuing countryDall ports of ship's arriva

单选题Some of the meat came from Canada. How about ______?AanotherBthe otherCothersDthe rest

单选题There we shall call at some ports()and discharge some cargo.Ato loadingBbe loadingCloadingDto load

单选题In a two-stroke engine, there are always a series of openings known as (), and in some circumstances, there are also openings known as (), in the part of the cylinder liner.Ascavenging air ports;exhaust portsBinlet ports;scavenging air portsCscavenging air ports;inlet portsDexhaust ports;inlet ports

单选题()Yokohama,We’ll also call at some other Japanese ports.ABesideBBesidesCExceptDExcepting

单选题We have some white paint, but we ().Ahaven’t any black paintBhave some black paintChave some white paintDhasn’t any black paint