单选题The publication of“_____” marked the beginning of Romantic Age.ADon JuanBThe Rime of the Ancient MarinerCThe Lyrical BalladsDQueen Mab

The publication of“_____” marked the beginning of Romantic Age.

Don Juan


The Rime of the Ancient Mariner


The Lyrical Ballads


Queen Mab




The invention of television marked the beginning of “The Age of Visual Information”.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

The publication of Twice-told Tales marked a turning point both in Hawthorne’s career and personal life.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

A Release B Publication C Printing D Exposure

Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the text?[A] The Internet is posing a threat to publishers.[B] A new mode of publication is emerging.[C] Authors welcome the new channel for publication.[D] Publication is rendered easier by online service.

( 32 )有如下程序#includeiostreamusing namespace std;class Publication{ // 出版物类char name[30];public:Publication(char *name=" 未知名称 "){strcpy(this-name,name);}const char * getName()const{ return name; }virtual const char * getType()const{ return " 未知类型 ";}};class Book: public Publication{ // 书类public:Book(char *name): Publication(name){}virtual const char * getType()const{ return " 书 " ; }};void showPublication( Publication p){coutp.getType()":"p.getName()endl;}int main(){Book book(" 精彩人生 ");showPublication(book);return 0;}运行时的输出结果是A )未知类型:未知名称B )未知类型:精彩人生C )书:未知名称D )书:精彩人生

Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage?A.The Internet is posing a threat to publishers.B.A new mode of publication is emerging.C.Authors welcome the new channel for publication.D.Publication is rendered easier by online service.

which invention marked the beginning of “the age of visual information“?A. TelevisionB. Motion pictures.C. The telegraph.D. Newspapers.

The Romantic Age began in 1789 when Wordsworth and Coleridge published their joint work "The Lyrical Ballads".()

有如下程序:includeusing namespace std;class Publication{//出版物类char name[30] 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Publication{//出版物类 char name[30]; public: Publication(char*name="未知名称"){strcpy(this->name,name);} const char*getName( )const{return name;} //常数据成员 virtual const char*getType( )const{return"未知类型";}//虚常数据成员 }; class Book:public Publication{ //书类 public: Book(char*name):Publication(name){ } virtual const char*getType( )const{return"书";} //虚常数据成员 }; void showPublication(Publication p){cout<<p.getType( )<<":"<<P.getName( )<<endl;} int main( ){ Book book("精彩人生"); showPublication(book); return 0; } 程序的输出结果是A.未知类型:未知名称B.未知类型:精彩人生C.书:未知名称D.书:精彩人生

In April, 2009, President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao, the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy.A. marking B. marked C. having marked D. being marked


Her life is becoming more diverse.A: generousB: humorousC: variedD: romantic

Alexander Pope was an outstanding enlightener and the greatest English poet of school in ( ) the first half of the 18th century. A.romantic B.pre-romantic C.Neoclassical D.realistic

公共关系的英文是()。A、public relations B、public relationC、publication relationsD、publication relation

American romanticism was in a way derivative; American romantic writing was some of them modeled on English and European works.

公共关系的英文是()。A、Public RelationsB、Public RelationC、Publication RelationsD、Publication Relation

Which is the earliest line in the following code after which the object created on the line marked (0) will be a candidate for being garbage collected, assuming no compiler optimizations are done? ()  public class Q76a9 {   static String f() {   String a = "hello";   String b = "bye"; // (0)   String c = b + "!"; // (1)   String d = b;  b = a; // (2)   d = a; // (3)   return c; // (4)  }   public static void main(String args[]) {   String msg = f();   System.out.println(msg); // (5)   }   }  A、The line marked (1).B、The line marked (2).C、The line marked (3).D、The line marked (4).E、The line marked (5).

单选题The name and hailing port of a documented commercial vessel is().Anot required to be marked anywhere on the vesselBrequired to be marked on both bows and on the keelCrequired to be marked on the stern with the name of the vessel marked on both bowsDrequired to be marked on the keel,stern,and both bows

单选题It is obvious that real life is ______.Aless romantic than that in the moviesBmore romantic than that in the moviesCas romantic as that in the moviesDno less romantic than that in the movies

单选题What occurs on a Frame Relay network when the CIR is exceeded?()AAll TCP traffic is marked discard eligibleBAll UDP traffic is marked discard eligible and a BECN is sentCAll TCP traffic is marked discard eligible and a BECN is sentDAll traffic exceeding the CIR is marked discard eligible

单选题Which line contains a constructor in this class definition?()   public class Counter { // (1)   int current, step;   public Counter(int startValue, int stepValue) { // (2)   set(startValue);   setStepValue(stepValue);  }   public int get() { return current; } // (3)   public void set(int value) { current = value; } // (4)   public void setStepValue(int stepValue) { step = stepValue; } // (5)  }ACode marked with (1) is a constructorBCode marked with (2) is a constructorCCode marked with (3) is a constructorDCode marked with (4) is a constructorECode marked with (5) is a Constructor

单选题You are the network administrator of an enterprise with a main site and multiple remote sites. Your networkcarries both VOIP and data traffic. You agree with your service provider to classify VOIP and data trafficaccording to the different service RFCs. How can your data and VOIP traffic be marked?()Adata marked with DSCP AF21,VOIP marked with DSCP EFBdata marked with DSCP AF51,VOIP marked with DSCP EFCdata marked with the DE-bit. VOIP marked with the CLP-bitDdata marked with DSCP EF,VOIP marked with DSCP AF31Edata marked with IP precedence 5,VOIP marked with DSCP EF

单选题What occurs on a Frame Relay network when the CIR is exceeded?()AAll TCP traffic is marked discard eligible.BAll UDP traffic is marked discard eligible and a BECN is sent.CAll TCP traffic is marked discard eligible and a BECN is sent.DAll traffic exceeding the CIR is marked discard eligible.

单选题The port of registry is().Anot required to be marked anywhere on the vesselBrequired to be marked on both bows and on the keelCrequired to be marked on the stern with the name of the vessel marked on both bowsDrequired to be marked on the keel, stern, and both bows

单选题Which is the earliest line in the following code after which the object created on the line marked (0) will be a candidate for being garbage collected, assuming no compiler optimizations are done? ()  public class Q76a9 {   static String f() {   String a = "hello";   String b = "bye"; // (0)   String c = b + "!"; // (1)   String d = b;  b = a; // (2)   d = a; // (3)   return c; // (4)  }   public static void main(String args[]) {   String msg = f();   System.out.println(msg); // (5)   }   }AThe line marked (1).BThe line marked (2).CThe line marked (3).DThe line marked (4).EThe line marked (5).

单选题You are the network administrator of an enterprise with a main site and multiple remote sites. Your network carries both VOIP and data traffic. You agree with your service provider to classify VOIP and data traffic according to the different service RFCs. How can your data and VOIP traffic be marked?()Adata marked with DSCP AF21,VOIP marked with DSCP EFBdata marked with DSCP AF51,VOIP marked with DSCP EFCdata marked with the DE-bit,VOIP marked with the CLP-bitDdata marked with DSCP EF,VOIP marked with DSCP AF31Edata marked with IP precedence 5 VOIP marked with DSCP EF

单选题In the Romantic period, _____ is the most prosperous literary form.AproseBpoetryCfictionDplay