填空题Those who only visualized playing basketball do as well as the ones who had actually practiced because they build a path in the mind about how to throw.____

Those who only visualized playing basketball do as well as the ones who had actually practiced because they build a path in the mind about how to throw.____


根据题干信息“visualized”和“actually practiced”可以定位到B段“The people that were visualizing would be hitting every basket so they were building up the feelings and memory of how to be successful.”,被要求想象打篮球的人是依靠在思维中建立感觉和记忆达到成功的。故匹配段落为B。


The passage would probably be most helpful to .A. those who draw maps B. those who get lostC. those who make compasses D. those who do experiments

B)根据首字母提示完成单词。36.I like playing b__________ ,and Jim likes playing basketball.

23. Zhao Jie's English teacher likes playing basketball.

-Do you know who telephoned me? -(). A、I heard it was SallyB、Yes, I remember it nowC、No, I didn’t phone youD、Yes, I know you well

What kind of workers does the writer like to employ(雇佣)? ( )A. Those who have the same ideas as she does.B. Those who get on well with the public.C. Those who can sell her books around the world.D.Those who have big families and new ideas.

( )– Do you know the boy _______ is playing soccer there?– Certainly.He is a friend of my __________.A.who;brother’sB.who;brotherC.whom;brother’sD.whose;brother

一位男老师正在教一位学生打篮球,话题中谈到学生妈妈。A:What is your mother's (46) (47) ?B: (48) favorite (49)is playing basketball.A:Why (50) she like playing basketball?B:Because (51) very interesting.A:Who is (52) basketball (53) ?B: (54) basketball teacher (55) Mr Smith.46.______

In which of the following situations is the teacher playing the role of observer?A.Giving feedback and dealing with errors.B.Organizing students to do activities by giving instructions.C.Walking around to see how each student performs in group work.D.Offering help to those who need it both in ideas and language.

Many a boy__________playing basketball.A.likesB.likeC.to likeD.have like

According to the author, at a big party, small talk is used with the purpose of__________.A.making both others and yourself feel at easeB.excluding those you don't like from joining youC.keeping your voice low so only your friends can hear youD.comforting those who feel lonely

She seldom plays basketball, so she isn't ()at playing it.A.sociableB.skillfullC.specializingD.social

Passage FourIdeasabout polite behaviour differ from one culture to another.Some societies,such asAmerica and Australia,for example,are mobile and veryopen.People here change jobs and move house quiteoften.As a m result,they have a lot of relationships that often last only mashort time,and they need to get to know people quickly.So it′s normal to havefriendly conversations with people that they have just met,and you can talk aboutthings that other cultures would regard as personal.On the other hand,there are more crowded and less mobile societies where long-termrelationships are more important.A Malaysian or Mexican business person,for example,willwant to get to know you very well before he or she feels happy to startbusiness.But when you do get to know each other,the relationship becomes muchdeeper than it would in a mobile society.To Americans,both Europeans and Asians seem cool and formal atfirst.On the other hand,as a passenger from a less mobile society puts it,it′s no fun spending several hours next to a stranger who wants to tell you allabout his or her life and asks you all sorts of questions that you don′t want to answer.Cross-cultural differences aren′t just a problem for travelers,but also for people in daily life.Some societies have"universalist′′cultures.These societies strongly respect rules,and they treat every personand situation in basically the same way."Particularist"(强调特性的)societies also have rules,but they are less important than thesociety′s unwritten ideas about what is right or wrong for a particularsituation or a particular person.So the normal rules are changed to fit theneeds of the situation or the importance of the person.Who do Malaysians prefer to startbusiness with according to the passage?A.Those who talk a lot about themselves.B.Those who they know well enough.C.Those who enjoy talking with strangers.D.Those who want to do business withthem.

We won′t keep winning games__________we keep playing well.A.becauseB.unlessC.whenD.while

Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of those who()transcendentalism.AsupportedBwas indifferent toCattackedDhad nothing to do with

--Do you know who telephoned me? --()ANo,I didn’t phone you.BYes,I know you well.CI heard it was Sally.DYes,I remember it now.

--Do you know who telephoned me? --()A、No,I didn’t phone you.B、Yes,I know you well.C、I heard it was Sally.D、Yes,I remember it now.

Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of those who()transcendentalism.A、supportedB、was indifferent toC、attackedD、had nothing to do with

Which one of the following describes who will be able to see an existing doc that contains a readers field ?()A、only those people listed in the access listB、anyone listed as a reader or above in the aclC、only those people list in the readers fieldD、anyone list as a reader or above in the acl and who is also list in the readers field

填空题Those who only visualized playing basketball do as well as the ones who had actually practiced because they build a path in the mind about how to throw.____

单选题According to the author, at a big party, small talk is used with the purpose of ______.Amaking both others and yourself feel at easeBexcluding those you don’t like from joining youCkeeping your voice low so only your friends can hear youDcomforting those who feel lonely

单选题She likes playing ______ piano; her brother likes playing basketball.Athe; aBa; theC/; theDthe; /

单选题Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of those who()transcendentalism.AsupportedBwas indifferent toCattackedDhad nothing to do with

单选题Women who smoke during pregnancy produce _____.Alighter babies than those who don'tBheavier babies than those who don'tCbabies who can't live longDbabies who suffer from heart diseases

单选题Which of the following conclusions does information in Paragraph 2 support?AMen are more susceptible to colds than women.BWomen having babies are more susceptible to colds.CPeople who live in a cold climate have more colds than those who live in a warm one.DPeople who don’t have children are more susceptible to colds than those who do in their thirties or forties.

单选题—Do you know ______ boy over there?—Yes, he likes playing ______ basketball very much.Athe; 不填Ba; theCa; 不填Dthe; a

单选题Yao Ming is _____ the best-known basketball player in China, who is now playing for the Rockets.Aso farBby farCfar fromDfar away

单选题Praise is like warm sunshine. It not only brings joy to _____ who are praised but also adds pleasure to _____ who praise.Athese; theseBwe; usCthem; themDthose; those

单选题In which of the following situations is the teacher playing the role of observer? _____AGiving feedback and dealing with errors.BOrganizing students to do activities by giving instructions.CWalking around to see how each student performs in group work.DOffering help to those who need it both in ideas and language.