单选题The firemen are still ______ the small fires started by the plane crash.Ataking offBsetting asideCgetting along withDputting out

The firemen are still ______ the small fires started by the plane crash.

taking off


setting aside


getting along with


putting out


句意:消防人员仍在扑灭由飞机失事引起的小火。动词词组的辨析。take off脱下,移去,起飞,事业腾飞。set aside留出;get along with与……相处;put out扑灭,熄灭。


At last firemen have( )a big forest fire in California. A. put offB. put onC. put outD. put with

The teacher told Bob that if he started working hard right now, he still ___________ of passing the final exam. A、stood chanceB、held chanceC、stood by chanceD、stood a chance

The firemen managed to _______ the fire in time. A.preventB.put offC.put outD.light

Firemen had to ______ the door ______ to reach the people trapped inside.Abreak … downBpick …upCpull … upDset … down

_____it started to rain, 1 still want to go to the Beihai Park.A. BecauseB. AlthoughC. And

- What if he still doesn't pay up -() A、If it's a small amount we write it off as bad debt. For larger sums we…B、I've got to hurry.C、I have already done that.

That young man still denies()- the fire behind the store. A、to startB、to startingC、having startedD、having been started

On small scale charts of ocean areas where hydrographic information is,in many cases,still sparse,charted shoals may be in error as regards______.A.positionB.position,depth and extentC.depth and extentD.position and extent

The Norman Conquest started a continual flow of French words into English. _________ of them are still in use today.A、85%B、56%C、72%D、75%

The Smokey Bear(护林熊) fire prevention program has resulted in a savings of $20 billion on all federal(联邦的), state and private forested land(私有林地). In 1941, 208,000 forest fires burned 30 million acres, while in 1981, fewer than 165,000 fires burned about three million acres. While forest usage has increased, the proportion(比例) of human-caused fires has remained stable; people still cause nine out of ten forest fires. But the biggest cause of fires is arson(纵火), accounting for(引起) 34 percent of forest fires in 1981.1. According to the passage, use of forested land has ____.A、stabilizedB、been privatizedC、decreasedD、risen2. According to the passage, in 1941 forest fires burned ____.A、less acres than in 1981B、3 million acresC、ten times as many acres as in 1981D、20 million acres more than in 19813. According to the passage, the number of human-caused fires ____.A、has remained the same proportionatelyB、has increasedC、is the same as the arson casesD、accounts for 34 per cent of forest fires4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?A、Nine out of ten fires are caused by arsonists.B、The Smokey Bear program has saved the nation a lot of money.C、There are more forest fires now than before.D、People do not use the forests as much as they did in the past.5. It may be inferred from the passage that ____.A、the majority of fires are caused by humansB、arson is increasing every yearC、more acres are destroyed by fire each yearD、fewer people are using the forests

That young man still denies ___________ the fire behind the store.A.startB.to startC.having startedD.to have started

The firemen were unable to control the blaze.A:flower B:blowC:flame D:stroke

The firemen acted quickly because lives were at stake.A:in dangerB:in despairC:out of condition D:out of danger

Which of the following statements about computerized monetary systems is NOT supported by the passage A.They promote international trade.B.They allow very rapid money transfers.C.They are still limited to small transactions(交易).D.They are dependent on good telecommunications systems.

What are the consequences of executing the SHUTDOWN ABORT command? ()A、The database files are synchronized.B、Uncommitted changes are not rolled back.C、The database is closed, but the instance is still started.D、Database buffers and redo buffers are not written to the disk.E、The database undergoes automatic media recovery during the next startup.

For small and medium-sized companies, those logistics management is still()A、decentralizedB、centralizedC、integratedD、concentrated

单选题Which of the following about The Times is not true?AThe circulation is very small.BThis is the most famous of all British papers.CThe most important British people all over the world still read it.DIt is most critical of established interests.

单选题Halon fire extinguishers are NOT effective when used on which types of fires?()AFires in electrical equipmentBFlammable oils and greasesCClass A fires in ordinary combustiblesDMaterials containing their own oxygen

填空题Now the number of people who are working at home on the Internet (be) ____ still very small.

单选题Engine room fires have been started by neglected oil leaks dripping on to hot pipes or exhaust manifolds () insulation has not been replaced after maintenance.AwhichBwhenCwhoseDwhat

单选题Which of the following is true according to the passage?ANot all the fires in the forests must be put out.BPeople‘s carelessness leads to dangerous fires.CAustralia allows all the fires to burn naturally.DThere are more fires in Russia than in the USA.

单选题Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF), commonly known as ‘light water’, is especially suitable for fighting ()Aoil fires in the engine room bilgesBclass B fires in paint lockersCany class D fireDall of the above

单选题A very light breeze that causes ripples on a small area of still water is a().Acat's pawBhog's breathCwilliwawDchinook

单选题Fires involving combustible metals are classified as ().Aclass A firesBclass B firesCclass C firesDclass D fires

单选题For small and medium sized companies, the logistics management is still ().AdecentralizedBcentralizedCintegratedDconcentrated

单选题When fueling has been completed().Athe fuel tank fill pipe should be left open to allow vapors to vent from the tankBthe engine should be started immediately to prevent vapor lock in the fuel lineCall hatches should be opened and all compartments should be ventilatedDopen the fuel line and drain a small amount of gasoline into the bilge to clear the line of sediment

多选题What are the consequences of executing the SHUTDOWN ABORT command? ()AThe database files are synchronized.BUncommitted changes are not rolled back.CThe database is closed, but the instance is still started.DDatabase buffers and redo buffers are not written to the disk.EThe database undergoes automatic media recovery during the next startup.