单选题Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF), commonly known as ‘light water’, is especially suitable for fighting ()Aoil fires in the engine room bilgesBclass B fires in paint lockersCany class D fireDall of the above
Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF), commonly known as ‘light water’, is especially suitable for fighting ()
oil fires in the engine room bilges
class B fires in paint lockers
any class D fire
all of the above
The BEST method of applying foam to a fire is to ______.A.spray directly on the base of the fireB.flow the foam down a nearby vertical surfaceC.sweep the fire with the foamD.spray directly on the surface of the fire
When replacing a thermostatic expansion valve sensing bulb, it is necessary toA.apply a light film of oil to increase heat transferB.apply a light film of oil to prevent oxidationC.apply a heavy coating of grease to function as a heat sinkD.carefully coat the device with silicone sealant to reduce the effects of convective cooling
共用题干Learn about Light1 .Ancient civilizations were amazed by the existence of light for thousands of years. The Greek philosophers believed that light was made up of countless,tiny particles that enter the human eye and create what we call vision. However,Empedocles and a Dutch scientist named Christian Huygens believed that light was like a wave. According to them,light spread out and travelled like a straight line. This theory was accepted during the 19th century.2 .In 1905,Albert Einstein published a research paper in which he explained what is re-ferred to as the photoelectric effect. This theory explains that particles make up light.The particles Einstein was referring to are weightless bundles(束)of electromagnetic(电磁)energy called photons(光子).Today,scientists agree that light has a dual(二重)nature一it is part particle and part wave. It is a form of energy that allows us to see things around us.3 .Things that give off light are known as sources of light. During the day,the primary source of light is the sun. Other sources of light include stars,flames,flashlights,street lamps and glowing gases in glass tube.4 .When we draw the way light travels we always use straight lines. This is because nor-mally light rays travel in a straight line. However,there are some instances that can change the path and even the nature of light. They are reflection,absorption,interference(干扰), etc.5 .Physicists have attempted to measure the speed of light since the early times. In 1849, Hippolyte Fizeau conducted an experiment by directing a beam of light to a mirror located kilometers away and placed a rotating cogwheel(旋转齿轮)between the beam and the mirror. From the rate of rotation of the wheel,number of wheel's teeth and distance of the mirror,he was able to calculate that the speed of light is 313 million meters per second. In a vacuum(真空),however,the speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second. This is about a million times faster than the speed of an airplane.Paragraph 5______A: How Is the Nature of Light Explained Today?B: What Are Sources of Light?C: How Did Physicists Measure the Speed of Light?D: How Does Light Travel?E: How Did People Think of Light Years Ago?F: What Causes a Shadow?
共用题干Better Solar Energy Systems:More Heat,More LightSolar photovoltaic(光电的)thermal energy systems , or PVTs , generate both heat and electricity , but _________ (51)now they haven't been very good at the heat-generating part compared to a stand-alone solar thermal collector. That ' s because they operate at low temperatures to cool crystalline silicon(晶体硅)solar cells, _______(52)lets the silicon generate more electricity but isn't a very efficient way to gather heat.That's a problem of economics.Good solar hot-water systems can harvest much more energy than asolar一electric system at a substantially lower _________(53).And it's also a space problem:photovoltaiccells can_________(54)up all the space on the roof,leaving little room for thermal applications.In a pair of studies,Joshua Pearce,an associate professor of materials science and engineering,has de- vised a_________(55)in the form of a better PVT made with a different kind of silicon.Most solar panels are made with crystalline silicon,but you can also make solar cells out of amorphous(非晶形的)silicon , commonly known________( 56 ) thin-film silicon. They don ' t create as much elec-tricity,but they are lighter,flexible,and cheaper. And,because they________(57)much less silicon,they have a greener footprint._________(58),thin-film silicon solar cells are vulnerable to some bad一news physics in the form of the Staebler-Wronski effect."That means that their efficiency drops when you_________(59)them to light一pretty much the worst possible effect for a solar cell,"Pearce explains,which is one of the__________(60)thin-film solar panels make up only a small fraction of the market.However,Pearce and his team found a_______(61)to engineer around the Staebler-Wronski effect by incorporating thin-film silicon in a new________(62)of PVT. You don't have to cool down thin-film sili- con to make it work.In fact,Pearce's group discovered that by heating it to solar-thermal operating tempera- tures,near the boiling_________(63)of water,they could make thicker cells that largely_________(64) the Staebler-Wronski effect.When they applied the thin-film silicon directly to a solar thermal energy collector, they also found that by baking the cell once a day,they_________(65)the solar cell's electrical efficiency by over 10 percent._________(57)A:retrieveB:requireC:mergeD:exchange
共用题干Better Solar Energy Systems: More Heat, More LightSolar photovoltaic thermal energy systems,or PVTs,generate both heat and electricity,but until now they haven't been very good at the heat-generating part compared to a stand-alone solar thermal collector. That's because they operate at low temperatures to cool crystalline silicon solar cells,which lets the silicon generate more electricity but isn't a very efficient way to gather heat.That's a problem of economics. Good solar hot-water systems can harvest much more energy than a solar-electric system at a substantially lower cost. And it's also a space problem:photovol-taic cells can take up all the space on the roof,leaving little room for thermal applications.In a pair of studies,Joshua Pearce,an associate professor of materials science and engineer-ing,has devised a solution in the form of a better PVT made with a different kind of silicon.His research collaborators are Kunal Girotra from Thin Silicon in California and Michael Pathak and Stephen Harrison from Queen's University,Canada.Most solar panels are made with crystalline silicon,but you can also make solar cells out of amorphous silicon,commonly known as thin-film silicon.They don't create as much electricity, but they are lighter,flexible,and cheaper. And,because they require much less silicon,they have a greener footprint. Unfortunately,thin-film silicon solar cells are vulnerable to some bad-news physics in the form of the Staebler-Wronski effect."That means that their efficiency drops when you expose them to light-pretty much the worst possible effect for a solar cell,"Pearce explains,which is one of the reasons thin-film solar panels make up only a small fraction of the market.However,Pearce and his team found a way to engineer around the Staebler-Wronski effect by incorporating thin-film silicon in a new type of PVT. You don't have to cool down thin-film silicon to make it work.In fact,Pearce's group discovered that by heating it to solar-thermal operating temperatures,near the boiling point of water,they could make thicker cells that largely overcame the Staebler-Wronski effect. When they applied the thin-fulm silicon directly to a solar thermal en-ergy collector,they also found that by baking the cell once a day,they boosted the solar cell's e-lectrical efficiency by over 10 percent. Which of the following statrnents is true?A: Thin-film silicon's electrical efficiency improves when heated up.B: New techniques have been developed to produce thin-film silicon.C: Thin-film silicon works efficiently at low temperature.D: A new material enlarging the Staebler-WronsKi effect has been created.
共用题干Learn About Light1 Ancient civilizations were amazed by the existence of light for thousands of years?The Greek philoso- phrrs believed that light was made up of countless,tiny particles that enter the human eye and create what we call vision.However,Empedocles and a Dutch scientist named Christian Huygens believed that light wag like a wave.According to them,light spread out and travelled like a straight line.This theory was acceptedduring the 19th century.2 In 1905,Albert Einstein published a research paper in which he explained what is referred to as the photoelectric effect.This theory explains that particles make up light.The particles Einstein was referring to are weightless bundles(束)of electromagnetic(电磁)energy called photons(光子).Today,scientists agree that light has a dual(二重)nature一it is part particle and part wave. It is a form of energy that allows us tosee things around us.3 Things that give off light are known as sources of light.During the day,the primary source of light is the sun.Other sources of light include stars,flames,flashllights,street lamps and glowing gases in glass tube.4 When we draw the way light travels we always use straight lines.This is because normally light rays travel in a straight line.However,there are some instances that can change the path and even the nature of light. They are reflection,absorption,interference(干扰),etc.5 Physicists have attempted to measure the speed of light since the early times.In 1849,Hippolyte Fizeau conducted an experiment by directing a beam of light to a mirror located kilometers away and placed a rotating cogwheel(旋转齿轮)between the beam and the mirror. From the rate of rotation of the wheel, number of wheel'S teeth and distance of the mirror,he was able to calculate that the speed of light is 313 million meters per second.In a vacuum(真空),however,the speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second.This is about a million times faster than the speed of an airplane.Objects are visible to the human eye as light is_______. A:sources of lightB:the speed of light C:the path of lightD:a straight lineE:a beam of lightF:a form of energy
A technician is troubleshooting a monitor displaying a blank screen and the power indicator light ison. Which of the following should the technician do next?()A、Test the computer with a known-good monitor.B、Check if the monitor is still covered under the manufacturer’s warranty.C、Replace the monitor’s power cord with a known-good power cord.D、Swap out the computer’s video card.
单选题A portable foam fire extinguisher is placed in operation by()Aturning it upside downBpressing the foam leverCsqueezing the grip handleDopening the hose valve
单选题Production of mechanical foam by a portable in-line foam proportioner().Aincreases the size of foam bubbles formedBincreases the rate of foam productionCimproves the extinguishing properties of foamDgives the nozzleman more freedom of movement,since it can be placed anywhere in the hose line
单选题A change in engine speed is required before a governor is able to make a corrective movement of fuel rackThis aspect of governing is commonly expressed as a percent and is known as ()Agovernor sensitivityBgovernor promptnessCspeed droopDisochronous governing
单选题The type of fog that occurs on clear nights with very light breezes and forms when the earth cools rapidly by radiation is known as().ARadiation fogBFrontal fogCConvection fogDAdvection fog
单选题A camera takes light rays bounced off objects and _____ them on a sheet of a film.AconcentratesBmixesCcombinesDfocuses
单选题At 0530,your position is LAT 41°12.6’N,LONG 72°08.5’W. What is the color of New London Light?()AGreenBWhiteCRedDAlternating white and green
单选题Which of the following characteristic of lube oil helps to reduce the amount of deposits in the piston ring belt during the combustion process in a diesel engine?()ALow viscosity indexBLow carbon forming tendenciesCHigh film strengthDHigh non-corrosive qualities
单选题Which of the following statements regarding low expansion foam and its application is INCORRECT?().AFoam should not be used on electrical firesBOne kilo of low expansion foam solution produces much more foamCFoam is only efficient when it covers the top of burning combustiblesDA stream of foam should be deflected off the deck in order to best agitate the fire
单选题Enormously creative yet focused on his own commercial success, the film depicts Warhol as a complex and enigmatic figure.Athe film depicts Warhol asBthe film is a depiction of Warhol asCWarhol in the film has been the depiction ofDWarhol is depicted in the film asEWarhol is depicted by the film for
单选题The usual method of effectively applying foam on a fire is by ().Aspraying directly on the base of the fireBflowing the foam down a vertical surfaceCsweeping the fire before you with the foamDspraying directly on the surface of the fire
单选题The BEST method of applying foam to a fire is to().Aspray directly on the base of the fireBflow the foam down a nearby vertical surfaceCsweep the fire with the foamDspray directly on the surface of the fire
单选题0ne of the limitations of foam as an extinguishing agent is that foam().Acannot be made with salt waterBis heavierthan oil and sinks below its surfaceCis corrosive and to fire fightersDconducts electricity