问答题The entrepreneurship movement has its critics, especially among those who see college as a time for extensive academic exploration.
The entrepreneurship movement has its critics, especially among those who see college as a time for extensive academic exploration.
Hepatitis A vaccines are especially recommended for those who () A、travel abroadB、have other forms of liver diseaseC、have many sexual partnersD、are in high-risk occupations
I was one of those people who went to __________ college knowing exactly what I wanted to do with __________ life. A./, myB.a, theC./, theD.my, my
() against the idea was Lily. A、Among chief of thoseB、Among those chiefC、Chief among thoseD、Among chief those
One of the features of language use that is of interest to pragmatists is its appropriacy in relation to those who use it and those they address to.()
Other than academic success, what has been your greatest achievement up to date? What do you see as your personal strength, why?
共用题干第三篇College Night Owls(晚睡的人)Have Lower GradesCollege students who are morning people tend to get better grades than those who are night owls, according to University of North Texas researchers.They had 824 undergraduate(大学本科生的)students complete a health survey that included questiom about sleep habits and daytime functioning,and found that students who are morning people had higher grade point averages(GPAs)than those who are night people."The finding that college students who are evening types have lower GPAs is a very important finding, sure to make its way into undergraduate psychology texts in the near future,along with the research showing that memory is improved by sleep,"study co-author Daniel J.Taylor said in a prepared statement."Further,these results suggest that it might be possible to improve academic performance by usingchronotherapy(时间疗法)to help students retrieve their biological clock to become morning types, "Taylorsaid.The research was expected to be presented Monday at SLEEP,the annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies,in Baltimore.In other findings expected to be heard at the meeting,University of Colorado researchers found asignificant association between insomnia(失眠)and a decline in college students' academic performance. The study included 64 psychology,nursing and medical students,average age 27.4 years,who weredivided into two groups一low GPAs and high GPAs.Among those with low GPAs ,69. 7 percent had trouble falling asleep ,53.1 percent experienced leg kicks or twitches(痉挛)at night,65.6 percent reported waking at night and having trouble falling back to sleep,and72.7 percent had difficulty concentrating during the day."In college students,the complaint of difficulty concentrating during the day continues to have a considerable impact on their ability to succeed in the classroom,"study author Dr James F.Pagel said in a prepared statement."This study showed that disordered sleep has significant harmful effects on a student's academic performance,including GPAs."According to Dr Pagel,the academic performance of a student will be affected__________.A:if he or she is not motivatedB:if he or she is troubled by disordered sleepC:if he or she is a morning typeD:if he or she is a lazy person
共用题干第三篇College Night Owls(晚睡的人)Have Lower GradesCollege students who are morning people tend to get better grades than those who are night owls, according to University of North Texas researchers.They had 824 undergraduate(大学本科生的)students complete a health survey that included questiom about sleep habits and daytime functioning,and found that students who are morning people had higher grade point averages(GPAs)than those who are night people."The finding that college students who are evening types have lower GPAs is a very important finding, sure to make its way into undergraduate psychology texts in the near future,along with the research showing that memory is improved by sleep,"study co-author Daniel J.Taylor said in a prepared statement."Further,these results suggest that it might be possible to improve academic performance by usingchronotherapy(时间疗法)to help students retrieve their biological clock to become morning types, "Taylorsaid.The research was expected to be presented Monday at SLEEP,the annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies,in Baltimore.In other findings expected to be heard at the meeting,University of Colorado researchers found asignificant association between insomnia(失眠)and a decline in college students' academic performance. The study included 64 psychology,nursing and medical students,average age 27.4 years,who weredivided into two groups一low GPAs and high GPAs.Among those with low GPAs ,69. 7 percent had trouble falling asleep ,53.1 percent experienced leg kicks or twitches(痉挛)at night,65.6 percent reported waking at night and having trouble falling back to sleep,and72.7 percent had difficulty concentrating during the day."In college students,the complaint of difficulty concentrating during the day continues to have a considerable impact on their ability to succeed in the classroom,"study author Dr James F.Pagel said in a prepared statement."This study showed that disordered sleep has significant harmful effects on a student's academic performance,including GPAs."In the first study,students who stay up late________.A:had lower GPAsB:had higher GPAsC:performed equally well in their studiesD:had little difficulty concentrating during the day
Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things.One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies.The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age.Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course.The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices.What has the college become known for?A.It's known for its lack of heavy drinking by studentB.It's known for heavy alcohol used by studentC.It's known for its great teacherD.It's known for its great classe
Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things.One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies.The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age.Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course.The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices.What type of tourist is described at the beginning of the reading?A.A first time tourisB.An old tourisC.A tourist who has travelled a loD.Young tourist
We live in a moment packed with new possibilities,and we've never been better equipped to seize them.The problem is that many of us don't feel it.If this is the best time to be alive,it certainly hasn't becn the easiest.This upheaval has created winners:among owners ofcapital;among entrepreneurs who have grown into new markets;and among individuals whose skills,acumen or luck helps them to navigate this tangle.But it has also created losers:among pensioners and homeowners whose savings were destroyed by unforeseen financial risks;among workers whose jobs are now being done overseas by people escaping from poverty;among those whose jobs stayed onshore but are being replaced by machines;among farmers whose crops are failing because of climate change;among citizens in countries where a small elite are siphoning the benefits of global integration into offshore bank accounts.
资料:We are pleased to invite you to attend the 14th Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care Conference(14th CCMHCC) to be held on Thursday,June 27th and Friday,June 28th,2013.Montreal has been selected as the host city. This annual event will take place at the Delta Centre Vile Hotel,a downtown location within easy walking distance of the Old City. You will be charmed by the unique character of the city of Montreal,the metropolis of the province of Quebec. For those of you who wish to extend your stay,you can combine business and pleasure by attending the 34th International Jazz Festival of Montreal that will begin on Friday,June 28th and continue for the next 10 days.The 14th CCMHCC is organized by the Canadian Psychiatric Association and the College of Family Physicians of Canada Collaborative Working Group on Shared Mental Health Care. This conference will take on a bilingual character.in French and in English,and simultaneous translation will be available for the main speeches and presentations. This is a unique opportunity to bring together people who are involved in collaborative mental health care,and to create links that consolidate and enrich the networks among these stakeholders. We are expecting over 300 delegates from Quebec,Canada and the international community. The interest in collaborative mental health care is shared by a wide audience,including particularly individuals living with a mental disorder and their families,healthcare professionals from different backgrounds,managers and decision makers community groups working in the field,physicians (including family physicians,pediatricians and psychiatrists).teachers from academic departments,researchers and collaborators from different sectors (e.g.,emergency social services,law enforcement officers,or employers)This conference will provide an additional impetus to collaborative care,an irresistible movement which redesigns the healthcare system in order to adapt it to the realities of the 21st century. The theme of the conference,Collaboration and Complexity. Seeking Out New Forms of Life,illustrates the emerging nature of the strategic vision of collaborative care,set the clinical operations within a complex context which fits in the postmodern societal model and points out its profound innovative potential.We invite sponsorship support to help make this conference a success. There are several ways to help,additional information will be provided shortly.We look forward to welcoming you to Montreal!For what kind of people are the 34th International Jazz Festival of Montreal recommended?A.Those who are unwilling to stay alone in their hotel roomsB.Those who would like to explorer more about MontrealC.Those who are fond of jazz musicD.Those who get tired of businesses and conferences
共用题干College Night Owls Have Lower GradesCollege students who are morning people tend to get better grades than those who are night owls(晚睡的人),according to University of North Texas researchers.They had 824 undergraduate(大学本科生的)students complete a health survey that includ-ed questions about sleep habits and daytime functioning,and found that students who are morning people had higher grade point averages(GPAs)than those who are night people."The finding that college students who are evening types have lower GPAs is a very important finding,sure to make its way into undergraduate psychology texts in the near future,along with the research showing that memory is improved by sleep,"study co-author Daniel J.Taylor said in a prepared statement."Further,these results suggest that it might be possible to improve academic performance by using chronotherapy(时间疗法)to help students retrain their biological clock to become more morning types,"Taylor said.The research was expected to be presented Monday at SLEEP,the annual meeting of the As-sociated Professional(专业的)Sleep Societies ,in Baltimore.In other findings expected to be heard at the meeting,University of Colorado researchers found a significant association between insomnia(失眠)and a decline in college students' aca-demic performance.The study included 64 psychology,nursing and medical students,average age 27 .4 years,who were divided into two groups-low GPAs and high GPAs.Among those with low GPAs,69 .7 percent had trouble falling asleep,53 .1 percent experi- enced leg kicks or twitches(痉挛)at night,65. 6 percent reported waking at night and having trouble falling back to sleep,and 72 .7 percent had difficulty concentrating during the day."In college、students,the complaint of difficulty concentrating during the day continues to have a considerable impact on their ability to succeed in the classroom,"study author Dr. James F. Pagel said in a prepared statement."This study showed that disordered sleep has significant harmful effects on a student's academic performance,including GPAs." In the second study,students with low GPAs did NOT complain of______.A: having trouble falling asleepB: waking at night and having trouble falling back to sleepC: having difficulty concentrating during the dayD: being kicked in the leg at night
共用题干College Night Owls Have Lower GradesCollege students who are morning people tend to get better grades than those who are night owls(晚睡的人),according to University of North Texas researchers.They had 824 undergraduate(大学本科生的)students complete a health survey that includ-ed questions about sleep habits and daytime functioning,and found that students who are morning people had higher grade point averages(GPAs)than those who are night people."The finding that college students who are evening types have lower GPAs is a very important finding,sure to make its way into undergraduate psychology texts in the near future,along with the research showing that memory is improved by sleep,"study co-author Daniel J.Taylor said in a prepared statement."Further,these results suggest that it might be possible to improve academic performance by using chronotherapy(时间疗法)to help students retrain their biological clock to become more morning types,"Taylor said.The research was expected to be presented Monday at SLEEP,the annual meeting of the As-sociated Professional(专业的)Sleep Societies ,in Baltimore.In other findings expected to be heard at the meeting,University of Colorado researchers found a significant association between insomnia(失眠)and a decline in college students' aca-demic performance.The study included 64 psychology,nursing and medical students,average age 27 .4 years,who were divided into two groups-low GPAs and high GPAs.Among those with low GPAs,69 .7 percent had trouble falling asleep,53 .1 percent experi- enced leg kicks or twitches(痉挛)at night,65. 6 percent reported waking at night and having trouble falling back to sleep,and 72 .7 percent had difficulty concentrating during the day."In college、students,the complaint of difficulty concentrating during the day continues to have a considerable impact on their ability to succeed in the classroom,"study author Dr. James F. Pagel said in a prepared statement."This study showed that disordered sleep has significant harmful effects on a student's academic performance,including GPAs." In the first study,students who stay up late______.A: had lower GPAsB: had higher GPAsC: performed equally well in their studiesD: had little difficulty concentrating.during the day
共用题干College Night Owls Have Lower GradesCollege students who are morning people tend to get better grades than those who are night owls(晚睡的人),according to University of North Texas researchers.They had 824 undergraduate(大学本科生的)students complete a health survey that includ-ed questions about sleep habits and daytime functioning,and found that students who are morning people had higher grade point averages(GPAs)than those who are night people."The finding that college students who are evening types have lower GPAs is a very important finding,sure to make its way into undergraduate psychology texts in the near future,along with the research showing that memory is improved by sleep,"study co-author Daniel J.Taylor said in a prepared statement."Further,these results suggest that it might be possible to improve academic performance by using chronotherapy(时间疗法)to help students retrain their biological clock to become more morning types,"Taylor said.The research was expected to be presented Monday at SLEEP,the annual meeting of the As-sociated Professional(专业的)Sleep Societies ,in Baltimore.In other findings expected to be heard at the meeting,University of Colorado researchers found a significant association between insomnia(失眠)and a decline in college students' aca-demic performance.The study included 64 psychology,nursing and medical students,average age 27 .4 years,who were divided into two groups-low GPAs and high GPAs.Among those with low GPAs,69 .7 percent had trouble falling asleep,53 .1 percent experi- enced leg kicks or twitches(痉挛)at night,65. 6 percent reported waking at night and having trouble falling back to sleep,and 72 .7 percent had difficulty concentrating during the day."In college、students,the complaint of difficulty concentrating during the day continues to have a considerable impact on their ability to succeed in the classroom,"study author Dr. James F. Pagel said in a prepared statement."This study showed that disordered sleep has significant harmful effects on a student's academic performance,including GPAs." According to Dr. Pagel,the academic performance of a student will be affected_______.A: if he or she is not motivatedB: if he or she is troubled by disordered sleepC: if he or she is a morning typeD: if he or she is a lazy person
Which one of the following describes who will be able to see an existing doc that contains a readers field ?()A、only those people listed in the access listB、anyone listed as a reader or above in the aclC、only those people list in the readers fieldD、anyone list as a reader or above in the acl and who is also list in the readers field
单选题A community college is experiencing high turnover rates among its computer science faculty members. To rectify this problem, the computer science department head has proposed to the dean that beginning next year starting salaries for computer science instructors be increased by 10 percent to provide a more competitive pay package. Which of the following indicates a flaw in the department head’s plan?AComputer science faculty members generally indicate satisfaction with the number and type of classes they are given to teach.BThe community college is in a relatively safe area of town with affordable housing.CLocal technology companies provide good supplemental consulting work to many faculty members.DYearly pay increases for instructors in all departments are set at a level below the current inflation rate.EThere are several academic institutions nearby with similar pay structures to the department head’s proposal.
问答题Oxford When language learners arrive in Oxford, many ask where the university is, thinking that they will be shown just one building. It’s up to their teachers to explain that Oxford university is made up of a collection of many different colleges and institutions, each with its own history and characteristics. There are many other surprises that learners discover about the city and its university. Katie Jennings is a social organizer at King’s St Joseph’s Hall in East Oxford, and it is her job to organize activities for learners outside of lesson time. She says many learners are surprised to discover that Oxford is a home to a wide variety of nationalities and ethnic groups, and one of the most popular social events is a night out at one of the town’s Latin American dance clubs. After a day spent learning English and absorbing the ancient atmosphere of the university, learners can samba the night away. The city also has a thriving Asian community, and the sight of women in saris is as common in Oxford’s streets as academics in gowns and mortarboards. There is also a mouth-watering selection of Asian restaurants serving curries, as well as shops stocked with exotic vegetables and fruits. The city has attracted such a diverse population not only because of the university, but also because it is an important industrial centre which is known for car manufacturing among other things. In spite of large industrial areas, the old of the city centre has remained surprisingly intact. Carmel Engin, who teaches at the Lake School, says many learners are surprised to find that the city is free from the usual high-rise modern buildings. “From the centre of Oxford, you can see green hills in the distance, and this will make learners deeply feel that they are in a small, friendly town, but not just another modern metropolis.” Some learners will be tempted to explore those green hills—Oxford is surrounded by some of the most beautiful countryside in southern England—but, as Engin admits, with so much to do and see in the city, few learners find the time, to explore its surroundings.
单选题Graduation is a good time to thank those who have helped you ______ the tough years.AthroughBupCwithDfrom
问答题Practice 1 No one knows what time itself is. We cannot see it. We cannot touch it. We cannot hear it. We know it only by the way we mark its passing. For all our success in measuring the tiniest parts of time, time remains one of the great mysteries of the universe. One way of thinking about time is to imagine a world without time. There could be no movement, because time and movement cannot be separated. A world without time could exist only as long as there were no changes. For time and change are linked. When something changes, you know time has passed.
单选题In the 2nd paragraph, “those who don’t fit the pattern” refers to______.Ahigh school graduates who aren’t suitable for college educationBcollege graduates who are selling shoes and driving taxisCcollege students who aren’t any better for their higher educationDhigh school graduates who failed to be admitted to college
单选题Which of the following is the best version of sentences 10 and 11 (reproduced below) ?It is easy to see why this disease has been dismissed and ignored. Its because of it’s vagueness and mystery.AThis disease has been dismissed and ignored because of its vagueness and mystery.BIt is easy to see why this disease has been dismissed and ignored. It’s because of the vagueness and the mystery.CVagueness and mystery dismiss and ignore this disease.DWhy this disease has been dismissed and ignored is because of its vagueness and mystery.EIt is easy for you to see why this disease has been dismissed and ignored. It is because of the vagueness and mystery.
单选题Covington College has four full-time Classics professors, but only 12 Classics majors. This three-to-one student-to-professor ratio is the lowest in the college. Since the college is facing financial difficulties, and since the tuition fees from just 12 students is not sufficient to pay the salaries of 4 full-time professors, the college should cancel the Classics program to reduce expenses. Which of the following, if true, most weakens the conclusion above?AProfessors in the Classics department teach popular language and literature classes that are attended by hundreds of students who are not Classics majors.BStudents at Covington College pay, on average, $22,500 per year in tuition and fees, while the average professor of humanities receives a salary of $61,500 per year.CA well-regarded Classics program adds prestige to a college or university.DThe Classics department has already decreased in size from six full-time professors 10 years ago.EThe study of classical literature and languages is increasingly irrelevant to the high-tech workplace of today.
问答题Early in the seventeenth century English settlers brought the English language within the borders of the present United States. In using the language in this new environment they began immediately and necessarily to modify it. As time passed more colonists came and the settled areas along the Atlantic coast became larger. Modifications in the English brought from the homeland multiplied. For a long time neither the users of this changed form of English nor those who remained in England paid particular attention to what was happening to the language here. Those in England who first noticed the changes viewed the matter with easy tolerance. But in time, because of circumstances unnecessary to detail here, this attitude changed to one of alarm and criticism. Those in this country of sufficient education and culture to know or care about this linguistic matter were divided in their thinking. Some were disposed to agree with their overseas critics and to counsel stricter adherence to orthodox use of the language; others were of a decidedly contrary view.
单选题What does the author mean by moms to be in the last paragraph?AWomen who are pregnant, especially for the first time.BWomen who dream of having babies for the first time.CWomen who already have children.DWomen who have just got babies for the first time.
问答题Do at least 20 percent of the people in country X who are over the age of 25 possess a college diploma? (1) In country X, among the population over the age of 25, 26 percent of the male population and 16 percent of the female population possess college diplomas. (2) In country X, women account for 55 percent of the total population.