单选题Which of the following files are required to start Windows XP boot process?()ANtldr, boot.ini and ntdetect.comBIO.sys, boot.ini and ntboot.sysCIO.sys, Msdos.sys and boot.sysDConfig.sys, msconfig.sys and boot.ini

Which of the following files are required to start Windows XP boot process?()

Ntldr, boot.ini and ntdetect.com


IO.sys, boot.ini and ntboot.sys


IO.sys, Msdos.sys and boot.sys


Config.sys, msconfig.sys and boot.ini


解析: 暂无解析


Identify two situations in which you can use Data Recovery Advisor for recovery. ()(Choose two.) A. The user has dropped an important table that needs to be recovered.B. The database files are corrupted when the database is open.C. You are not able to start up the database instance because the required database files are missing.D. The archived log files are missing for which backup is not available.

Which of the following is the default location for user account files in Windows Vista?() A. C:\windows\System32B. C:\users\publicC. C:\usersD. C:\documents and settings

Which of the following files are required to start Windows XP boot process?() A. Ntldr, boot.ini and ntdetect.comB. IO.sys, boot.ini and ntboot.sysC. IO.sys, Msdos.sys and boot.sysD. Config.sys, msconfig.sys and boot.ini

During the boot process, which of the following files should be sued to control system initialization and start daemons and subsystems?() A./etc/inittabB./etc/rc.bootC./etc/servicesD./etc/environment

Which of the following allows users to recover their deleted files on file shares by themselves?()A、Windows restoreB、Windows backupC、Shadow copiesD、Shadow backup

Which of the following commands could be used to start the Management Console on a workstation running Windows 2000/XP?()A、Start  Run  MCPB、Start  Run  MCEC、Start  Run  MCAD、Start  Run  MMC

During the boot process, which of the following files should be sued to control system initialization and start daemons and subsystems?()A、/etc/inittabB、/etc/rc.bootC、/etc/servicesD、/etc/environment

On a Windows XP machine, which of the following settings should be configured to allow draggingof files without holding the mouse button?()A、ScrollLockB、StickyKeysC、MouseKeysD、ClickLock

Which of the following is the default location for temp files in Windows 7?()A、C:///Windows/TempB、C:///Windows/SystemFiles/TempFilesC、C:///SystemFiles/TempD、C:///System/TempFiles

Which of the following Windows Server 2003 technologies can help with making backups of open files?()A、Differential backupB、SnapshotC、VSSD、Incremental backup

Which of the following is the default location for Fonts in Windows 7?()A、C:/System Files/FontsB、C:/Windows/FontsC、C:/Windows/System Files/FontsD、C:/System/Fonts

Which of the following steps enables offline files in Windows 2000 and Windows XP?()A、Control PanelAdministrative ToolsComputer ManagementB、Control PanelAdministrative ToolsComponent ServicesC、Windows ExplorerToolsFolder OptionsOffline FilesD、Windows ExplorerToolsSynchronizeSetup

Operating system files for Windows Vista and Windows XP are located in which of the following?()(Select TWO).A、C:/documents and settings/administratorB、C:/windows/systemC、C:/users/system 32D、C:/winntE、C:/windows

Which of the following files are required to start Windows XP boot process?()A、Ntldr, boot.ini and ntdetect.comB、IO.sys, boot.ini and ntboot.sysC、IO.sys, Msdos.sys and boot.sysD、Config.sys, msconfig.sys and boot.ini

Which of the following is a speed enhancement in Windows performance when searching for files?()A、IndexingB、FormattingC、Disk CleanupD、System Restore

To disable all tcpip deamons that are not required on a server, which of the following files should be edited?()A、/etc/rc.nfsB、/etc/rc.tcpipC、/etc/rc.netD、/etc/inetd.conf

Identify two situations in which you can use Data Recovery Advisor for recovery.() A、 The user has dropped an important table that needs to be recovered.B、 The database files are corrupted when the database is open.C、 You are not able to start up the database instance because the required database files are missing.D、 The archived log files are missing for which backup is not available.

Which step is required for recover from an instance failure? ()A、Start up only.B、Restore needed data files, then start up.C、Complete restore from backup, then start up.D、Perform point in time recovery, then start up.

单选题Which of the following is the default location for user account files in Windows Vista?()AC:/windows/System32BC:/users/publicCC:/usersDC:/documents and settings

单选题Which of the following steps enables offline files in Windows 2000 and Windows XP?()AControl PanelAdministrative ToolsComputer ManagementBControl PanelAdministrative ToolsComponent ServicesCWindows ExplorerToolsFolder OptionsOffline FilesDWindows ExplorerToolsSynchronizeSetup

多选题Identify two situations in which you can use Data Recovery Advisor for recovery.()AThe user has dropped an important table that needs to be recovered.BThe database files are corrupted when the database is open.CYou are not able to start up the database instance because the required database files are missing.DThe archived log files are missing for which backup is not available.

单选题Which step is required for recover from an instance failure? ()AStart up only.BRestore needed data files, then start up.CComplete restore from backup, then start up.DPerform point in time recovery, then start up.

单选题Core files required for user applications are stored in which of the following locations?()AProgram filesBTemporary filesCWindowsDDocuments and settings

单选题Which of the following is the default location for the User profiles folder in Windows 7?()AC:/UsersBC:/Program Files (x86)CC:/Documents and SettingsDC:/Windows/system32

多选题Identify two situations in which you can use Data Recovery Advisor for recovery. ()(Choose two.)AThe user has dropped an important table that needs to be recovered.BThe database files are corrupted when the database is open.CYou are not able to start up the database instance because the required database files are missing.DThe archived log files are missing for which backup is not available.

多选题Operating system files for Windows Vista and Windows XP are located in which of the following?()(Select TWO).AC:/documents and settings/administratorBC:/windows/systemCC:/users/system 32DC:/winntEC:/windows

单选题Which of the following locations would hold 32-bit application files in Windows Vista 64-bit?()AC:/Program Files/BC:/Program Files (x86)/CC:/Program Files 32/DC:/Program files 32-bit/